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The Lockdowns Weren’t Worth It


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
The fact you don't get is lockdowns haven't worked as efficiently as you are led to believe and won't work if we try them for another year.
Its time for a change of plan.
Can you prove they did not?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005

The point I was trying to make was that covid has allowed some stupid arguments to be formed like we always value human life, which is simply not true. There are many, many cases where profit/wealth/capital, even only looking at Canada, are valued more than the prevention of deaths, and many of these deaths are not guarenteed when talking about covid. I'm just trying to understand why covid lockdowns are the exception to this well practiced rule.
Yet that is the gist of the arguments from the anti-vaxer crowd. You guys complain about a few people dying after a vaccination but don't care about the far greater numbers that die from covid. You guys seem to care about business owners losing money but not people losing lives. You act like we have a responsibility to ensure people's income while being strongly against a welfare state.

The reality is that many people are making less money than they did but there are plenty of social supports available that will keep them fed and housed. I would be upset if I had to sell my place and move into subsidized housing but having had that happen early in my life, it's far from the catastrophic end of the world you guys are claiming.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
We lose 15,000 people to covid in a year (vast majority of those had underlying health issues)
We lose 70,000 people to cancer in a year (cancer is always the #1 or #2 cause of death to all Canadians, even those sitting home social distancing)

So um yeah
Second hand smoke is a FAR more pressing concern than covid ever was or will be
Wow. I think you might want to take a course on logic. Are you really trying to convince us that second hand smoke is the cause of most cancers?

p.s. the second hand smoke issue was dramatically reduced by the government imposing regulations to reduce people's chance of being exposed to it. Considering how desperately you are complaining about government regulations to reduce exposure to covid....


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta
Lockdowns were gonna be the norm. Covidiots aren't the reason. Politicians are.
I posted the link to model they claim as many as 20% of population would STILL have covid 2 years after
The public health unit has been very clear that covid is not going away

This is the main reason vast majority of people have said fuck the lockdowns
The lockdowns were ONLY to space out admissions to hospitals

None of the deaths are preventable
They all would still happen anyways

And yeah as a a few have said blame idiots (Trudope, Ford etc) for how piss poor our response to the pandemic has been
Cure is far worse than the infection


Well-known member
Sep 27, 2020
I think that a significant amount of spread is because people who are normally careful let down their guard around people they know.
People let their guard down because they got fed up with all the lies the politicians keep feeding us.


Well-known member
Sep 27, 2020
COVIDIOTS are the reason the lockdowns have been as long as they are. If everyone had listened to wearing masks, keeping within their own households, social distancing in public and keeping proper hygiene we would have been in a far better situation in Canada. Unfortunately you COVIDIOTS have a hard time following very easy to follow guidelines or even understanding the reason these guidelines are needed.
No Miss Devilla and Miss Tam are the reason why lockdowns have lasted for over a year. Notice that I didn't refer to them as doctors. Cause they're not


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
You can't prove they did so what's your point. The only way any of us can is if we were coroners and did autopsies on those that died from it.
Actually scientific data has proven lockdowns work in reducing the rate of transmission, you’re just immune to these scientific facts. Part of it is because you simply can not understand these facts, the other part is because you’re too irrational and stubborn to even attempt to understand it.

You’re extremely uniformed if you think the only way to find out if lockdowns worked is if we were coroners doing autopsies on those who died from COVID.
The primary purpose of lockdowns is not to stop deaths, it’s to reduce COVID’s rate of transmission. Lowering the number of deaths is a positive outcome of the lower rate of transmission of the virus.

The virus needs hosts, no hosts and it doesn’t survive or transmit, now if you were able and willing to understood what lockdowns achieve you would understand the rate of transmission gets lowered during lockdowns because there are less hosts.
Not that I expect you to understand what I just posted, I am certain you will continue with the spreading of the above misinformation because that’s all you’re able to understand and know.
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Well-known member
Sep 27, 2020
Actually scientific data has proven lockdowns work in reducing the rate of transmission, you’re just immune to these scientific facts. Part of it is because you simply can not understand these facts, the other part is because you’re too irrational and stubborn to even attempt to understand it.

You’re extremely uniformed if you think the only way to find out if lockdowns worked is if we were coroners doing autopsies on those who died from COVID.
The primary purpose of lockdowns is not to stop deaths, it’s to reduce COVID’s rate of transmission. Lowering the number of deaths is a positive outcome of the lower rate of transmission of the virus.

