I don't mean to be harsh but if they want high paying manufacturing jobs they better move to where there are those jobs or stay here and find something else. You love talking about the real world that that's a real consequence of having limited earning potential.
So true, unfortunately, there are a lot of people in Ont who will have to make major changes
Possibly relocating, retraining or taking a pay cut.
That is the real world and it can be harsh.
Perhaps you may want to spend a bit of time in the real world
I am glad you recognize that the real world can be harsh, however, your expectation to be compensated well above the average taxpayer and be sheltered from any economic forces is very unrealistic
A real world consequence is the province can no longer afford all the teachers at the compensation level they demand
You're not interested in helping out by paying more taxes and teachers are not interested in taking a pay cut either.
As I pointed out, tax increases will probably be unavoidable when the demand for health care starts to sky rocket
But getting gouged more so that teachers can maintain the status Quo and ensure they get a sick bonus at the end of their career?
Not at all interested
My provincial taxes probably do not cover the amount the province pays a single teacher, during the summer months when they provide zero tangible benefit.
Please do not ask me or the average taxpayer to waste more of our taxes.
What are they supposed to be these noble people who will work for half their wages?
Nobody said anything about a 50% wage cut for teachers
(However now that you brought it up, it would solve the problem and be more aligned with the value provided - Ah, it will never happen !)
The reality is your take home probably will not even be affected (just be grateful, I am not running the show)
I know you may be more realistic, however some teachers feel they are entitled to a raise
In addition to a wage freeze, teachers have to,
a)give up the ridiculous banking of sick days
b) fund 100% of their own pension costs
c) be open to changes to improve the efficiency of the system including moving to a semester system if it will work
i.e work for the current rate during the summer months (and no that will not mean more $ coming your way)
Anyways, we are back to the same old song and dance and I was happy to let that thread die.
A smart man knows when to retreat, Frank, good for you
If you are interested in discussing the original topic of the thread of the legal/court proceedings great otherwise I think we really have nothing left to say to each other.
I have no interest is discussing how teachers are wasting more of my tax $ by taking the govt to court.
The priorities for this group are so messed up.
They place their financial well being far ahead of kids well being.
They are a shameful lot