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The New Racists: Jew Hate


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Didn't we deal with that fake quote long ago? The original hand written letter clearly shows a tone meaning the exact opposite.

But we still have your refusal to acknowledge that the Arab leaders refused to accept the Partition and Jordanians and Egyptians were the ones who invaded and stole the Palestinian state in 1948.

basketcase said:
So what exactly happened to the state of Palestine in 1948/9? .
Israel invaded and occupies it, against all UN resolutions demanding an end to the occupation and repatriation of refugees.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
But we still have your refusal to acknowledge that the Arab leaders refused to accept the Partition and Jordanians and Egyptians were the ones who invaded and stole the Palestinian state in 1948.
At least now you are agreeing that both sides refused to accept partition and its ridiculous to try to claim that it was only one side responsible.

In any event, the only way forward now seems to be through the ICC.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
At least now you are agreeing that both sides refused to accept partition and its ridiculous to try to claim that it was only one side responsible.

In any event, the only way forward now seems to be through the ICC.
The only way forward is for the Palestinian leadership to accept the concept of peace.

And I see you have no comment on your historical knowledge.

basketcase said:
So what exactly happened to the state of Palestine in 1948/9? .
Israel invaded and occupies it, against all UN resolutions demanding an end to the occupation and repatriation of refugees.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
The only way forward is for the Palestinian leadership to accept the concept of peace.
Netanyahu was elected on a promise to not allow the two state solution to come to pass.
Hopefully he'll be in jail at the Hague soon and Israel will have an opportunity to elect someone who supports peace.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Netanyahu was elected on a promise to not allow the two state solution to come to pass.
Hopefully he'll be in jail at the Hague soon and Israel will have an opportunity to elect someone who supports peace.
Are you saying that Hamas (who won a far higher portion of Palestinian votes last time the allowed an election) is willing to accept a permanent peace where Israel still exists? Most I've ever head of is them offering a 10 year truce in exchange for Israel meeting all other Palestinian demands.

p.s. We've dealt with the bullshit of your claim previously.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Are you saying that Hamas (who won a far higher portion of Palestinian votes last time the allowed an election) is willing to accept a permanent peace where Israel still exists? Most I've ever head of is them offering a 10 year truce in exchange for Israel meeting all other Palestinian demands.

p.s. We've dealt with the bullshit of your claim previously.
You don't read the news much, do you?,7340,L-4693115,00.html


Jan 31, 2005
At least now you are agreeing that both sides refused to accept partition and its ridiculous to try to claim that it was only one side responsible.

In any event, the only way forward now seems to be through the ICC.
Stop your blatant and stupid lying, Israel CLEARLY accepted partition. The Arabs were the ones who rejected it and attacked.

This is a matter of historical fact.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Stop your blatant and stupid lying, Israel CLEARLY accepted partition. The Arabs were the ones who rejected it and attacked.

This is a matter of historical fact.
If we defeat them and capture western Galilee or territory on both sides of the road to Jerusalem, these areas will become part of the state. Why should we obligate ourselves to accept boundaries that in any case the Arabs don't accept?"[9]

Keep up with the conversation.
Israel had three competing groups vying for control at independence, one that wanted boundaries based on the UN partition plan, a second that wanted to win territory so refused to but borders in the declaration and a third that wanted it all. Kind of like now, though these days its the 'want it all' crowd that is running Israel.

Bring in the ICC.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
You can't read much can you.

The article you posted clearly says CEASEFIRE (and only on Hamas attacks from Gaza, not the West Bank), not PEACE.

p.s. The factions that wanted all of Palestine were forcibly disarmed by the Israeli army. The Palestinian faction that to this day wants all of Palestine won the Legislature of the Palestinians.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You can't read much can you.

The article you posted clearly says CEASEFIRE (and only on Hamas attacks from Gaza, not the West Bank), not PEACE.
You need to start peace with a ceasefire.
Baby steps.

