To all our Tamil brothers...


Nov 11, 2004
GlavaMan said:
They had to share Parliament Hill with the annual 420 protest last week! :D
Actually, they pretty much took that day off. Instead, they came out in huge numbers the next day and forced the annual Holocaust Memorial ceremony to be moved. Classy folk...


New member
Jan 23, 2004
shaved said:
Look first of all who gives a shit.

If they are so concerned about there country go back there and protest chicken shits. There is no point in protesting here in Canada back in your homeland they don't even see your stupid protest nor do they care. Since the begining of time that side of the world has done nothing but fight and kill one another. That's why they were born there and we were born in North America,but some A hole PM named Trudeau wrote the Charter of Rights and Freedoms that only benefits anybody but a real Canadian. Someone should dig him kick him in the ass then shove him back where he came from. If you are a law obiding citizen you'll never need it.
My answer if I were the PM re write the Charter, or do as Quebec does use the not with standing clause. Then close the Immigration close the doors to our country like Switzerland. Find all the illegals and deport them. Clean up this country, all the young men and women who fought for this country in WW 1 and 2 must be rolling over in there graves why did I give up my life for.
Or we could buy them all a vacation to Mexico thru Conquest. Then no worries they aren't coming back.
All these protesters should be given a bill for the portion of the bill for the babysitting fee. Do these people have jobs how are they able to have so much spare time on there hands.
This country should fly the PC flag.
Real Canadians should grow some balls and speak up. All the left wingers and tree huggers are the biggest problem in this country too.
Classic redneck rant.

What you fail to realize is that, but for these darkies that you so detest, no one in their cotton pickin' mind would ever think of immigrating to this culturally barren freezer of a country to prop up your real estate market that your retirement plans rest on. When I even suggested in passing once that some of my relatives from Europe might want to consider moving here, they almost literally laughed me out of the room...Canada doesn't have the sterling rep you so-called 'real canadians' think it has, except maybe in slums around the world.


New member
Sep 15, 2001
It is the police that are blocking University Ave., not the Tamil protesters. The police closed down the road. Why aren't the Toronto Police Services clearing the area of these terrorists? It is not city hall politicians that decide which laws to enforce and when. That would be political interference in a police matter. It is the responsibility of the chief of police. Bring back Fantino and the police state! ;)
I have not always been one to voice my opinion in political forums... but being born and raised in Canada, coming from a family which immigrated here also.. I think it's worth it.
I think this issue can be looked at on many levels. For most ... YES we are mad that it's causing disruption in the city's core... and let's not make them out to be the innocent people..they want attention! If they didn't ..they would have been at the parliamentary building with the other group of peaceful protester's yesturday...

I believe it is important to respect this country for the opportunities, freedoms, luxuries and priveledges that it offers. They have left their homeland to come to better themselves.. to find a life they didn't have back home.. sacrificing.. leaving family behind to do so.. They understood that when they came here. I respect that they are trying to do something to help their family's backhome.. but there is a peaceful way to do things.

SRI LANKA's issues have become more important than what is going on in Canada..The country that has given them these freedom's and rights.
WE as a country..are in no shape to be putting pressure anywhere. We are in a mess of our own.
How does one go clean someone else's backyard..when our own is in such a mess? Did they NOT look around them and see the homeless people they walked by to get to the U.S embassy?

They are stating that police are being "harsh" with them. They are protesters.. I don't see them sitting down and singing Kumbaya... Their rights are important...but not above the rest of the society's. I stand behind the Toronto Police... (not always) but they are keeping the peace.

At the end of the day... Canadian's are in a mess of their own..and if this country continue's to help other country's before it help's itself... there will be NO CANADA.


May 5, 2008
So the protest is over this morning as soon as the police moved in to break it up. This could have been done 5-minutes after they blocked the intersection instead of allowing a circus to set up.

What was accomplished:

1- Disrespect for the Tamil community. We have many great minority cultures in Toronto. This is not one of them. They have demonstrated that they are pushy, demanding, and put their own interests above everybody elses. Not good neighbors.

2- Revealed what a terrorist network we have in Toronto that can organize this group to take a section of the city hostage. They demonstrate a Terrorist mentality to solving their problems.

3- An appreciation for what the Sri Lankan government must be dealing with. I never knew much about their problems before but recent events suggest that the problem over there is the same one that we just experienced over here.

4- What a lame Municpal government we have in place. This mayor hides from confrontation and making difficult decisions.

I wonder if we can send the Tamil Tigers a bill for the collective wages of the Police resources that had to be directed to this unnecessary mess.


New member
Jan 19, 2004
You really don't want to know
Questor said:
It is not city hall politicians that decide which laws to enforce and when. That would be political interference in a police matter. It is the responsibility of the chief of police. Bring back Fantino and the police state! ;)

Actually it is...look at the panhadling bylaw that the police refuse to enfore because there is political pressure to have them not enforce it.

The police chief in Toronto is responsible to the Mayor.


New member
Dec 29, 2008
Only in Canada a Terrorist group supporters can protest and close streets...Imagine if they do that in the US.....Nuked !


New member
Jun 17, 2005
It's over.... for now

Looking at this whole situation I've formed the following opinions:

1. The TPS did a good job at maintaining order and from keeping this thing from blowing out of control. They acted like pros and proved yet again why we live in one of the best places in the world. If this was let's say China they would have driven a tank down University ave.

