To the men mid 40's and older, how old were you when you sex drive declined?


Well-known member
May 3, 2014
At 50 I still wake up every morning with a boner.

The only thing that changed since my early 40's for me is:
- no alcool before fucking... either I will have issue getting hard or I will not come
- only 1 sog (rare rare occasion I got 2 but that was because the girl was crazy kinky naughty)
At 60 lol...but can't bone after eating. And pretty much 1 SOG....


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
No problem with the drive but I do notice a dwindling number of opportunities.:censored:

My recharging time seems to be getting longer but that isn't sex drive related.


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
It's a myth. If it were true, we wouldn't hear about "dirty old men" from all the teenie boppers.
What are the teenie boppers saying about dirty old men these days? The only thing I can think of is what 16 year old Greta T. was saying about the Donald (poster boy for dirty old men) but that really isn't to your point. Please quote a source since I think it would be interesting reading...


Jun 10, 2019
Hey guys,

Was just curious as to how old you were when you noticed a significant drop off in your sex drive? I'm 45, and just in the last year noticed a significant dropped off. I live a very unhealthy life style so they may be a contributing factor, but was just curious what the "norm" is. Or maybe the average is a better way of phrasing it.

Hey great thread. I've often wondered this too because my sex drive is definitely not what it used to be. I'm 57 and still lust after woman and love seeing SP's. However, my refractory period seems to be a few days now. Having sex two days in a row generally isn't a problem in getting hard and staying hard - it's the orgasm part that can take a while. In my teens through my mid 30's, I had to concentrate on NOT Cuming. Now, unfortunately, it's just the opposite. I have to concentrate on trying to cum...It's a sad world we live in boys.....and cruel too. Shooting a load used to be so fun and amazing. I remember as a late teen -fucking my beautiful and tiny girlfriend doggy style, pulling out at show-time (probably 38 seconds in) and shooting a load into the back of her head so hard that it parted her hair! Damn! Those days are long gone. Now, I'm lucky to produce a smoldering cauldron of drip, drip, drip. Oh Jesus, take the wheel......... On the bright-side, I have no ED issues and it still works as designed (albeit slow to recover and lacking power) so I feel lucky. Cheers boys and happy Hobby-ing!


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2020
Hey guys,

Was just curious as to how old you were when you noticed a significant drop off in your sex drive? I'm 45, and just in the last year noticed a significant dropped off. I live a very unhealthy life style so they may be a contributing factor, but was just curious what the "norm" is. Or maybe the average is a better way of phrasing it.

Usually it has more to do with how old one’s wife is


Apr 27, 2008
I was in my mid 30's when I noticed my sex drive diminishing. Had blood tests that showed testosterone levels on low side but still withing range. I'm mid 60's now. I'm single, exercise regularly, try to eat right and don't drink much. Boner pills help and I enjoy oral sex.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
I am mid 50's now. I am wondering when my sex drive will finally decline!!

I would have probably 100k more in the bank had my sex drive declined 10 years ago. Damn it!!


Well-known member
Jan 5, 2012
Not so much the sex drive diminishing, but my tolerance for women’s bullshit dropped off pretty quick. Once I learned I didn’t have to chase pussy and put up with their drama, I just let them come to me and put in the effort that matches what they bring to the table.

It was liberating.


Active member
Nov 1, 2015
All good. Turned 60.

1 SOG, but can last during the deed. And if a glass of wine or weed, the poor lady hopes I cum soon.

Refractory went from under an hour, to hour, to several hours to 'see you next time'.

One must be comfortable in one's skin. It's the circle of life; so embrace it.


Lotsa things to think about
Jul 19, 2021
I'm 58 and still enjoy reading sexy stories, and still wander out to take in fun at the strip club from time to time. .

Urge to play with the wife has faded, but she is still my best friend, and a hug a day fills my emotional well just fine these days.

But the testosterone driven urges that once not so long in my past felt like a ticking bomb at times seem to have left me.
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Well-known member
May 23, 2005
I'm 58 and still enjoy reading sexy stories, and still wander out to take in fun at the strip club from time to time. .

Urge to play with the wife has faded, but she is still my best friend, and a hug a day fills my emotional well just fine these days.

But the testosterone driven urges that once not so long in my past felt like a ticking bomb at times seem to have left me.
After 35 it was "sure I can do it more than once, but why?"
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Well-known member
May 23, 2005
All good. Turned 60.

1 SOG, but can last during the deed. And if a glass of wine or weed, the poor lady hopes I cum soon.

Refractory went from under an hour, to hour, to several hours to 'see you next time'.

One must be comfortable in one's skin. It's the circle of life; so embrace it.
Once, when in my 30's, I had gotten to the point when I could decide when to come. Usually I could hold off until I felt it was the right time, then kick it up a gear and climax.

However one time, with a regular girlfriend, I went past the point of climax. It was around the 30 minute mark, and I could see she was starting to count the tiles in the ceiling and reaching for a book.

What to do? What to do?

So I made the wrong decision and faked it. It was bareback, and I soon heard her voice from the bathroom saying "did you cum?" I answered "a little.."

She didn't' buy it, so I had a lot of 'splaining to do.

I told her that guys are supposed to come, and as far as I know ladies get insulted when they don't, and question their attractiveness to the guy they are with.

Anyways I decided to never fake it again!
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New member
Oct 1, 2023
Sometime in my early to mid 40's but the decline wasn't drastic enough to feel concerned. I'm 52 now and I still consider myself to have a healthy libido.

Lv Wmn

Well-known member
Sep 16, 2009
Decline? Over 60 now and the desire is still very high not sure it has declined at all. The difference now is I just can't as often but I still want to
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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2023
Mine started to decline in mid 50's. I visited number of urologist and they just recommended ED pills. I got referral to PMH and paid for private MRI of prostate before I see the doctor and it showed RAID 4 lesion in prostate. When COVID hit we all know what happened to out healthcare. In 2022, I did my best to contact to urologist to have another MRI but the excuse was COVID. i did another MRI privately and lesion was RAID 5. Gradully it became crystal clear that PMH could not help me fast enough. I finally went to US and had my prostate removed and now I am doing Chemo . My father had his removed at age 50 and my uncle died at age of 69. Family history is very important. Some of PC is slow growing and some are not. Also condition like coronary arteries disease and diabetic impact sex drive.

Just make sure you do not have PC as MRI is the only tool to find it.
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Well-known member
May 8, 2008
My drive continues to evolve. Most note worthy was this true story. I was at a laundry mat. A woman in her forties chatted me up and proceeded to give me her number. She was attractive for her age but ever since I hit my forties I'm not as attracted to older women. Regardless I decided to contact her since I was new to the city and could use someone to get to know the hood. Immediately my drive went into over drive and had to beat off several times a day. I wasn't really attracted to her and didn't see her in a sexual way so I satiated myself in good old fashion porn. Normally the drive does not behave this way, usually a couple times week.

This is concerning to me considering I'll be going to Thailand and have full access to ladyboys galore. It may be a very expensive trip :)


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Not so much the sex drive diminishing, but my tolerance for women’s bullshit dropped off pretty quick. Once I learned I didn’t have to chase pussy and put up with their drama, I just let them come to me and put in the effort that matches what they bring to the table.

It was liberating.


Professionals take away the pussy magnet advantage so we are also more naturally desirable than the thirsty guy vibe!


Active member
Oct 6, 2002
Toronto East-Scarborough
I am 55. About 2 years ago I upped using the blue pill from 50mg to 200mg. Sometimes 250mg. Like several I don’t eat well or exercise much.. The drive has decreased but I still hobby. Just not as much
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