Asking Hamas to disarm would be asking for all of Gaza to bend over and take an Israeli RPG up the arse, since history has shown Israel to attack whenever Netanyahu is having domestic political problems.

But the point is made, Hamas is in peace talks with Israel.
And a ceasefire until ICC rules on war crimes is all that's really needed.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Israel( and others) have the capability of firing a 155 mm, high explosive howitzer shell down the trajectory of the incoming rocket. Within seconds from the time of the launch. As soon as the Israel's critics honestly answer why Israel is not doing it, we actually might have a first, baby step toward peace.


Jan 31, 2005
You need to start peace with a ceasefire.
Baby steps.

Asking Hamas to disarm would be asking for all of Gaza to bend over and take an Israeli RPG up the arse, since history has shown Israel to attack whenever Netanyahu is having domestic political problems.

But the point is made, Hamas is in peace talks with Israel.
And a ceasefire until ICC rules on war crimes is all that's really needed.
Now not only do you refuse to denounce Hamas, you support Hamas being armed!

Wow you are fucked.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Now not only do you refuse to denounce Hamas, you support Hamas being armed!

Wow you are fucked.
Until both sides are held to the rule of law, neither can be trusted.
And after the wanton killing of civilians last year by Israel, its very clear that Israel's state terrorism can't be trusted.

Bring on the ICC and hold both sides to the rule of law.
Then end the apartheid rule and give equal rights and the vote to all under Israeli rule.

That's the only way left for peace.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
You need to start peace with a ceasefire.
Baby steps.
Pretty hard for 'baby steps' when Hamas is still clear that they will never accept Israel's existence.

Asking Hamas to disarm would be asking for all of Gaza to bend over and take an Israeli RPG up the arse, since history has shown Israel to attack whenever Netanyahu is having domestic political problems.
Under rules of international law, private non-state armies are illegal. Like in Lebanon with Hezbollah, (allegedly) political parties shouldn't be armed. The sole authority of use of arms lies in the hands of the state and last I checked, the Palestinian Authority were the recognized representatives of the Palestinian people.

Secondly, your claims are absolutely cart before the horse stupidity. Israel's major problem with Hamas is that they endorse the destruction of Israel and attack Israeli civilians. Give up those two tenets of Hamas existence and Hamas has no need for weapons.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
p.s. The reggae guy performed yesterday despite some Palestinian supporters trying to interfere.


Jan 31, 2005
Until both sides are held to the rule of law, neither can be trusted.
And after the wanton killing of civilians last year by Israel, its very clear that Israel's state terrorism can't be trusted.

Bring on the ICC and hold both sides to the rule of law.
Then end the apartheid rule and give equal rights and the vote to all under Israeli rule.

That's the only way left for peace.
Again I point out that you haven't denounced Hamas and instead you went on to say you support Hamas being armed.

You don't get to come back from an admission like that, you are done.


New member
Aug 26, 2005
Israel( and others) have the capability of firing a 155 mm, high explosive howitzer shell down the trajectory of the incoming rocket. Within seconds from the time of the launch. As soon as the Israel's critics honestly answer why Israel is not doing it, we actually might have a first, baby step toward peace.
As a former military member I can clearly tell you have no clue. A howitzer shell, while fairly accurate, is not that accurate. Even the Iron Dome system is not perfect.

Also, yes, bring on the ICC, I'd love to see Hamas, the PLO, etc answer for their deliberate attacks on civilians. Israel has caused civilian casualties in defence, totally different than attacking/bombing buses, cafes, university campuses.


Jan 31, 2005
If the ICC were restricted to democratic nations I would support it, buy it has e same problem as the UNHRC: one vote per member nation, and the world contains far more authoritarian regimes than democracies, unfortunately.

Dictatorships tend to horse trade their votes in these groups, which is how places like Saudi Arabia and Sudan "elected" to the human rights commission. They bought the election by trading their votes on something else.

The ICC potentially makes citizens is democracies subject to dictatorship. That concern would be resolved if only democracies could vote.
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