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Tights. Cock tease?or I have every right!!!!


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
In this part of the world, women have every right to cock tease, whether it is deliberate or unintentional. Some women are so hot that they would have to virtual don strict islamic woman's like attire in order to remove any visible feminine features in order to not attract attention. Men have every right to ogle, but do not have the right to touch or make verbal comments.


The Chiseler
Jan 4, 2008
I usually pass a hottie turn around and start staring at her tight booty as I'm walking behind her. Only stopping when I get distracted by another lovely walking towards me. I can't be the only one. Life is too short. Why can't I feed my eyes with candy?


Banned from schools.....
Aug 16, 2011
On the Credit River with Jim
I usually pass a hottie turn around and start staring at her tight booty as I'm walking behind her. Only stopping when I get distracted by another lovely walking towards me. I can't be the only one. Life is too short. Why can't I feed my eyes with candy?
It must take you forever to get where you're going.......if you remember where you're going. :doh:


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2017
What I miss are the low rider jeans with the thong showing, there oughtta be a law against the high riser jeans!!!!!, I don't like the way they look on the female form.

The "Bone" Ranger

tits lover
Aug 5, 2006
Doesn't matter what the female is wearing, if she is my type I am giving her a mental striptease, all this can happen even while I am speaking to her (although I do not hear a word).

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
I just want to ask the men here.....

Why is the responsibility on women to wear burqa style attire if they don't want to be "ogled"?

Why is the responsibility not on men to control their own eyes?

Don't get me wrong, I get that men look, I get that women do sometimes wear stuff to be looked at. I also believe that some women wear attire to be looked at, just to become all ippty about it.

What I don't get and want some help understanding is why is the onus on women to cover themselves up from head to toe and not for men to control where their eyes go?
Lame assed argument. Big difference between a burqa ,and wearing "lip readers". Yes. I do keep my reactions muted. That's how I keep my job. Just the disingenuous feigning of being demure while showing it off,irks me. Kind of thumbing their noses at everybody while inwardly smirking "look what I can do!"as with the pic posted above.girl showing her tits and getting all ippity about being stared at. that is why you are showing your tits. we get it.


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
Women can wear whatever they want, tits and ass hanging out, camel toe whatever. Don't slut shame them you filthy pig.

Don't look at my tits and ass and camel toe you filthy disgusting pig/slut

Yep totally legit. Hey I don't care, go stark raving naked if you got the body for it, but don't get upset if I express my sexual orientation.

OTOH I wonder what the typical reaction of a woman would be if some dude walked past her kids in a banana hammock or some tights to tight that you can tell if he has been circumcised and the size of his balls. I wonder how well this would be tolerated in a place of work if the guy isn't considered attractive.

To further the double standard thing. I don't think it is classy when guys where those shirts that expose the abs or the side of the torso or go shirtless even if said dude is swole. I will look but with shaming in my eyes. The TV show made fun of the male bimbo character Cal for trying to decide between his tight t shirt or his tight tight tshirt. It's douchie and I hope when I achieve swoleatude that I don't do this.

Funny thing is when school girls complain about clothing standards, but I don't see guys in school going about with everything hanging out. I would hope and expect a school to smack down on say wife beaters, the shirt and the activity.

Oh and regardless of gender, don't dress sexy if you can't pull it off, almost everyone finds it revolting and will laugh at you.

Just because you have the right to do something, doesn't mean you should.

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
Women can wear whatever they want, tits and ass hanging out, camel toe whatever. Don't slut shame them you filthy pig.

Don't look at my tits and ass and camel toe you filthy disgusting pig/slut

Yep totally legit. Hey I don't care, go stark raving naked if you got the body for it, but don't get upset if I express my sexual orientation.

OTOH I wonder what the typical reaction of a woman would be if some dude walked past her kids in a banana hammock or some tights to tight that you can tell if he has been circumcised and the size of his balls. I wonder how well this would be tolerated in a place of work if the guy isn't considered attractive.

To further the double standard thing. I don't think it is classy when guys where those shirts that expose the abs or the side of the torso or go shirtless even if said dude is swole. I will look but with shaming in my eyes. The TV show made fun of the male bimbo character Cal for trying to decide between his tight t shirt or his tight tight tshirt. It's douchie and I hope when I achieve swoleatude that I don't do this.

Funny thing is when school girls complain about clothing standards, but I don't see guys in school going about with everything hanging out. I would hope and expect a school to smack down on say wife beaters, the shirt and the activity.

Oh and regardless of gender, don't dress sexy if you can't pull it off, almost everyone finds it revolting and will laugh at you.

Just because you have the right to do something, doesn't mean you should.
Well said. I remember a friend told me a guy showed up to work in a paint spray shop wearing a t shirt and what appeared to be speedos. It was a male shop floor, but there were women around in the work area. After the initial reaction of everybody of "what the fuck??" he was sent home.
Although I reserve my rant for a pooning forum, and don't air my views otherwise. We all have an unspoken contract. You can dress like a slut, and I won't go Muslim on you, let alone,call you on your bullshit. but it is bullshit nonetheless. That being said. The end justifies the means. go ahead and keep wearing them. I highly approve of the eye candy. Just not the "don't look" attitude.


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017

Good catchy song though and the chick is cute.

Jasmine Raine

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014
Lame assed argument. Big difference between a burqa ,and wearing "lip readers". Yes. I do keep my reactions muted. That's how I keep my job. Just the disingenuous feigning of being demure while showing it off,irks me. Kind of thumbing their noses at everybody while inwardly smirking "look what I can do!"as with the pic posted above.girl showing her tits and getting all ippity about being stared at. that is why you are showing your tits. we get it.
Lame ass argument???? Really???? I was asking a question to open up discussion on the matter in a civil way to understand the parts that women and men should play in this. So where was the "argument"?

