The Dark Side of Roger Waters


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2022
I love the way you try to use Israeli groups to 'prove' how despicable Israel is.

And it's funny that you quote rights groups while rejecting their claims. All of those groups say a Jew ssimply being in the West Bank is not a legitimate target. You on the other hand explicitly said that some Jews being violent makes every jew a valid target because in your own words, "you can't tell them apart".

As always, you see a thread about antisemitism and want to distract it into your anti-Israel obsession but you've gone far, far further as you usually just try to distract instead of in this case you are fully on board with Water's antisemitism. It's just like your defence of the alleged investigator who claimed Jews have subjugated America.
Then listen to Palestinians grandpa

“When we were growing up in occupied Jerusalem, the people seeking to expel us from our neighborhood were Jewish, and their organizations often had “Jewish” in their name. So were the people who stole our home, scattered our furniture in the street, and burned my baby sister’s crib. The judges banging their gavels in favor of our expulsion were also Jewish, and so were the lawmakers whose laws facilitated and systematized our dispossession.

The bureaucrat issuing—and sometimes revoking—our blue ID cards was a Jew, and I especially despised him because a stroke of his pen stood between my father and my father’s great-great-grandfather’s city. As for the soldiers that were frisking us to check for those IDs, some of them were Druze, some Muslim, most of them Jewish, and all of them, according to my grandmother, were “godless bastards.” Those who administered the rifles and handcuffs, those who wrote the meticulous and murderous urban plans were—you guessed it. “

This was no secret. We lived under the rule of the self-proclaimed “Jewish State.” Israeli politicians have exhausted this line, and their international peers nodded along. The army declared itself a Jewish army and marched under what it has called a Jewish flag. Jerusalem city councilmen boasted “tak[ing] house after house” because “the bible says that this country belongs to the Jewish people,” and Knesset members sang similar tunes. These legislators weren’t fringe or far-right: the Israeli nation-state law explicitly enshrines “Jewish settlement” as a “national value … to encourage and promote.”

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Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
Waters has been an angry guy since he converted.



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
And it's funny that you quote rights groups while rejecting their claims.
All those groups say Israel is apartheid.
You are the one rejecting their claims, not me.

800 settlers, backed by the IDF stormed the Al Aqza and now Hamas has responded.
You will blame Hamas and not the 75 year old occupation, the 17 year blockade of Gaza, apartheid and the ongoing colonization of Palestine through violence. All based on your racial supremacist views.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
unlike you, I actually pay attention to what Palestinians say
80% support BDS yet you refuse to listen them.
No Palestinians support apartheid, yet you refuse to listen to them.
No Palestinians support the 75 occupation of their native land, yet you refuse to listen to them.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
The latest round of violence is both predictable and incredibly sad.

Yet another IDF backed group of illegal 'settlers' stormed the Al Aqsa which has resulted in Hamas once again responding with rockets.

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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
More of the same.

Just wait until Israel is finished getting retribution for this terrorist attack. You'll need to post a new chart.

Regardless of who is right or wrong, it is undeniable that this attack will be responded to by Israel and the cost of Hamas' attack will partially be paid by some Gazan civilians. But, of course, they don't give a shit about their citizens. All they want is the destruction of Israel, even if their own people suffer.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Just wait until Israel is finished getting retribution for this terrorist attack. You'll need to post a new chart.

Regardless of who is right or wrong, it is undeniable that this attack will be responded to by Israel and the cost of Hamas' attack will partially be paid by some Gazan civilians. But, of course, they don't give a shit about their citizens. All they want is the destruction of Israel, even if their own people suffer.
Yes, we all know that Israel will kill as many Palestinians as they think they can get away with.
The question is will it be more than 2021's Al Aqza attack, will it be more then the 2,000 killed in 2014 or will it be more killed than during the Great March of Return.

This will be the fourth attack on Gaza that a child of 15 will have lived through.
Why do you think repeatedly bombing the native population, walling them inside the world's largest open air prison and ruling them through apartheid will stealing their homes will ever end any differently?

Its just more racist, settler colonial violence.
The same as you always cheer from.
More Palestinians killed, more of Palestine occupied.

Its time for BDS.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
And you will get more war.
You are supporting the cause of this war.
Yes we will get more war as long as Palestinians are led by people who think violence is a solution.

What they don't get is unlike insurgencies like Afghanistan, Israel is the only home most Israelis have ever known and they have nowhere to flee to. All that terrorism and war crimes from Hamas do is make the lives of Palestinians worse. Sadly people like you don't give a shit about that, as long as you have an excuse to spew your bile about Jews.
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