I don't know what to make of this thread.
I usually don't post any details of my personal life on this community, but in this case I feel I have to speak out.
I've dedicated the past 10 years of my life studying 1 very particular type of cancer. I've collaborated with a few dozen other researchers across the glob e that are all experts on the same type of cancer. If any one of us came up with a breakthrough we'd be popping open the champagne and emailing everybody we knew.
Yes, it is true that there is a strong lobby pharm. lobby, and it is true that big business is very closely tied with the research field. Those facts are true, however you are forgetting that the actual people on the front lines doing the actual RESEARCH are all idealistic dreamers.
You may poo-poo their lines of research and question why they don't test things like, orange juice, flax seed, or your grandma's special mixture of spider's silk and cat urine. I'll give you an answer why they don't. None of that BS works.
There's something called the scientific method. Every once in awhile a researcher will give some of these fringe remedies a decent shot, and inevitably it fails to live up to the hype. There is no malevolent corporate man directing the research, there are no coverups. The fact is, those lunatic fringe cures just don't work. Have some faith in those that have dedicated their lives to research.
For all of you who think it impossible that a researcher would give away a miraculous discovery that changes the lives of millions. I ask that you do some reading on Charles Best and Frederick Banting.
Summary: There is no cover-up. We all want to cure cancer. There's plenty of other diseases that will continue to fuck us long after cancer is history.
edit for spelling and grammatical errors - I'm running on very little sleep