I asked a question that you didn't answer. I will take that lack of answer as saying the no man has any responsibility to control their own eyes, in your opinion.

Because remember, I asked about why the man who almost walked into my tits has no responsibility when I was NOT wearing some tight ass top that you could see my nipples through. I forgot that I wore that none tight top because I was secretly hoping to be walked into so I could scream rape! D'oh - Thank you for reminding me.

NEWS FLASH PEOPLE - men have no control over themselves and need to be hand-held through life!!!! LMAO - ridiculous!

So basically all women need a burqa to avoid being ogled by men. Got it! We should have been listening to the Muslims all along. They got it right making women hide everything but their eyes.

However, that will go next though. Eye make up and all that jazz making women look mysterious and sexy!!!! Fucking bitches and their cock teasing bullshit!!! We just need Sharia Law so men can legally rape women and the women get to be arrested for it. Thanks for clearing all that up for us!!!!!

I wonder why the gay community doesn't have this problem though?????? I mean men are men right. Do you have gay men checking you out all the time regardless of what you wear? Do you have gay men cat-calling you, ogling you, making unwanted passes at you? Nope..... Things that make you go Hmmmmmm???? I wonder what is the gene in the bodies of gay men that make them respect the gender they find attractive??????

Sorry, but it is too fucking early for this type of stupidity and arrogance.


Jun 8, 2017
Lame ass argument???? Really???? I was asking a question to open up discussion on the matter in a civil way to understand the parts that women and men should play in this. So where was the "argument"?

I asked a question that you didn't answer. I will take that lack of answer as saying the no man has any responsibility to control their own eyes, in your opinion.
Responsibility goes two-ways, no?
Control over male desires goes as far as females control their sexual displays.
In the non-human animal world, it's called peacocking
Doesnt make sense to go to the extremes of justifying rape or enforcing burqas
But if you display sexuality, you're goanna get sexuality in return.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
I wonder why the gay community doesn't have this problem though?????? I mean men are men right. Do you have gay men checking you out all the time regardless of what you wear? Do you have gay men cat-calling you, ogling you, making unwanted passes at you? Nope..... Things that make you go Hmmmmmm???? I wonder what is the gene in the bodies of gay men that make them respect the gender they find attractive??????
I disagree with that comment. My wife and I have quite a few gay (men) friends and we frequent the village to hang out from time to time. I've been checked out, looked at from head to toe, had them stare at my crotch, had them grab my ass and say all sorts of sexually suggestive things to me.

Even had one guy who was selling strings of raffle tickets at a bar (they measure from your foot to mid-thigh) reach up my shorts and grab my balls when I was standing beside my wife. Did it bother me? No, I started laughing and my wife pointed out that I was her husband. He was a little embarrassed to say the least. I don't sweat the little stuff and I understand how some act. It's not the end of the world.

Straight men will stare at women and do inappropriate things. Not saying it's right, but it will happen from time to time. Some men are pigs and when you put a bunch of gay guys together in a bar, the level of inappropriate behaviour goes up a notch.

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
Lame ass argument???? Really???? I was asking a question to open up discussion on the matter in a civil way to understand the parts that women and men should play in this. So where was the "argument"?

I asked a question that you didn't answer. I will take that lack of answer as saying the no man has any responsibility to control their own eyes, in your opinion.

Because remember, I asked about why the man who almost walked into my tits has no responsibility when I was NOT wearing some tight ass top that you could see my nipples through. I forgot that I wore that none tight top because I was secretly hoping to be walked into so I could scream rape! D'oh - Thank you for reminding me.

NEWS FLASH PEOPLE - men have no control over themselves and need to be hand-held through life!!!! LMAO - ridiculous!

So basically all women need a burqa to avoid being ogled by men. Got it! We should have been listening to the Muslims all along. They got it right making women hide everything but their eyes.

However, that will go next though. Eye make up and all that jazz making women look mysterious and sexy!!!! Fucking bitches and their cock teasing bullshit!!! We just need Sharia Law so men can legally rape women and the women get to be arrested for it. Thanks for clearing all that up for us!!!!!

I wonder why the gay community doesn't have this problem though?????? I mean men are men right. Do you have gay men checking you out all the time regardless of what you wear? Do you have gay men cat-calling you, ogling you, making unwanted passes at you? Nope..... Things that make you go Hmmmmmm???? I wonder what is the gene in the bodies of gay men that make them respect the gender they find attractive??????

Sorry, but it is too fucking early for this type of stupidity and arrogance.
So I did answer your question and you paid no attention. Women don't have to wear burqas. They can wear what they like. But as I said. Big difference between a burqa and a cllit hugger pair of tights. I work with women who wear tights in the work place. I defer my gaze and talk to them politely and professionally. Judging from the easy going,on going interaction, I would guess I can control my eyes and not offend. It really isn't a big deal. I am not angry or offended by it. I prefer to see a more sexually open society from say, the 50's.
However. The incident which seems to have left your traumatized to the point where you simply can't get over it, isn't something to be held up as a standard of behavior to say men should be locked up for.
I didn't witness the event, but it seems some guy was staring at you inappropriately to the point where he almost collided with you. Maybe you were just his type, and he hasn't been schooled in proper feminist etiquette. Maybe you should take it as a sort of ass backward compliment. You bumped into somebody who is into your look, which is probably a niche appeal. Most people would probably pass you by without incident.
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