The New Racists: Jew Hate


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Obviously you didn't even bother reading the Haaretz article -...
You're right. I've never taken the time to get the premium access needed to read it.

Fact is you are saying that hatred of Jews is because of Israel's policies. I'd argue that hatred of Israel's policies is because they are Jews. The massive number of condemnations Israel has received from various UN organs while far worse is going on in the world testifies that Israel is held to a different standard than other countries.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
... It has really no right to lands it has taken, ...
Just another example of Israel being held to a different standard. The vast majority of countries includes land that they won in war at some point including Canada. A simple example is Saudi Arabia. Saud took over the Hejaz in 1925. Should they be compelled to give it back? Same goes for much of Europe, Tibet, Western Sahara, North Cyprus, South Vietnam,

it must return land it took if it really wants peace
And when The Palestinians vote for people other than Hamas, there might be the possibility of peace. To add, Abbas walked away from THE peace deal. Who is Israel supposed to make peace with; themselves?


Jan 31, 2005
I guess since you're avoiding the issue, you can't find any examples of this American Jew promoting hatred and have now accepted that he was banned solely because of his religion.
He won't answer this because it doesn't help him hate to discuss a Jew being persecuted. In fact, it is downright counterproductive to his goal of having more Jews be persecuted.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Speaking of bullshit, you might actually want to read some history. The Jewish leadership at the time accepted the UN partition plan. They said yes.

Sadly there was a group that chose to ignore it and declared war instead of accepting it. Those same people then decided that the Palestinian part of the Partition shouldn't be an independent state and then took it over. Those same people then decided that although they were unable to destroy Israel militarily that they would still refuse to accept Israel's existence and continued their support for attacks on Israel. To this day, there are still prominent factions among the Palestinians (including their last elected legislature) who still refuse to accept Israel's existence, whether withing the Green Line, the Partition plan lines, or even a single city.

You have clearly stated you oppose a two state peace which means you oppose Israel existing. Now when called out you try and backtrack but still refuse to assign any responsibility to the Palestinians and Arab leadership.
So what, there are prominent Jews that promote massive expansionism of Israel and also Jewish groups that speak out against a Palestinian state, this musician was a member of one of those groups, and saying you do not recognize Israel is pretty much the mirror image view as saying you don't support a Pali state.


Jan 31, 2005
So what, there are prominent Jews that promote massive expansionism of Israel and also Jewish groups that speak out against a Palestinian state, this musician was a member of one of those groups, and saying you do not recognize Israel is pretty much the mirror image view as saying you don't support a Pali state.
Nice try at blatant subterfuge but these unnamed "prominent Jews" aren't him and these unnamed "Jewish groups" aren't Israel. Israel, including an overwhelming majority of its "prominent Jews", supports the creation of a Palestinian State, and Israel has repeatedly offered the Palestinians one. In this case you can't identify anything this guy has said or done so you are going about demonizing "prominent Jews" (who you don't even name) to try and demonize him by some vague association you can't even spell out.

Your post boils down to "OMG! HE'S A JEW! A JEW! OMG!"

Blatant racism.

BTW, should Palestinians be banned from any participation in any event for saying they don't support Israel? Or do you have one rule for Jews and a different rule for everybody else? Should YOU be banned from events for your anti-Israeli views? Even if you accept your ludicrous demonization your underlying argument is fucking pathetic, that it's even OK to ban someone because you disagree with their stance! I would get it if he had been promoting violence or terrorism like many of your favoured groups, but in this case it's just a straight up political view not associated with even an insinuation of violence and you think that should be banned? HOLY FUCK.

But let's go back to the simple refutation -- your post is a straight up attempt to demonize someone for being Jewish, by association to unnamed nefarious "prominent Jews".


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
So what, there are prominent Jews that promote massive expansionism of Israel and also Jewish groups that speak out against a Palestinian state, this musician was a member of one of those groups, and saying you do not recognize Israel is pretty much the mirror image view as saying you don't support a Pali state.
As usual, you are absolutely full of shit about this musician. There haven't been any racist statements from him. In fact after the Spanish government commented, the festival has realized that it was the ones being racist and have now re-invited him.


