Tights. Cock tease?or I have every right!!!!


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
I didn't witness the event, but it seems some guy was staring at you inappropriately to the point where he almost collided with you. Maybe you were just his type, and he hasn't been schooled in proper feminist etiquette. Maybe you should take it as a sort of ass backward compliment. You bumped into somebody who is into your look, which is probably a niche appeal. Most people would probably pass you by without incident.
That's the way I looked at it when gay men check me out. And I'm as straight as they come.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2009
"....Maybe you were just his type, and he hasn't been schooled in proper feminist etiquette...."

Hmmm... there once was a more conservative time when men were taught to not be ogling assholes... and there really weren't any feminists in sight to teach them that. Maybe their moms/dads, schools, churches taught them??? Maybe I shouldn't be, but I am continually surprised by the resentfulness and bitterness that many men direct toward women because some women don't enjoy their attentions, ignore their advances or have the gaul to expect men to exhibit basic civility. What is so hard about that? I now see the well where the pathetic INCEL movement is drawing its recruits.


Feb 9, 2018
I find it bizarre that because something shows female skin and form, and some men are turned on by that, its assumed the overall intent of wearing that was to turn those men on. Thats incredibly self-involved. Do you honestly think that when women are getting dressed in the morning that they are choosing their attire based on whether or not the men that look at them throughout the day will pop a boner? Actually, you know what? That's just what all our choices are about. Our whole world revolves around sexually enticing men. Its all we think about and it is our end goal for everything we do. When I smile at men I don't know and they assume I'm coming onto them, they are totally right. It's the only reason I smile...to pique the interest of men. If I didn't have that purpose to fulfill I would wear a completely miserable face all the time. I don't smile because I'm kind and friendly and a happy person. I smile because I want to stir up the sexual interests of all the straight men I encounter.

I bring up the smile because it can be received with a similar thought process as what a woman is wearing. She's wearing that so she must be trying to distract men and turn them on. She's smiling so she must be trying to gain my attention and turn me on. Slightly off topic but not...if I smile at men I'm coming on to them but if I'm not smiling men tell me that I should be smiling. So women should always stay smiley in front of men, because that's more pleasant to them, but then if we're smiling we must be interested in them so we shouldn't be such teases and stop smiling at men. That's a fucking weird one!!

Look, I'm not saying that women never dress to be attractive. We do and sometimes it's to be attractive to men. But we also dress to be attractive to ourselves. We dress ourselves to be comfortable with our bodies and to look good for ourselves. So you like the way my tits look? So do I dillholes!! I love the way my body looks and how it looks dressed up in different ways. I dress to impress myself and to show off my body to me. Makes me feel good about myself. And you know who else we dress for? The women around us. When I'm going out/hanging out with my girlfriends I'll dress up for them. While I'm getting ready my thought process is to look nice for them. If I'm going out with my boyfriend my thought process is to look good for him specifically. Some stuff is fun to wear or its in fashion. Shocker, people dress to be fashionable and be up on new trends. Another reason for choosing our clothes, which is a big one, is comfort!! Do you guys understand how comfortable leggings and yoga pants/shorts are? Some of my most comfortable clothing is my most revealing. I had this crazy comfy pair of shorts and my butt cheeks peeked out the bottom of them. I wore them all the time in the summer because they were comfy and pretty much went with everything. When it's really hot I feel best when I have thin fabrics on with lots of skin exposed. That's comfortable. My most comfortable bras are the soft cupped ones which happen to let my nipple tip shape be visible through my shirt. Stop assuming that because you find something sexual that the purpose of it is to be sexual. You're imposing your own conclusion onto someone else.

You're not boys in the throws of puberty. Take a quick and subtle glance. There's nothing wrong with that. But don't leer or stare. There are women who are dressing to be sexually arousing that pretend they aren't doing so. Yes that is real. But not every woman who you find sexually arousing is trying to be. They are often looking to be physically comfortable, fashionable, feel good about themselves and be comfortable in their own skin. It's not all some ploy to turn men on and then snicker to ourselves that we're turning you on and get some feeling of power over you.

