I hope you are sitting down for this one ...
This is TERB ... do not take anything too serious.
That goes for you too Ironhead, I was calling out all those Leafs Fans that counted their chickens before the eggs are hatched and you somehow felt
specifically pointed at and started with the personal insults. I would say that you are taking this more seriously and personally than I am.
Leafs were going so well, I thought they were going to make it. I made a prediction.
I cannot remember if you were one of them, but some Leaf haters also thought the Leafs would make the playoffs, but instead of being happy they were doing the five year old taunt (paraphrasing) 'The Leafs will make the playoffs, but they will be eliminated four straight', so Leafs fans were not the only one's thinking the Leafs were in.
You have a nice day Kirmmy.
Besides LesHabitants, which I find annoying myself, I did not see much taunts from HABS fan(I'm not claiming there wasn't). You even pointed out that we did not say much. What I did notice is taunts by the leafs when they were in the playoffs and taunts when they were out of the playoffs(coz they thought that somehow they'll recover). The score updates and taunt SOMEHOW stopped around the same period that it was brutally obvious that the Leafs are a weak team and that they will not make the playoff. Some Leafs fans made all these foolish predictions so now I'm throwing back their words at them(with some sarcasm).
Are you a kid? You sound like a kid that does poorly in school, feels that he'll do better so taunts a fellow student doing poorly. When the kid eventually fails miserably, he expects everyone to not say anything.
Ironhead, I may use some sarcasm here and there but I have never resort to personnel insults unless it was a response to a personnel insult. In the end, it's just sticks an stones. However, you seem like a choleric person coz personal attacks are the first thing you resort to.
We do not clash often but I remember some of the times. For instance, there was a comment that I made a long time ago about JS Giguere. I was pointing out, to another terb member, that him winning a Stanley Cup for another team means nothing to his current team if he does not do well for his current team. You somehow misconstrued my words and replied "What the fuck kind of fucked up drug induced trip are you on you idiotic Green Muppet ?" Yet, in the end, I was right and he did nothing for the Leafs.
Hence, being incline to personal insults, look yourself in a mirrow before telling people not to take things in a forum too seriously....