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The Lockdowns Weren’t Worth It


Well-known member
May 3, 2014
Eeks lots of mischaracterised info here. Sweden v neighbours is an apt comparison.
But to do a proper cost benefit analysis, you have to make value judgements for some of the variables in your analysis where honest people can disagree. The biggest is the dollar value of a human life. You have to calculate that to do a legit analysis.
You also have to estimate the value of things that don't happen. masking etc., how many citizens will do it on their own, what happens to the death rate and customers patronising rate of any business? And, what happens to the death rate when covid patients can't get into overbooked hospitals and get ventilator access?

Thus lots of moving parts. But a good C-B analysis would articulate these and make them transparent. Now imagine your In the ministry and you have to say we used $40,000 for a human life. How will the public respond?

The epidemiologists can calculate death rates pretty well once they understand the virus. Thus what number of deaths can the public stand?


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
We lose 15,000 people to covid in a year (vast majority of those had underlying health issues)
We lose 70,000 people to cancer in a year (cancer is always the #1 or #2 cause of death to all Canadians, even those sitting home social distancing)

So um yeah
Second hand smoke is a FAR more pressing concern than covid ever was or will be
Check your stats again. I believe your 15000 is short but then again it would be shocking if you actually posted anything somewhat accurate!!!
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Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta
Check your stats again. I believe your 15000 is short but then again it would be shocking if you actually posted anything somewhat accurate!!!
Beyond being an idiot the official count is 15,606 for 2020

You do understand that not exactly 70,000 died of cancer right? I rounded both to the thousands (we also lost 80,000 in 2019 to cancer; and we both know some of those 15,000 covid deaths happened to people with cancer as an underlying health factor)


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
We lose 15,000 people to covid in a year (vast majority of those had underlying health issues)
We lose 70,000 people to cancer in a year (cancer is always the #1 or #2 cause of death to all Canadians, even those sitting home social distancing)

So um yeah
Second hand smoke is a FAR more pressing concern than covid ever was or will be
Let me also make something clear! I've never tried to compare COVID to cancer. THis is you not me! I'm just claiming you are daffed and nothing you say means shit!!!!
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Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta
Let me also make something clear! I've never tried to compare COVID to cancer. THis is you not me! I'm just claiming you are daffed and nothing you say means shit!!!!
Again you are an idiot

SHACK started the comparison (go back and re-read, he claimed that shit like smokes were not a serious health issue)

You (for whatever attention whoring reasons) lept into middle of conversation and are now backpedaling furiously after being made to look the fool again


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
Beyond being an idiot the official count is 15,606 for 2020

You do understand that not exactly 70,000 died of cancer right? I rounded both to the thousands (we also lost 80,000 in 2019 to cancer; and we both know some of those 15,000 covid deaths happened to people with cancer as an underlying health factor)
You keep trying to underplay the pandemic and this makes you come off as clueless. Questioning is fine, pretending to be an expert and make statements of fact when knowing jack shit about medicine and the medical field makes one look like a moron!!!


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
Again you are an idiot

SHACK started the comparison (go back and re-read, he claimed that shit like smokes were not a serious health issue)

You (for whatever attention whoring reasons) lept into middle of conversation and are now backpedaling furiously after being made to look the fool again
You have the Fools Medal of Honor tattoo'd on your forhead.
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Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
If we did all of that while simultaneously quarantining those at risk, we'd have a winning strategy. The economy would have continued humming along, more jobs would have been created, and fewer people would have died. I'm surprised you can't see this.
Your argument about the economy humming along is flawed as enough consumers even if everything was wide open and not locked down would have self isolated and changed their spending patterns and the supply chain workers would have necessarily had to alter their work environment enough to significantly slow down industry create a recession. It is impossible to decouple healthcare from the economy as they are related and their fortunes are entwined. Obviously in most countries the mandate of healthcare is to keep individuals alive and as comfortable as possible at any age and the mandate for the economy is profit. Individuals health is not usually sacrificed for the profits of certain individuals financial profit or convenience such as not being able to sit in a crowded movie theatre, eat in a crowed restaurant or work out in a packed gym while others on on ventilators. You are on the same wave as the president of Brazil and see what has unfolded there.

The pandemic is changing things very rapidly and by this time nest year who knows what is in store let along six months from now but one thing is certain , covidiots are on the path to continue to guarantee more lockdowns in the future
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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
The funniest thing about this is you even clicked the LIKE button on Shacks post now sit here playing the fool

I still think you are trolling noone is this dumb
As I said before, you need help! I use to think you must have contracted covid and it attacked your brain but one look through your posting history and it's obvious, this issue goes back quite a bit.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Uh yeah it is called "second hand smoke"
Causes cancer and all kinds of health issues
I know most of you are living under a rock during this pandemic but surely you have heard what the effects of smoking do to random strangers right?
At least you are consistent in your lack of reading comprehension and ignorance of English.
[ kuhn-tey-juhs ]SHOW IPA

capable of being transmitted by bodily contact with an infected person or object:contagious diseases.
carrying or spreading a contagious disease.