Btw it doesn't matter what we wear. Like Jessica said earlier we were walking down the street and she was wearing nothing revealing and someone stared hard at her tits almost walking into them. Some men seem to think, no matter what we wear, that we are on sexual display for them. Even women wearing burqas are still looked at as if they are on sexual display. Just because they are living breathing women. I have a girlfriend who was sexually assaulted while wearing a snowsuit....A fucking snowsuit!!! I've been grabbed in the street multiple times while wearing completely casual nonfitted clothes. It's not our responsibility to cover up because we have to take into account our affect on men. Be an adult, control yourself and stop imposing your sexual desires onto the bodies of women as if they are the reality of the situation. We have the right to dress ourselves as we see fit for whatever reasons and there's no point in tailoring our wardrobe to be the least enticing it could possibly be. Just go home and jerk off to the snap visual like a normal person and leave women's clothing choices be.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
I dunno. you must be sending out some kind of signal..... their gaydar is usually accurate. :)
Naaaaah, gay guys hit on any and everyone. lol

Sorry, off-topic but you reminded of a time in a previous line of work. I had a female customer from Montreal who I got to know over the phone. I was sent to visit her company to do some training and got to meet her. We got along well but it was all business. A year later she and a few colleagues traveled to Toronto. I offered to take her out to a restaurant and she accepted.

During dinner, she asked me if I had a GF, which I didn't at the time. Then she asked me if I was gay. I said no, why would think that? She said I was such a kind gentleman and treated her with the type of respect she hadn't experienced before. So she figured I must be gay. lol

Oh my, if she only knew the thinks I wanted to do to her. Unfortunately, never did end up sleeping with her.


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
For a good many women, worse than being ogled being completely ignored or have attention payed to another female instead of them. Lack of sex appeal or losing sex appeal due to pregnancy or the aging process is the cause of many prescription for depression and anxiety.

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
I find it bizarre that because something shows female skin and form, and some men are turned on by that, its assumed the overall intent of wearing that was to turn those men on. Thats incredibly self-involved. Do you honestly think that when women are getting dressed in the morning that they are choosing their attire based on whether or not the men that look at them throughout the day will pop a boner? Actually, you know what? That's just what all our choices are about. Our whole world revolves around sexually enticing men. Its all we think about and it is our end goal for everything we do. When I smile at men I don't know and they assume I'm coming onto them, they are totally right. It's the only reason I smile...to pique the interest of men. If I didn't have that purpose to fulfill I would wear a completely miserable face all the time. I don't smile because I'm kind and friendly and a happy person. I smile because I want to stir up the sexual interests of all the straight men I encounter.

I bring up the smile because it can be received with a similar thought process as what a woman is wearing. She's wearing that so she must be trying to distract men and turn them on. She's smiling so she must be trying to gain my attention and turn me on. Slightly off topic but not...if I smile at men I'm coming on to them but if I'm not smiling men tell me that I should be smiling. So women should always stay smiley in front of men, because that's more pleasant to them, but then if we're smiling we must be interested in them so we shouldn't be such teases and stop smiling at men. That's a fucking weird one!!

