Steeles Royal

The movie "The Passion" Excuse my ignorance.


rhythmic member
Hardcore religion

ocean976124 said:
While I am not a commited Christian, as a conservative I find revisionist history to be disdainful. Liberals are trying to turn Jesus into a peace loving hippie. Thats not exactly the kind of person who could have threatened the Jewish and Roman leaders. There were plenty of other preachers, miracle workers, healers, self-proclaimed messiahs that were never executed.

Many so-called "pagan parallels" to the Christian scriptures fall apart when historically looked at.
And Ghandi was turned into a peace loving hippie by the evil “Liberals” as well? Right? Everyone who advocates love and peace is a peace loving hippie? As if being a peace loving hippie were even a bad thing. But you seem to think that it is discrediting. And conservative revisionist history is a good thing; right? Oh right they would NEVER do that! WTF was I thinking?

The Shake said:
Does the Simpsons poke fun at some aspects of Christianity? Without a shadow of a doubt, yes, but they also take jabs at Judaism, Hinduism, and Buddhism. Great comedy should be thought-provoking and, during its prime, the Simpsons accomplished that.
That is a good point Shake. However I doubt that you will ever disabuse bigots, racists, or oceans [hehehe] of their dogma. Hell, what would they have left in their little world, which would come crumbling down, if they did not have their “absolute truisms”. It is like trying to reason with Dr Watchsom. These guys do not like anything thought-provoking, they might actually have to think as oppose to rely on “absolute truisms”.
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The Shake

Winner (with a capital W)
Feb 3, 2004
Interesting review here -

Sorry, HHH, but you'll have troubles chalking that one up to "The Jews".

The Shake

Winner (with a capital W)
Feb 3, 2004
danmand said:
The sad thing about it is that somewhere in the world, a little jewish boy is going to be hurt because Mel Gibson wants to make a Billion dollars.
Wow - now we've got idiots on BOTH sides of the issue!
Jan 24, 2004
The Vegetative State
Dr F said:
Bah why go see this movie? I already know how it ends.
When Oscar Wilde was given his oral exam in Greek, his examiners, who of course despised the brightly-dressed dandy, gave him a particularly difficult passage from Acts to translate. Wilde of course did so flawlessly. As he was proceeding through the passage, his examiners stopped him, and told him (grudgingly) that he has passed. Wilde responded "Oh do let me continue - I so want to hear how the story ends."

Dr F

New member
Jan 26, 2004
Actually, I can't wait for the DVD! I hear there are some really cool alternate endings.
Jan 24, 2004
The Vegetative State
Dr F said:
Actually, I can't wait for the DVD! I hear there are some really cool alternate endings.
Yeah, I heard there's one where John the Baptist leads the Scottish to victory at Banockburn after the torture and death of Jesus.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
hehehe said:
White guys are always portrayed in the media as fat, dumb ignorant couch potatoes who have bad tastes in just about everything. Black males are either gangsters or some glib ultra cool studs. Asian males are waiters who have funny accents and ok to be made fun of. Muslims are crazy psychos. Where are the Jews in the stereotypical orgy in the media?

Are you watching the same movies I am? Most of the heroes in the movies are white. Russell Crowe, Arnie, Spiderman, Neo, Leo whateverhisnameis, the whole LOTR cast???

You don't see asians in the media at all much less as anything.

I thought America was run by white christian men?? :)


Aug 26, 2001
Don said:
I thought America was run by white christian men?? :)
That's the face for the public to consume.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
When is it my turn

Don said:


I thought America was run by white christian men?? :)
My turn is March 13th 2012, 1:26am - 3:22pm. I'll let you know how it goes.



Arrogant American Idiot
Oct 28, 2002
Re: Hardcore religion

EnergizerBunny said:
And Ghandi was turned into a peace loving hippie by the evil “Liberals” as well? Right? Everyone who advocates love and peace is a peace loving hippie? As if being a peace loving hippie were even a bad thing. But you seem to think that it is discrediting. And conservative revisionist history is a good thing; right? Oh right they would NEVER do that! WTF was I thinking?
The historical person of Jesus challenged political and religious structures of his time. However, he did not ever advocate the total rejection of government or religious structures. The historical Jesus was not a marxist nor did he simply advocate some vague form of "love" that so often pervades liberalism. The historical Jesus challenged motives and individuals and had a strong sense of justice. The historical Jesus had a clear sense of good and evil, right and wrong. Vague tolerance and ambivilence were not present.
And yes, being a peace loving hippie that sprung on us a self-absorbed nation of middle-aged greedy bastards is a bad thing. These "peace loving hippies" decided they should have a free ride on everyone else's dime and anyone who actually made a good living and cared about their family was a facist pig. God forbid anyone take a stand for responsibility and values.


