Hush Companions

The Decaying Toronto


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Drunken Master,

Please don't mention the conspiracy again. That's the kinda thing that might result in a ninja death squad attacking me in my sleep.... if I'm lucky.

BTW former fan of the punisher comic but not the movie. Just thought it was a funny name. Maybe I should have chose Reed Richards cause lets face it he could probably stretch and control all parts of his body.... even if Stan Lee won't deal with that topic.

As for rocks well sometimes its easier to look at the evidence rather than going for a confession.
Jan 24, 2004
The Vegetative State
frankcastle said:
Drunken Master,

Please don't mention the conspiracy again. That's the kinda thing that might result in a ninja death squad attacking me in my sleep.... if I'm lucky.

BTW former fan of the punisher comic but not the movie. Just thought it was a funny name. Maybe I should have chose Reed Richards cause lets face it he could probably stretch and control all parts of his body.... even if Stan Lee won't deal with that topic.

As for rocks well sometimes its easier to look at the evidence rather than going for a confession.
The Invisible Woman always seemed very, very happy....


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
True... Sue Richards and Reed have been together since the 60s that's a solid marriage. Heck Reed probably has re-invented the Kama Sutra considering he could bend, enlarge, and control every bit of his body to take just about any shape.

As for the rock I think its funny how someone who shares its view is considered to have balls and someone who doesn't share is view is holier than thou. But I'll take brains over balls since I don't swing that way.


pure evil
Aug 20, 2001
It's on page 2

After temporary removal and review it was replaced intact.

Marco said:
interesting how this thread with a negative slant toward minorities stays, and mine that celebrates the fact that a majority will not longer be a majority is removed. :confused:
The New Toronto


Mar 9, 2005
Asians are more academic and don't waste their time on stupid fads or anger bouts, I think asians have more discipline than us , way more, and more than whites and blacks, it's a cultural thing, asians love to study and academia .


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003

If you feel this way then why would you consider asians an infestation. Or are you not putting a negative conotation on infestation since most associate the word with vermin or pests.

Don't you want to share a society with hard working, disciplined, well educated people? I'd certainly be more interested in those traits if I ever need a doctor.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
For the record I have met 3 people on welfare in my life. All 3 were early 20s white people who were too lazy too work. One was just interested in playing RPGs all day, another was a porno freak who spent all his money on porn, and the third was a person with a history of fraud (e.g. bad cheques).

I think we have to remember that outside of major metropolitan areas like Toronto, Ottawa, Vancouver and Montreal the rest of the country is very white. I grew up in the Hamilton area and only had 5 minorities in a school of 1000 granted that was many years ago.

But my point is that welfare cheques are sent all over the country and outside of big city centres you won't find many minorities therefore there must be a lot of white people using the social systems.

For those who don't like their tax dollars going to social programs why does it matter that it is going to a non-white person?

There are many white people who leach off the system too..... that's just the disadvantage of living in a country the offers welfare and universal health care.

In the grand scheme of things we don't have it that bad in terms of taxes some scandinavian countries offer even more social programs but obviously they pay for them through higher taxes.


Jul 5, 2003
Fatume said:
U are making some false assumptions. I have no problem at all with asians. As for my being a racist, at least I was honest enough to admit, that I have a problem with the english and the monarchy. The one that is truly hiding like a coward is u that is not man enough to admit his racial predjiduces.
Once again, you have shown what an ignorant bastard UR. What would be your background? I suspect there may of been some inbreeding that usually occurs when cousins live too close at the trailer park.

Ooops! that could be considered a racist comment. I guess I'm not such a coward afterall according to your logic.

P.S. Cab and airline limo drivers are the worst drivers on the road. Followed by the idiots who customize their $15,000 "rides".


Mar 9, 2005
frankcastle said:

If you feel this way then why would you consider asians an infestation. Or are you not putting a negative conotation on infestation since most associate the word with vermin or pests.

Don't you want to share a society with hard working, disciplined, well educated people? I'd certainly be more interested in those traits if I ever need a doctor.
I'm tired of stupid idiots invading my threads and making smart-ass remarks. I would never go to a chinese doctor , I dont believe in that herbal medicine crap and acupuncture , thats only for wimps .


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
People who don't have a real point that can be substantiated just dodge questions. Nobody mentioned going to see someone who practices chinese medicine. No one suggested going that route. BTW if you have a "medical background" why can't you debunk chinese medicine with something better than its for wimps.

I doubt you ever did missionary work, nor have a medical background.

Fred Zed

Dec 31, 1969
Fatume said:
When I read your post I had a chuckle when you mentioned that asians are no worse driving than others. Are u f*****g kidding me? U said u live in the Chinatown area so I can only assume that it is only chinese driving in your area and u do not have anybody else to compare them to. U should try driving along Sheppard between McCowan and Warden and then try to make the statement u made.
People have a tendency to see what they want to see ( based on their preconceived notions) to the exclusion of everything else.
Persitant negativity breeds

Presistent negativity breeds hate. Its ok to be bitter about things or with tainted view but when someone is obsessed and target one particular group, the person becomes a bigot.

It's true that Racism can exist even within the cultural group of its own race.

But does it have to be alway a matter of We, Us or Them? Do We really own this great city or country of ours?

Unless one is Native Indian or Eskimo, none of us are entitled for a claim in 'my' country or this land. Toronto and Canada belongs to US, all of us. We all take equal responsibility in flourish and celebrate our diversity.

Don't be sore eye of the Ignorant ones (regardless of culture group) that take advantage of the system as one can only get 'free ride' for so long, before it catches up with them. Perhaps my idealistic view but there is always the balance of life. There are alway a price to pay, just a matter of when and in what form.

Don't turn our great city/country into racist movement like parts of U.S., Turkey, German and France. The World wars were fought for a reason. South Africa and U.S. north vs. south, East/West Europe enriched since its darker days, lets not bring us down that path.

Tolerance and Understanding is the key. If one is closed minded, they become ignorant and negativity instills.

Let's all get along. Release the aparthied feeling. Channel that energy to do greater good. There are lots of beautiful MPA/dancers/SP for US all to see.


Jan 15, 2002

fullmetal should explain why he used 'decaying toronto' to link to the article.
Otherwise he should be banned from this forum, IMO.


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
fullmetal said:
I dont believe in that herbal medicine crap and acupuncture , thats only for wimps .
And conventional medicine with it's conveyor belt of antibiotics, painkillers, antidepressants, 3-visit consultations for a common cold, 6-month waiting lists for compulsory surgery and MRIs, 2-hour waits past the appointed time for an appointment booked weeks in advance, and vague answers to nagging medical concerns is for He-Men, like you?


Bad girl Luv'r
Mar 21, 2004
At the range!!!
Some of my best friends are white people. :p


On a Plane...
Dec 25, 2004
Around the Globe
I don't even understand how you can say it's decaying, personally I love the diversity. Lets me have a look at all the ladies from around the world at a sc or something in little while without actually having to travel to those areas :p


New member
Apr 29, 2002
Fatume said:
Teach them to drive first or the f****en roads will not be safe for man nor beast. They have got to be the worst damn drivers on earth. Just try driving through Asiancourt at rush hour. It is a harrowing experience.
so true tho, absolute worse drivers, nobody gets on my nerves more.


New member
Sep 8, 2004
frankcastle said:
This is the most ignorant thread I've ever read.

I live right downtown near chinatown and any rudeness I've ever encountered would be from caucasians.
Thus people like Ernst Zundel can't go around spewing his crap and hiding behind free speech.
Toronto Escorts