The virus needs hosts, no hosts and it doesn’t survive or transmit, now if you were able and willing to understood what lockdowns achieve you would understand the rate of transmission gets lowered during lockdowns because there are less hosts.
Not that I expect you to understand what I just posted, I am certain you will continue with the spreading of the above misinformation because that’s all you’re able to understand and know.
The rate of transmission of the flu and common cold is non existent because no one is going out and socializing so of course covid numbers would be down too. But guess what, they're going up again as always. So another lockdown. And do you know why I'm immune to it. Cause most of the fucking population under 80 is.


Well-known member
May 3, 2014
There are people who spend a lifetime studying this. They observe what happened in other epidemics etc. Thus they know lockdowns work. (Look at Oz and NZ. They are almost back to normal. They did hard 2 week lockdowns when needed). After all, hardly any flu this year, because of masks and social distancing. The question is though that society needs to move on, thus scientists try to find the compromise brings the transmission rate down to the point that it won't overflow hospital.

A second fact left out of this debate is that the more a virus replicates, the more mutations are possible and accrue. Thus the more people infected, the more mutations occur. Most mutations are harmless, but 1/6th of the time history shows it mutates toward more lethal. Thus vaccinating people and lowering transmission asap is essential to keeping the virus at the current level of lethality.
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Well-known member
May 23, 2010
The rate of transmission of the flu and common cold is non existent because no one is going out and socializing so of course covid numbers would be down too. But guess what, they're going up again as always. So another lockdown. And do you know why I'm immune to it. Cause most of the fucking population under 80 is.
This is the beautiful mind of a COVIDIOT at work.
In one post claim the lockdowns aren’t working in reducing the rate of transmission, and ask other to provide you with evidence it has, then in another post claim the number of COVID cases went down because people were not going out and in a lockdown.
Very “Stable Geniuses” I tell you 👏
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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
The rate of transmission of the flu and common cold is non existent because no one is going out and socializing so of course covid numbers would be down too. But guess what, they're going up again as always. So another lockdown. And do you know why I'm immune to it. Cause most of the fucking population under 80 is.
It's going up because of morons who do NOT wear their masks and preach NONSENSE AND BULLSHIT!!!!

I take it as a compliment because only an idiot thinks these lockdowns are needed.
It wasn't meant as one!


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
There are people who spend a lifetime studying this. They observe what happened in other epidemics etc. Thus they know lockdowns work. (Look at Oz and NZ. They are almost back to normal. They did hard 2 week lockdowns when needed). After all, hardly any flu this year, because of masks and social distancing. The question is though that society needs to move on, thus scientists try to find the compromise brings the transmisdion rate down to the point that it won't overflow hospital.

A second fact left out of this debate is that the more a virus replicates, the more mutations are possible and accrue. Thus the more people infected, the more mutations occur. Most mutations are harmless, but 1/6th of the time history shows it mutates toward more lethal. Thus vaccinating people and lowering transmission asap is essential to keeping the virus at the current level of lethality.
Perfectly stated!!!
This is the beautiful mind of a COVIDIOT at work.
In one post claim the lockdowns aren’t working in reducing the rate of transmission, and ask other to provide you with evidence it has, then in another post claim the number of COVID cases went down because people were not going out and in a lockdown.
Very “Stable Geniuses” I tell you 👏
You are politely calling it beautiful mind, I call it delusional or a grade 1 child has logged onto the forum.
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Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
I drove down Yonge street yesterday. A sea of people walking the streets, in line-ups. No social distancing. It was very close to what life was like before covid except there were people wearing masks outdoors. It's a lot like Vancouver which isn't in lockdown...the difference being they don't have covidiots in power mandating lockdowns.
How about no more lockdowns but the government should build more hospitals, wth greater ICU capacity, acquire more ventilators and increase the amount of healthcare staff


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta
A simple ip address check and you can see we aren't the same poster loser.
Although I know you are act defending me against those covidiots the IP check is pretty useless

I can access internet from home
I can access internet from head office
I can access internet from remote offices
I can access internet from random coffee shops, fast food joints, even malls and city hall

So if I REALLY wanted to run multiple accounts it would be pretty easy to do so
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