Smoke is not contagious. You do not become a smoker or infected with smoke by breathing 2nd hand smoke. You can get covid and an infection from having just a single exposure with covid laden breath. Even if a person did develop a lung disorder from long term exposure to 2nd hand smoke, the CANNOT pass it on to somebody else, the way that covid does.

Smoking and covid are not at all the same in terms of being contagious. One is contagious and one is not.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
The point I was trying to make was that covid has allowed some stupid arguments to be formed like we always value human life, which is simply not true. There are many, many cases where profit/wealth/capital, even only looking at Canada, are valued more than the prevention of deaths, and many of these deaths are not guarenteed when talking about covid. I'm just trying to understand why covid lockdowns are the exception to this well practiced rule.
You are incapable of understanding facts that's why you still haven't understood the purpose of the lockdowns.
Chances are if you didn't understand last spring why these lockdowns were needed to reduce the rate of COVID transmissions you still won't understand it today.............It only has to do with your inability to understand scientific data.

And yes in a developed westernized nation prevention of death aka quality of life is of high value and is expanded on every year, that is why work & safety regulations are getting stringent and better every year to circumvent avoidable deaths. That's why every year car manufacturers are putting better safety measures in cars to save lives, that's why every year medicine is finding new ways to save people from illnesses....etc, etc, etc


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Again you are an idiot

SHACK started the comparison (go back and re-read, he claimed that shit like smokes were not a serious health issue)
Do you ever get tired of being wrong?

Somebody said that if they were so concerned about public health, they should ban cigarettes because of cancer. I simply pointed out that it was not a valid comparison. And I NEVER said that smoking is not serious. I said that it was not contagious but covid is. Can you do a remedial English course? You would benefit greatly.

With the number of erroneous posts you make, for you to call anybody an idiot is laughable.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
Lockdowns were gonna be the norm. Covidiots aren't the reason. Politicians are.
COVIDIOTS are the reason the lockdowns have been as long as they are. If everyone had listened to wearing masks, keeping within their own households, social distancing in public and keeping proper hygiene we would have been in a far better situation in Canada. Unfortunately you COVIDIOTS have a hard time following very easy to follow guidelines or even understanding the reason these guidelines are needed.
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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
No...but stopping would save know the magic line
They are completely different. If covid is allowed to spread unabated a huge amount of the population that is in danger. The number of smokers is not going to exponentially increase like the number of covid cases can.

They need to be addressed differently and smoking suppression has been going on for decades with clear and obvious positive results and should continue to do so.
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Oct 24, 2018
You are incapable of understanding facts that's why you still haven't understood the purpose of the lockdowns.
Chances are if you didn't understand last spring why these lockdowns were needed to reduce the rate of COVID transmissions you still won't understand it today.............It only has to do with your inability to understand scientific data.

And yes in a developed westernized nation prevention of death aka quality of life is of high value and is expanded on every year, that is why work & safety regulations are getting stringent and better every year to circumvent avoidable deaths. That's why every year car manufacturers are putting better safety measures in cars to save lives, that's why every year medicine is finding new ways to save people from illnesses....etc, etc, etc
The fact you don't get is lockdowns haven't worked as efficiently as you are led to believe and won't work if we try them for another year.
Its time for a change of plan.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
The fact you don't get is lockdowns haven't worked as efficiently as you are led to believe and won't work if we try them for another year.
Its time for a change of plan.
There is no doubt in anyones mind with rational and logical thinking that lockdowns have worked in reducing the rate of COVID transmissions.

What you don't get is preventive measures work hand in hand to reduce the rate of COVID transmission.
Lockdowns mean absolutely nothing when a small but a significant percentage of the population disobeys them by congregating outside of their household
Lockdowns mean absolutely nothing when a small but a significant percentage of the population do not wear masks when lockdowns are lifted
Lockdowns mean absolutely nothing when a small but a significant percentage of the population believe their wants to do whatever they want to do should supersede the protection of the general population from a communicable diseas.

You need to understand the countries that were able to limit the number of known cases, and deaths more successfully than most others through lockdowns did so because their population at a very larger percentage listens to what the government tells them to do countries like Norway, Finland, UAE, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, Australia, New Zealand just to name a few.

It's time for people to understand these guidelines, I know it's been only a very short time of just over a year to understand these complicated facts, I have faith in you eventually understanding these complicated facts. :ROFLMAO:
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