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The future of housing? Your opinions


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Yikes, JL has reached the, repetitive short circuited robot rambling stage at this point. None of that makes any sense or is even a response to my post.
I challenge you to say the facts below are not true
what did you expect to happen

your blithering damn fool challenge was met, but you did not like it so you dismissed it

you are not very bright


aka Dick Dastardly
Dec 2, 2022
Not just Canada. Australia and New Zealand face the exact same problem. They recently announced a serious cut down on immigration.

I suspect some other country too like the UK for sure. And longer term Portugal will get in the same swamp.

Maybe Japan could open up its border a bit so we can go live in their 10 million empty houses!
Can't speak on the other countries, but in Canada we have too much of our economy tied into real estate. It's just going to be a mess as it's been since early the 2000.

Japan isn't stupid. They understand the "solution" only brings more problems.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Increase capacity then. The capacity is again a supply side issue. And it does not have to be over 7 years. Who said in 7 years everything needs to be fixed?
what part of its not going to happen are you having trouble understanding ?

a 10 to 20% increase in output might be achieved, unfortunately a sustained 152% increase is required

just like you would keep the flooding taps open, any incremental immigration will just make the crisis worse

Who said in 7 years everything needs to be fixed?
the 20 to 30 year old's who do not want to raise their families in their parents basement

Who said in 7 years everything needs to be fixed?
so Who said in 7 years immigration needs to be resumed ?

you are not very bright

You rambled and your "meeting the challenge" was to say: "wrong" on every post and copy pasting a previous post of yours. Nice try.
your challenge was idiotic and comical

all you have proven is you do not understand economics and that you will dogmatically stick to open doors immigration no matter what undisputable evidence is put in front of you

you are not very bright


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
Japan will not open up its borders
i think the same. I feel their program to buy cheap houses on a tourist visa is a trap. Or maybe their goalis to bring back home many japanese of origin living abroad who may not find life so fun anymore in america.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
You're wasting your breath. His home country got so fucked with overpopulation, that he left to come here.

And now he wants to repeat the same mistakes here.
being home sick for millions crammed into a square kilometer is no reason to force that nightmare on Canada


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
India is not an immigration destination.
i guess not

Immigration destinations provide money, a more liberal culture, better standard of living etc., and those are primary drivers.
Immigration destinations provide the opportunity to make money
Immigration destinations provide the opportunity for a better standard of living

i think we are starting to see the root of your confusion with so much

What does population have to do with it? There are many European nations, with tons of immigration that have a similar population density to India or Pakistan. Their quality of life is equal to or in some cases better than Canada.
we do not have the housing capacity or the infrastructure (health care, transportation etc) to support a similar population density to India or Pakistan.
no sane person in Canada wants a similar population density to India or Pakistan.

There are many underdeveloped nations with low population densities. How do you explain that?
lack of sanitation
poor access to clean drinking water
low productivity
lack of access to reliable affordable energy
lack of access to education
religious/ cultural backwardness (Afghanistan)
high child mortality
lack of access to medical care
corrupt government officials
civil wars
no investment
lack of arable land (the hillbillies in appalachia likely have a low population density, nobody is in a hurry to emulate them)
ugly women might also adversely impact birth rates - there is a cure for this one = alcohol
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Yes. And our current population is aging and not sustainable, not to mention fertility rates are abysmally low, which is why we are allowing immigration.
which is why we are were allowing immigration.


Here's the bottom line: the cost of living in the country has become unaffordable for many. In 2023, there were numerous news reports of growing line-ups for food banks, students dumpster-diving, people moving into shelters and tent communities because they cannot find accommodation.Jan 12, 2024
time to hit the breaks on immigration


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
It was quite evident that, that is what my post meant, if you used some common sense.
that not what you said,
so you did not use common sense

I did not advocate for a similar population density. I said, hypothetically, even India's population in Canada will still only be 1/3rd the population density of India, which Canada can very well accommodate. Reading comprehension is your friend.
reality is not your friend

Right. So population has nothing to do with it. Thanks for proving my point.
a multitude of potential causes for low density populations proves nothing

We still ARE allowing immigration. 2024 targets for PRs is 485,000. In 2025 and 2026 it is 500,000. But that said, temp residents should be reduced and students to non-accredited or degree mills should be reduced as well. I dont think that is unreasonable.
targets are not reality
there will be an election and policy change

your concept of unreasonable is very unreasonable.
still want to steal rich folks money at 95 to 99% ?


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
that not what you said,
so you did not use common sense

reality is not your friend

a multitude of potential causes for low density populations proves nothing

targets are not reality
there will be an election and policy change

your concept of unreasonable is very unreasonable.
still want to steal rich folks money at 95 to 99% ?
I think they should go back to to high corporate tax rates. If both Nations did it, with the old tax incentive breaks for research, equipment upgrades, payroll and benefits to employees, it would limit the stupidity of "next quarter" myopic business thinking.

Trickle down doesn't work, trickle up does.


