All good. Turned 60.
1 SOG, but can last during the deed. And if a glass of wine or weed, the poor lady hopes I cum soon.
Refractory went from under an hour, to hour, to several hours to 'see you next time'.
One must be comfortable in one's skin. It's the circle of life; so embrace it.
Once, when in my 30's, I had gotten to the point when I could decide when to come. Usually I could hold off until I felt it was the right time, then kick it up a gear and climax.
However one time, with a regular girlfriend, I went past the point of climax. It was around the 30 minute mark, and I could see she was starting to count the tiles in the ceiling and reaching for a book.
What to do? What to do?
So I made the wrong decision and faked it. It was bareback, and I soon heard her voice from the bathroom saying "did you cum?" I answered "a little.."
She didn't' buy it, so I had a lot of 'splaining to do.
I told her that guys are supposed to come, and as far as I know ladies get insulted when they don't, and question their attractiveness to the guy they are with.
Anyways I decided to never fake it again!