Active member
Jan 20, 2004
Fascinating how no one on this board or in the broader world can ever take s step back and try and remove out ethnic labels and see us all as humans of the same species. As soon as we talk about racial isuues like anti semitism , confederate flag, native rights or claims, Crimea , etc etc etc it's like a madness falls over us and we have to entrench in our ethnic camps and go to war with no chance for compromise or ever trying to imagine life as part of another race. Can any one here see that this is how our great species ends ?


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
I guess since you're avoiding the issue, you can't find any examples of this American Jew promoting hatred and have now accepted that he was banned solely because of his religion.
Back to the original thread ! I agree with you that there is a huge difference between religion and regional politics. In Canada & the US - it is a fate of Muslims who happen to have the religion as those zealots in Syria & Iraq. I don't know this artist but if he is suspended for his religion or because he doesn't advocate a political view - that is wrong.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Fascinating how no one on this board or in the broader world can ever take s step back and try and remove out ethnic labels and see us all as humans of the same species. As soon as we talk about racial isuues like anti semitism , confederate flag, native rights or claims, Crimea , etc etc etc it's like a madness falls over us and we have to entrench in our ethnic camps and go to war with no chance for compromise or ever trying to imagine life as part of another race. Can any one here see that this is how our great species ends ?
I think many of us can.

For example, this thread is about an American musician being subjected to special treatment and sanction merely because of his religion.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
... I don't know this artist but if he is suspended for his religion or because he doesn't advocate a political view - that is wrong.
Seems there is no if. The Spanish government (and I believe the festival's legal counsel) both chimed in about the festival giving in to ridiculous threats of disruption by a bunch of idiots who can't separate religion from their own hateful politics. The BDS people once again showed their true stripes.

It is the exact same as expecting an American Muslim to sign an declaration against the policies of Iran before employing them.


Jan 31, 2005
Fascinating how no one on this board or in the broader world can ever take s step back and try and remove out ethnic labels and see us all as humans of the same species. As soon as we talk about racial isuues like anti semitism , confederate flag, native rights or claims, Crimea , etc etc etc it's like a madness falls over us and we have to entrench in our ethnic camps and go to war with no chance for compromise or ever trying to imagine life as part of another race. Can any one here see that this is how our great species ends ?
Israel is as multiethnic country where Arabs and Jews have equal rights. Did you forget?


Active member
Jan 20, 2004
Yes yes yes. I forgot isrsel is perfect and defending YOUR favourite country is the answer to saving humanity. Try to imagine being on a spaceship and watching our planet from a distance. Or watching a long movie of the earth from its beginning. Surely We'd be the most fascinating species. Surely our airplanes and medicine and great civilizations would be something to appreciate. Surely our medicine and great endeavors to help one another and explore the universe should make at least some of us worthy of not dying out of racism or national ignorance. Can no one on this forum accept that some thing about our species should lift us out of our petty tribal provincial self destruction and get some of us to a place where we as humanoids from the planet earth stand together all equals , all as one to forge a future of peace and prosperity and explore the wonderful universe that so few species have an opportunity to do ???


Jan 31, 2005
Here's what I see from space: Democracy versus tyranny. I'm not afraid to say democracy is better.

You seem to think I support Israel because it's Jewish and you accused me of being a Jew thinking that would discredit me. You should read more of my posting history. I support Israel because I support democracy. Israel is one, a modern Western democracy with extensive respect for human rights, the rule of law, and fundamental freedoms. Against Israel are an array of the worst dictatorships and vilest terrorists on the planet.

It's pretty much good vs evil there. People think it's politically incorrect to say that, but too bad.

This isn't a racial or religious issue. Arabs are trying to build Tunisia into a democracy and they have made some good progress, and I wish them well. I supported Morsi in Egypt because as horrendous as he was in some ways, he was a democratic voice, and it was my belief that ultimately democracies talk to each other and resolve problems--regardless of where they start from.

But Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Iran, Syria, Fatah, Hezbollah -- none of them want anything to do with democracy. Most of them are driven either by fanaticism or by hate and they believe in such things as ethnic cleansing. They make necessary the security walls that divide Israel from the territories, they make it impossible to militarily withdraw from those territories, and they started all the wars with Israel--often with the express war goal of eliminating all the Jews. Until the Arabs abandon their culture of tyranny and oppression, until they turn their back on fanaticism and hate, there isn't really a choice on the Israeli side--they need to build walls to defend themselves, they need to blockade Gaza to prevent Iran from delivering sophisticated missile systems to Hamas, they need to proactively strike targets before the forces of evil amass enough strength to strike back effectively.