New member
Jan 18, 2004
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Message from God in an unlikely place?

Read this on the wall of a washroom stall:

"If The Passion is likely to raise anti-semitic sentiment, why didn't they protest the anti-German sentiment Schindler's List would raise?"

Words of wisdom from a scatalogical sage. (my first thought was: you gotta be shittin me!)

Hmmm. I know that some media moguls have been known to be Jewish - yeah, just a few. Considering that they probably understand that propoganda is a powerful thing, and can lead to tragic results, I wonder why the news coverage in the USA is soooooo balanced. Why do they turn out such factually and culturally enlightening movies such as "Rules of Engagement"? Why do US "bodies" such as "Campus Watch" track scholarly opinion and police thought? Now I'm all for market forces and capitalism, but it's not like Joe Flow's clamouring for anti-Muslim, anti-brownie, anti-immigrant, anti-accent "re-education" fare such as Jag, Threat Matrix, and the usual bag of crap. I mean isn't it enough that the FBI's doing its usual Hoover/McCarthy gig on those poor bastards. Maybe they realise that people are sheep, and will buy into whatever lie you feed them, as you long as you repeat it often enough, and put in in a pretty package (wonder where they'd get an idea like that).

Therefore, 2 days ago, when at least 2 highly placed Israeli officials said on the record that "Arabs are genetically murderous, and there is nothing you can do to change that", the US media didn't report that in a firestorm of controversial outrage. Arabs are semites too, as are Jews so I guess some semites are more equal than others. But ooh, they missed a golden opportunity to pluck a startling case of anti-semitism and say to Mel Gibson, "Mr. Secretary General, break down that wall!" Oh wait, that was Reagan in his imperial splendour, commanding Gorbachev to ... But I guess some walls are more equal than others.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W

It is clear you have not seen the movie and are just spreading hate.

You also do not see very much American news. Because if you did you would know it is clearly anti-American.

Mods hehehe's post in this thread should be deleted and I also question the allowence of such bigotry.

The Shake

Winner (with a capital W)
Feb 3, 2004
HHH - When, and how, did this cabal of Jews take over the world while the rest of us weren't looking? And why?

Is there some secret place they get together to plot how to secretly run our lives?

If "they" are so powerful, how come there's never been a Jewish President? Or a Jewish Prime Minister of Canada? Or Great Britain?

White boys don't control the media? Let's see...

AOL Time-Warner? Richard Parsons is the CEO. Okay's, he's not white (he's African American), but he's not Jewish either.

Disney? Michael Eisner. As far as I know, he's Jewish, so there's one.

Bertelsmann? Gunter Thielen. Not Jewish.

Viacom? Sumner Redstone is Jewish.

News Corporation? Rupert Murdoch is Jewish.

GE? Jeffrey R. Immelt. Unknown. His predecessor (Jack Welch) was not Jewish.

Sony? Nobuyuki Idei. Ahem.

So, of the seven largest media conglomerates in the world, three have Jewish CEO's. Hardly the all-controlling cabal that you darkly refer to.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Re: If I were British

onthebottom said:
I'd be pissed at Mel; he's always portraying the British as the villain (Brave Heart, Patriot...).

Perhaps he's really anti-anglo?

Actually, Braveheart portrayed the ENGLISH as villians, not the British, since technically, Scottish people are British, as are Welsh.

As far as the Patriot goes, i never saw it, but read that it was historically inaccurate since the British did not commit acts of atrocities against the American populace in 1776.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Just a couple of comments after reading all of this.

1. It is just plain stupid to blame anyone today who is jewish for the crusifiction of Jesus. That was 2,000 years ago. Hello, all those people are dead. And as previously stated those who were responsible for Jesus's death actually made him what he has become today. Jesus had to die.

2. It is just plain stupid to blame any German today for the actions of the Nazis in 1939 to 1945. Hello, they are all dead.

3. The Jewish "leaders" (whoever that might be) should just do themselves a favour and shut the fuck up already. Stop crying all the time for Christ's sake (no pun intended). By moaning and groaning about this movie, you only make it worse. Your incessant whining starts to irritate people after a while.

4. I admire Mel Gibson for having the stones to make this film, but as a previous poster said, his careeer in hollywood just ended unless he finances his own movies.

5. The media in North America is decidedly pro-jewish and anyone who thinks otherwise is on crack.

6. I am disgusted by all the personal attacks and innuendo being launched through the media at Mel Gibson about him be the member of some "catholic cult". Give me a break, talk about pornographic propaganda. (The stories about Mel Gibson's partying days in Toronto are legendary by the way.)

7. Will I see this movie - maybe once the crowds die down.

8. After I see this movie, will i go out and torch the local synogogue? No.
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