Look, I'm not saying that women never dress to be attractive. We do and sometimes it's to be attractive to men. But we also dress to be attractive to ourselves. We dress ourselves to be comfortable with our bodies and to look good for ourselves. So you like the way my tits look? So do I dillholes!! I love the way my body looks and how it looks dressed up in different ways. I dress to impress myself and to show off my body to me. Makes me feel good about myself. And you know who else we dress for? The women around us. When I'm going out/hanging out with my girlfriends I'll dress up for them. While I'm getting ready my thought process is to look nice for them. If I'm going out with my boyfriend my thought process is to look good for him specifically. Some stuff is fun to wear or its in fashion. Shocker, people dress to be fashionable and be up on new trends. Another reason for choosing our clothes, which is a big one, is comfort!! Do you guys understand how comfortable leggings and yoga pants/shorts are? Some of my most comfortable clothing is my most revealing. I had this crazy comfy pair of shorts and my butt cheeks peeked out the bottom of them. I wore them all the time in the summer because they were comfy and pretty much went with everything. When it's really hot I feel best when I have thin fabrics on with lots of skin exposed. That's comfortable. My most comfortable bras are the soft cupped ones which happen to let my nipple tip shape be visible through my shirt. Stop assuming that because you find something sexual that the purpose of it is to be sexual. You're imposing your own conclusion onto someone else.

You're not boys in the throws of puberty. Take a quick and subtle glance. There's nothing wrong with that. But don't leer or stare. There are women who are dressing to be sexually arousing that pretend they aren't doing so. Yes that is real. But not every woman who you find sexually arousing is trying to be. They are often looking to be physically comfortable, fashionable, feel good about themselves and be comfortable in their own skin. It's not all some ploy to turn men on and then snicker to ourselves that we're turning you on and get some feeling of power over you.

Btw it doesn't matter what we wear. Like Jessica said earlier we were walking down the street and she was wearing nothing revealing and someone stared hard at her tits almost walking into them. Some men seem to think, no matter what we wear, that we are on sexual display for them. Even women wearing burqas are still looked at as if they are on sexual display. Just because they are living breathing women. I have a girlfriend who was sexually assaulted while wearing a snowsuit....A fucking snowsuit!!! I've been grabbed in the street multiple times while wearing completely casual nonfitted clothes. It's not our responsibility to cover up because we have to take into account our affect on men. Be an adult, control yourself and stop imposing your sexual desires onto the bodies of women as if they are the reality of the situation. We have the right to dress ourselves as we see fit for whatever reasons and there's no point in tailoring our wardrobe to be the least enticing it could possibly be. Just go home and jerk off to the snap visual like a normal person and leave women's clothing choices be.


Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
I'm a filthy bald prick and proud of it.
I knew it, I always knew it!!!!!!......................I had you pegged from the beginning.

BTW - You left out that you are sweaty.

Jasmine Raine

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014
So I did answer your question and you paid no attention. Women don't have to wear burqas. They can wear what they like. But as I said. Big difference between a burqa and a cllit hugger pair of tights. I work with women who wear tights in the work place. I defer my gaze and talk to them politely and professionally. Judging from the easy going,on going interaction, I would guess I can control my eyes and not offend. It really isn't a big deal. I am not angry or offended by it. I prefer to see a more sexually open society from say, the 50's.
However. The incident which seems to have left your traumatized to the point where you simply can't get over it, isn't something to be held up as a standard of behavior to say men should be locked up for.
I didn't witness the event, but it seems some guy was staring at you inappropriately to the point where he almost collided with you. Maybe you were just his type, and he hasn't been schooled in proper feminist etiquette. Maybe you should take it as a sort of ass backward compliment. You bumped into somebody who is into your look, which is probably a niche appeal. Most people would probably pass you by without incident.
I addressed what you were speaking about but you didn't answer mine.

While what happened in my example is not something I would string a guy up for, I brought it up to ask where the responsibility lays.

To you, it appears that the onus is all on women. Just based on your comments like not being schooled in feminist etiquette. Sorry but making sure you don't walk into a person, any person , is general etiquette.

I'm not traumatized, I brought it up as an example of opposite of what you are bringing up in your thread. You know, to have a discussion about all side of the topic.

But you just want to rant and rave about women in your little emo bitch fest regarding your blue balls from work so have it.

I won't be the one tortured tomorrow while walking down the street but you will at work tomorrow. So enjoy!!! And watch you don't get called to HR for being a prev. Laters.