I have no problem with a democracy kicking the shit out of a tyrant or a terrorist and there's a certain reality that when a territory is dominated by a tyrant like Meshal then life for the people who live there is going to suck, and suck hard. It is awful to be stuck in a war zone--but whose fault is that?


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Israel has committed to make whole people who lost property, and did not ethnically cleanse them.

Second you are lying when you say they know it is not Israel. No one knows that. No one knows where the border will be. You can say that they do not KNOW it is Israel, but equally they do not KNOW it isn't either.

The Green Line is not a border and the UN had explicitly said it cannot be considered a border. The border will be negotiated and if the settlements wind up on the Israeli side then no wrong was done.
It has? Show me some proof of this? This is the first I have read of any sort of compensation.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
You have no reason to believe that. Israel had clear recognized sovereignty over the territory it captured in 1947/48, with Jordan having signed a peace treaty recognizing Israeli jurisdiction and the UN having endorsed that deal.

The 1967 war is less clear, the green line is an armistice line rather than a border and clearly it is presumptuous of Israel to unilaterally decide where the border is, but given Palestinian intransigence that is also a way forward. Palestinians unilaterally declared a state, Israel unilaterally declared a border.

Olmerts offer gave the Palestinians equal land elsewhere so there is nothing clearly unfair about declaring the settlements Israel and the swap resolves core strategic issues like the Tel Aviv wasp waist.
Was the state of Israel declared multilaterally? If Jordan agreed to territorial boundaries that is there problem. But who was bribed or threatened to obtain that agreement.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
It's pretty much good vs evil there. People think it's politically incorrect to say that, but too bad.

This isn't a racial or religious issue. Arabs are trying to build Tunisia into a democracy and they have made some good progress, and I wish them well. I supported Morsi in Egypt because as horrendous as he was in some ways, he was a democratic voice, and it was my belief that ultimately democracies talk to each other and resolve problems--regardless of where they start from.

But Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Iran, Syria, Fatah, Hezbollah -- none of them want anything to do with democracy. Most of them are driven either by fanaticism or by hate and they believe in such things as ethnic cleansing. They make necessary the security walls that divide Israel from the territories, they make it impossible to militarily withdraw from those territories, and they started all the wars with Israel--often with the express war goal of eliminating all the Jews. Until the Arabs abandon their culture of tyranny and oppression, until they turn their back on fanaticism and hate, there isn't really a choice on the Israeli side--they need to build walls to defend themselves, they need to blockade Gaza to prevent Iran from delivering sophisticated missile systems to Hamas, they need to proactively strike targets before the forces of evil amass enough strength to strike back effectively.
That's total bull, coming from you.

You don't care that both Hamas and Hezbollah were democratically elected and part of democratic governments, nor do you care that Iran is a functioning democracy, with about as much of a theocracy as your 'Jewish' state is.

You really are just a racist, trying to hide it.
But it slips out.

You've stated:
3. Israel is a western democracy, and is morally and ethnically superior in every conceivable way to the forces of tyranny that it opposes
It is a fight between civilization and barbarism.

You argue that Israel is a democracy but refuse to allow the Palestinians living under Israeli rule for nearly half a century to have equal rights or the vote inside of what the Israel i government now calls 'Eretz Israel'.

You are an 'arab hater', someone who has complained about 'Arab conspiracies' controlling the UN.


New member
Aug 26, 2005
Iran a democracy? Its unique political system, based on the 1979 constitution, combines elements of a parliamentary democracy with a theocracy governed by the country's clergy, wherein the Supreme Leader wields significant influence. Good try though.

You argue that Israel is a democracy but refuse to allow the Palestinians living under Israeli rule for nearly half a century to have equal rights or the vote inside of what the Israel i government now calls 'Eretz Israel'.

You are an 'arab hater', someone who has complained about 'Arab conspiracies' controlling the UN.[/QUOTE]
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