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
So lower our standards is the answer? Man thankfully not many people in Canada think like you my man. How about limit immigration into Canada until things are figured out? 🤪
Unfortunately for the Canada, limiting immigration will choke the Canadian economy as there is a dire labour shortage which immigration backstops. Immigration and housing are not mutually exclusive, both must happening simultaneously which the government has already “figured out” but has no solution for. The current opposition has no solution neither.
Immigrants continue to do jobs that Canadians either cannot or will not do which is and more visually apparent in major centres across Canada and becoming more and more in smaller regional centres.
Can Canada “ wait until things are figured out” to limit immigration. The answer is obviously, no.
In 2023, immigrants brought in 22 billion dollars to Canada and did in the neighbourhood of 300, 000 jobs that Canadians either cannot or will not do, many primarily from India.
The Canada - India economic patch solution is something that the US, Western Europe, Japan and other nations with decreasing workforces have failed to do.
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aka Dick Dastardly
Dec 2, 2022
Unfortunately for the Canada, limiting immigration will choke the Canadian economy as there is a dire labour shortage which immigration backstops. Immigration and housing are not mutually exclusive, both must happening simultaneously which the government has already “figured out” but has no solution for. The current opposition has no solution neither.
Immigrants continue to do jobs that Canadians either cannot or will not do which is and more visually apparent in major centres across Canada and becoming more and more in smaller regional centres.
Can Canada “ wait until things are figured out” to limit immigration. The answer is obviously, no.
In 2023, immigrants brought in 22 billion dollars to Canada and did in the neighbourhood of 300, 000 jobs that Canadians either cannot or will not do, many primarily from India.
The Canada - India economic patch solution is something that the US, Western Europe, Japan and other nations with decreasing workforces have failed to do.
If they are such a net positive, why are living standards and overall wealth going down?
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
A rambling non-response.
you say that a lot when confronted with the facts of the matter

your concept of reasonable is very unreasonable.
still want to tax/ steal rich folks money at 95 to 99% ?
still favour state sponsor assassinations on Canadian soil ?


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
If they are such a net positive, why are living standards and overall wealth going down?
The productivity in Canada is declining coupled with rampant inflation, cost of living increases and Income levels not rising as an offset which is the answer.
And without immigration the situation would be even worse. Deport all the immigrants that came to Canada in the past five years and the Canadian economy would essentially collapse.
There are many able bodied Canadians on social assistance who could work but choose not to just because, a resource that could reduce immigration levels somewhat also.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
And without immigration the situation would be even worse. Deport all the immigrants that came to Canada in the past five years and the Canadian economy would essentially collapse.
That is no justification of an excessively high volume
of immigrants admitted into the country like nearly 1 million
in one year. People are not demanding our government to
shut down immigration altogether let alone deport all immigrants.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
I think they should go back to to high corporate tax rates. If both Nations did it, with the old tax incentive breaks for research, equipment upgrades, payroll and benefits to employees, it would limit the stupidity of "next quarter" myopic business thinking.
Canada absolutely needs to be competitive vs. the U.S. wrt to corporate tax rates
The U.S. corporate tax rates wont be be determined by what Canada does

old tax incentive breaks for research, equipment upgrades,
these still exist - Capital cost allowance
the left calls these "subsidies" and want to eliminate Capital cost allowance for select industries, that is "next quarter election " myopic business political thinking

Canadian business does not invest enough and it shows in our declining productivity per capita
that is a real big problem

payroll and benefits to employees,
Canada has a high tax burden on payrolls

the stupidity of "next quarter" myopic business thinking.
if "next quarter" myopic business thinking starts to impact the ability to generate operational earnings / cash flow generation , the stock market will punish "next quarter" myopic business thinking
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aka Dick Dastardly
Dec 2, 2022
The productivity in Canada is declining coupled with rampant inflation, cost of living increases and Income levels not rising as an offset which is the answer.
And without immigration the situation would be even worse. Deport all the immigrants that came to Canada in the past five years and the Canadian economy would essentially collapse.
There are many able bodied Canadians on social assistance who could work but choose not to just because, a resource that could reduce immigration levels somewhat also.
All those issues come coupled with high immigration.

And immigration doesn't have to be an "All or Nothing" game. Some can go back.

What gets at me the most is even with the increase in immigration, these so called "economist" still say we have a labour gap. How? They've brought in like 4x the traditional number of people and you still can't find adequate labour? They don't know what they are talking about.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Read the post you are responding to, and read your response What facts have you presented here? None.
too funny
if i have presented no facts then how could I have proven your point?

Right. So population has nothing to do with it. Thanks for proving my point
you are not very bright


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
All those issues come coupled with high immigration.

And immigration doesn't have to be an "All or Nothing" game. Some can go back.

What gets at me the most is even with the increase in immigration, these so called "economist" still say we have a labour gap. How? They've brought in like 4x the traditional number of people and you still can't find adequate labour? They don't know what they are talking about.
still can't find adequate skilled labour?

economists do know what they are taking about
immigration needs to be more targeted to people with in demand skills, rather than high volumes
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