Jasmine Raine

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014
I addressed what you were speaking about but you didn't answer mine.

I answered your question a couple of times. Other people answered your question a few times, yet you still say I didn't answer your question.Maybe your lack of comprehension extends beyond basic logic,to reading.
Wow, you're a daft one. Let's try this again. In your first response you did not. That is what I was saying with what you quoted.

I didn't say others didn't. I said you didn't. You then did but at first you didn't. So.... Ya. That is how it went. That is what I commented on. To make it easier for you. Post 31 you did not. Post 40 you did.

So who is the one having a hard time with comprehension????? Yup, that's what I thought. Thanks for coming out. Bye bye now

PS - I even quoted properly without fucking up the tags. Yup. I went there.

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
Wow, you're a daft one. Let's try this again. In your first response you did not. That is what I was saying with what you quoted.

I didn't say others didn't. I said you didn't. You then did but at first you didn't. So.... Ya. That is how it went. That is what I commented on. To make it easier for you. Post 31 you did not. Post 40 you did.

So who is the one having a hard time with comprehension????? Yup, that's what I thought. Thanks for coming out. Bye bye now

PS - I even quoted properly without fucking up the tags. Yup. I went there.
you do see your problem here. right? I did fuck up the tag. I noticed it was fucked up and tried to change it, but it remained the same. so I said, "fuck it" .ring any bells?
I attach an instructional video for you to watch.

Jasmine Raine

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014
you do see your problem here. right? I did fuck up the tag. I noticed it was fucked up and tried to change it, but it remained the same. so I said, "fuck it" .ring any bells?
I attach an instructional video for you to watch.
Anddddddddd you just prove my point on how daft you are. LOL

Most people reading would have gotten that PS for the joke it was.

Anyway, enough of my bitchatude in your little thread. Carry on. I'm out.


Active member
Aug 27, 2002
I just want to ask the men here.....

Why is the responsibility on women to wear burqa style attire if they don't want to be "ogled"?

Why is the responsibility not on men to control their own eyes?

Don't get me wrong, I get that men look, I get that women do sometimes wear stuff to be looked at. I also believe that some women wear attire to be looked at, just to become all ippty about it.

What I don't get and want some help understanding is why is the onus on women to cover themselves up from head to toe and not for men to control where their eyes go?

And to clarify, I am not talking about a quick glance. As an example, I went out to lunch with the lovely Parker the other day. We walked out of the restaurant, and started to proceed down the street. All of a sudden a man almost nearly walked into my tits because he was staring so hard. I am no problem with men looking at me. But it was so over-the-top ogling that I even said something to Parker along the lines of "holy shit stare much?"

I was not wearing anything highly revealing. And as I said I was going out for lunch with Parker. Not that she doesn't deserve me being dressed up for her. It was just a casual lunch however. So again my question is why should I have covered up even more than just a casual attire to avoid having this man nearly walk into my tits because he could not take his eyes off them?

Again, not shouting sexual-harassment here. I am not trying to cause a drama issue. I am just seriously seriously curious as to why that was my responsibility and the onus was on me to have stopped that man from doing what he was doing when he was the one who had the control over his own eyes?

Your logic is entirely screwed up.

Anyone is free to do what he/she wants with his/her own eyes, per traditional/constitutional rights in many places throughout the world.

Ergo, should you not wish to be ogled, your only recourse is to take measures on your end to dissuade that from occurring.

If someone actually touched/brushed your tits, then that was illegal. His looking at your tits (or whatever you had on display) in a public place was his right.

Now how come a grown woman doesn't understand something so completely basic???

(*his photographing up your skirt, for example, is invasive and illegal as you had a reasonable expectation of privacy there)

But if you tore your skirt off and showed off whatever is beneath it, in a public place, then his right to look, uh, trumps anything you have in the way of society-afforded defense. Ergo, you have to put up your own line of defense should that not please you.
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