2. The Mayor of this city is weak and useless. He did nothing. Which is a shame because had he been more active in this matter he might have been able to score some points with voters.

3. The protesters failed miserably to generate any sympathy for their cause. By aligning themselves with a group of Terrorists they lost all credibility. The would have been better off denouncing violence on both sides and focusing on the civilian cost of this conflict.


Active member
Aug 6, 2006
mmmburritos said:
3. The protesters failed miserably to generate any sympathy for their cause. By aligning themselves with a group of Terrorists they lost all credibility. The would have been better off denouncing violence on both sides and focusing on the civilian cost of this conflict.
exactly! Flying flags of a terrorist organization and carrying posters in support of their terror head :eek: what were they even thinking.. especially with most of the western world trying to fight these terror groups


Apr 24, 2005
When I even suggested in passing once that some of my relatives from Europe might want to consider moving here, they almost literally laughed me out of the room...
There are many Eastern Europeans and Russians who would love to make Canada their home. There are also many Chinese who would love to make Canada their home. Western Europe has a "depopulation" problem. The population growth in Italy and I think France has turned negative.


New member
Jan 19, 2004
You really don't want to know
Rockslinger said:
The population growth in Italy and I think France has turned negative.
Actually in most of Europe (especially in the east) there is such a drop in indigenous birthrates. Some countries are looking at technically become "dying" races and have begun to see an influx of immigration...mainly from China.

It's not a strange sight to see Chinatowns in the eastern bloc.


Apr 24, 2005
masterchief said:
Actually in most of Europe (especially in the east) there is such a drop in indigenous birthrates.
True. I didn't want to sidetrack this thread but Eastern Europe is feeling the effect of out migration after decades of communist rule. In Russia, demon Volka is killing Russian men by the time they hit their 50's and all their best hockey players are in N.A. Chinese are desirable immigrants because they are generally well behaved and don't go around blowing people and things to kingdom come.


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2004
Science fiction

In a few science fiction moive (blade runner, Firefly etc) Chinese has replaced English as the dominate langauge/culture, which is logical since if the world ever went democratic they would have the largest block of votes: more than 25% compared to the USA block of about 3%. In fact, the Chinese goverment use to stop immigartin but now realeases it helps their national interest to have large group of loyal Chinese going to democracies. When the democratic Hong Kong was rejoined to the oppressive communist dictatorship the worlds Chinese communities celebrated in the streets, including here. Chinese nationationism trumps concepts as freedom. We are seeing simlar loyalty in the current protest.

after decades of communist rule. In Russia, demon Volka is killing Russian men by the time they hit their 50's and all their best hockey players are in N.A. Chinese are desirable immigrants because they are generally well behaved and don't go around blowing people and things to kingdom come.[/QUOTE]


New member
Jan 19, 2004
You really don't want to know
escortsxxx said:
When the democratic Hong Kong was rejoined to the oppressive communist dictatorship the worlds Chinese communities celebrated in the streets, including here. Chinese nationationism trumps concepts as freedom. We are seeing simlar loyalty in the current protest. .
Actually the weirdest thing is seeing how well they assimilate. It's not uncommon to see Chinese immigrants speaking fluent slavic languages without any accent or hint that they were not born there.

Pretty impressive.


Apr 24, 2005
escortsxxx said:
In a few science fiction moive (blade runner, Firefly etc) Chinese has replaced English as the dominate langauge/culture,
Let's ignore science fiction for a moment. The reality is that millions of Chinese are embracing capitalism, democracy and human rights (thanks to the West). Millions of Chinese are learning English in China.


New member
Nov 25, 2008
OK, this is a long long thread so let me contribute my own 2 cents here.

1. Tamils are not terrorists. Someone mentioned that in the thread here. You can call LTTE or LTTE supporters as terrorists. Let me enlighten you here. Tamil ethnic community hail from the southern part of India. Many many years ago, some of them were transported to Sri Lanka to work on the tea plantation. So when someone says Tamil dont confuse him/her with SL Tamil. He could be from SL or India or Malaysia or Singapore. Tamils from India tend to be more educated.

2. Generally speaking, the Tamil refugees frm SL are people who were driven out of their villages from the SL government. They are not the most sophisticated and educated people. They way they bring up their kids is best left unwritten. This is reflected in the way they are protesting a totally legit grievance. It is unsophisticated and annoying, but their grievance is REAL.

3. Generally speaking, since the perpetrator and the victim are seen as people unaffiliated to the general Canadian population, thhere is a sense of apathy and ignorance about the human rights issue in SL. When a bunch of white english speaking people were driven out by the Kenyan government, there was an internatioanl (read western) uproar. When a bunch of SL guys kill a bunch of Tamil guys, a regular guy in Canada thinks "who gives a fuck".


Apr 24, 2005
raj_sekar_100 said:
When a bunch of white english speaking people were driven out by the Kenyan government, there was an internatioanl (read western) uproar.
Then there is the other example. Mugabe thugs steal farmland from white farmers and kill them if they resist. Where is the international uproar?

The larger moral question is when and where we should meddle in the affairs of other people. Whether that be in Sri Lanka, Zimbabwe, Darfur, Iraq, North Korea, Burma, etc. The list is a long one.
Toronto Escorts