Only in America.
Cops vs. Blacks is always an interesting read. Sad stuff really, but let's face it. This kind of smut is much more interesting to read and watch then hearing about a student that graduated high school with a 99% avg.
Blame goes on both ends. It's really a chicken and egg type of issue, where they both go at it It all comes down to which ever side wants to "be the man" and smarten up, and in turn "hope" the other side also smartens up. Then maybe 50 years from now things will simmer down.
It's interesting when you hear about cops being racist, because I don't see cops having issues with Asians and Indians. They are minorities too. And Indians can have skin just as dark as a Black person and on top of that wear turbins and some people wear those robes. Yet I don't see cops hassling Indians. So you can toss out the old "white people hate dark skin" claim.
- Commit more crime compared to their population base
- Often involved in serious crime, gangs
- Some reason don't really give a fuck about education as much as other ethnicities
- Add all this up and it pisses cops off
- Video cams show cops going overboard and sometimes beating up or killing Blacks for no good reason
- Cops patrol bad neighbourhoods more
- Cops often have that annoying "buddy buddy system" where fellow cops back each other up even during times a cop or two are being idiots. They stand there watching, when they should intervene and prevent a colleague from going overboard
- Add all this up and it pisses off Black people
So it's a tug of war of war between two factions, while everyone else sits on the sidelines seeing footage of one side pissing off the other side until someone breaks..... hey, we're all human after all.