Notorious Putin mouthpiece and dick sucker. Read his Wiki bio.
Shocking video & Eye opening !!!
Notorious Putin mouthpiece and dick sucker. Read his Wiki bio.
Shocking video & Eye opening !!!
Someone is either lying Russia or UkrainE!wiki bio anyone can edit, plus wiki bio overwhelming left leaning and msm mouthppieceNotorious Putin mouthpiece and dick sucker. Read his Wiki bio.
Regardless whelther it is true of or not… Remember he was a former military colonel with lots of war time experience & war time military strategy experience and a arms control expert! Base on his knowledge and experience he is more believable that the crap that spew out by msm.Ritter is probably as much a sucker of Putin's dick as he was
Saddam Hussein's.
Criminal Miltary malpractice that the exact quote from CIA analyst Larry Johnson! See above video post#183.And the question keeps hanging in the air, without the answer: how's the offensive going?
And That why a bunch of backward goat herder was able to beat NATO and American. They know how to really fight!
How do you think its going?And the question keeps hanging in the air, without the answer: how's the offensive going?
Yes and yes.In his valiant endevour to spam, he trots out a pedo. Didn't even need to read NotADcotor description to know he's a raving pedo, you could see it in his yes.
Perhaps if we get Addict a license for his pet halibut, he'd be less inclined to troll. It's people like him wot cause unrest.
It would be shocking if he did post something from adult sources... like the Economist*, my and Homer Simpsons favorite adult magazine.Hmmm Homer erotic.There is nothing "shocking and eye opening" about you endlessly trolling on this board feebly armed with Russian war crime state propaganda laced videos, links and articles with discredited information from discredited sources.
Except I've demonstrated that your sources over and over again made predictions that turned out not to be true... by their own admission. We will win in a week, [next month] we will win in a week, next month...Someone is either lying Russia or UkrainE!
Just pointing out the truth! Base on commonsense it look like NATO and Zelensky is losing badly!
Here another video with another person saying the truth about Ukraine war counteroffensive!!
I can see proof that this video is straight up bullshit and apparently Larry Johnson is about as reliable as the other mooks you have posted.[06:34] Inadequate military training is a crime - The amount of training required for combat cannot be done in 2-3 months - Providing inadequate training knowingly is a crime against trainees
That's a lie, there is no law against inadequate training, in war training is often cut back, emergencies are emergencies. If it's a crime, prove it, what law is being broken. Now if you want to talk about law, lt's look at what Russia is doing to the civilians in the Ukraine which does quilify for actual war crime. Also when Russia sends in people with not weeks but days or no training, why is this not a crime.
[09:37] General Millie's six-week military training is a violation of established benchmarks. - Millie succumbed to political pressure and compromised military integrity. - Millie's training violates every doctrine and training level established in the US Military.
Again, hard times, even the US cut training during WWII at the beginning, so did other powers when they needed bodies at the front, peace time standards don't always apply to war time.
[12:33] US providing air defense munitions to Ukraine - US is unable to produce enough ammunition and artillery shells to sustain Ukrainian activity for a week - Ukraine may not exist in its current form in a year and there may be no justification to send them more ammunition
Thats misleading. The US has stocks of munitions and they are increasing production, it will be on line to sustain things before they run out.
[15:32] Ukraine running out of manpower for combat engagements - Ukraine lacks trained reserves to bring into the front line - 400,000 people would need to be trained to have minimal levels of competency
Is there any actual evidence of this, according to the military balance 2023 Ukraine would have more people than Russia in the fight. ALso they still haven't deployed most of their assult brigades. Consideirng Russia started with about 200K, maybe another 100K of wags, republic and prisoners, and 300 mobilized, and Ukraine had 900K in reserves, I am guessing its a...
[21:13] Daniel Ellsberg's case is important for history and Julian Assange's case is similar. - Ellsberg exposed lies of the American defense establishment about Vietnam War. - Assange exposed lies about Iraq and Clinton campaign, and is accused of similar charges as Ellsberg. - Supreme Court should uphold what was established in Ellsberg case to protect citizens' right to information.
COmparing the US to Russia when it comes to lying is a bit like comparing Jimmy Carter to Trump. Misleading.
PS.See if you can proof what this video say is incorrect! Noted Larry Johnson is a former CIA analyst..another person saying the truth which you leftie failed to see the truth!
PPS. This Ukraine proxy will be over by sometime this later end this year when Ukrainian run out of amino and men! Nato will fight to the last Ukraine man. And Ukraine is finished as a nation! It over!! Time for peace!
Nah.It looks like Warhammer for poor people to me. If you put a nazi uniform on pokemon, it does not make it a WW2 simulator, it is pokemon with a nazi uniform. You are playing low-rent Warhammer.
People putting their lives on the line for their country vs internet trolls hiding in their basement?
Don't think anyone expected the Ukrainian offensive to be as easy as their fall campaign. Other than the Luhansk front, Russia has spend most of the past year diffing in to prepare for it. That said, they did pick up some 40 km^2 yesterday with fewer losses than Russia/Wagner did in their winter offensive.Looks like the offensive has ran into reality.
Ukraine Runs Into Russian Air Superiority
Kyiv said its forces were advancing on several axes in their counteroffensive but were struggling to counter Russian air power and artillery hobbling its assaults in the east and
I guess you're just an idiot. Carry on!It looks like Warhammer for poor people to me. If you put a nazi uniform on pokemon, it does not make it a WW2 simulator, it is pokemon with a nazi uniform. You are playing low-rent Warhammer.
There had been a lot of talk about Ukraine pushing back and re-taking Crimea while others expected a longer military struggle once the Russians were dug in and defending. We’ll see but I expect this will be a longer struggle with increasing pressure on the Ukrainians from the West to negotiate a settlement.Don't think anyone expected the Ukrainian offensive to be as easy as their fall campaign. Other than the Luhansk front, Russia has spend most of the past year diffing in to prepare for it. That said, they did pick up some 40 km^2 yesterday with fewer losses than Russia/Wagner did in their winter offensive.