The Bash Fuji Thread

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Jan 31, 2005
You have freely admitted that you have lied - in tremendously significant ways, not just little white lies - to vulnerable women in order to get them to have sex with you. That defines "sexual predator".
Not according to any commonly accepted definition of sexual predator.


Jan 31, 2005
I agree with Fuji that the girl in question has a better life because Fuji cheated on her. Only I explain the girls better life with reference to the fact Fuji's cheating extricated him from her life. In every instance of world time, Fuji being extricated from a woman's life is a good thing.
Here you are clearly a troll. You don't know me. You don't know anything about me. Yet you make these ludicrous claims. That's what a troll is. Go stand in front of the mirror, take a good long look at yourself, and say "troll".


Jan 31, 2005
That's actually not exactly what i wanted you to type. Simply type this "I caused her to feel hurt and angry.". Then tells how you feel about your admission.
Bullshit. What I wrote was exactly equivalent to that, I was just more specific than you as to what it was that I did that caused her to feel hurt and angry. If it makes you happy: I caused her to feel hurt and angry. I caused her to feel hurt and angry by cheating on her, and getting caught cheating on her. It was quite a painful experience for her, and her pain was directly cause by the fact that I behaved in a sexually hypocritical way which hurt her.

This is all obvious, I have ALWAYS said this, it's ALWAYS been something I have been very clear about. In fact the only reason why you know that she was hurt by what I did is that I told you that. If I hadn't told you that, you wouldn't have known, so PLAINLY I am willing to discuss it and assert that it's true otherwise you would never have heard about it in the first place!!!!

Now on to this:

Actually, I think this is a closer description to Fuji
Now you're dishonest. You had a theory about me, from which you generated some predictions. You first predicted how I would respond to a point you made--and I responded radically differently than you predicted. You subsequently made a second prediction that I would be unable to say that my actions had caused harm, but I more than willingly accepted that. More than that, I have not only put it in the terms you wanted me to, I have put it in stronger terms than that. Your prediction was flat out wrong.

So far your hypothesis has generated two predictions, and both predictions have proven to be completely wrong. What would a thinking person conclude, when the predictions generated by their hypothesis prove routinely to be wrong?

But not you. You don't behave like a thinking person in this instance. You cling to your disproven theory despite its obvious failure to produce valid predictions.

Think on that awhile. What are you really doing here?

The Fruity Hare

Well-known member
Dec 4, 2002
Here you are clearly a troll. You don't know me. You don't know anything about me. Yet you make these ludicrous claims. That's what a troll is. Go stand in front of the mirror, take a good long look at yourself, and say "troll".
You have described yourself and people have had a chance to read what you write so he is able to make an assessment from that. You may be as is your persona, or your persona may be but a figment of your imagination, however from what you have posted over the years, a person is not necessarily a troll for making a statement as he did.

If you are as your online persona, you have no clue and I believe that the various assessments of you may be true. If this persona is just made up to argue on this and any other boards, then perhaps it is you who is the troll.

The Fruity Hare

Well-known member
Dec 4, 2002
You spend alot of time telling the board about yourself. We all know quite a bit about you. Enough to form the judgment that you are a narcissistic psychopath. When you say we don't know you, what you're really saying is that it pisses you off we would form an independent judgment about you based on the realms of information about yourself you willingly supply. You don't deal well with being unable to control what people think. But, dude, get over it. Stop to think why the mods haven't stepped in. It is not defamation when it is true.
I guess we both see him in the same light, I was typing the same thoughts at the same time, although I did not want to participate in this thread to inflate his ego anymore than it is already.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
I do not know what Fuji is posting to all the criticism directed his way.
I have him on ignore and have for some time. (life is better that way)

What I can say is that he lacks morals and somehow justifies this to himself by claiming to have a superior understanding of what is acceptable to him.
That is self serving bullshit and a convenient excuse
Unfortunately, what he fails to realize is that Fuji not the one to judge and determine if Fuji has acceptable morals.
A persons moral compass is determined by others who observe how he treats people.

Fuji admitted to scheming to screw his friends wife.
Clearly he does not care one tiny little bit about his so called friend, nor his friends wife or the affect his actions might have on their relationship
He places his gratification above all other considerations.

Anyone willing to buy a used car from Fuji ? (No chance he might try and screw you over)
Anyone willing to have him watch your back in a bar (First sign of trouble where would he be? Seducing your lady perhaps)
Anyone willing to have him watch over your place while away on vacation?
Anyone willing to work with him ?
Anyone willing to work for him ?
Anyone willing to have him work for you?
Any chance you want to do any type of business deal with him?

Fuji will reply that he is an honorable business man
However anyone who plots to fuck his friends wife does not understand what honorable is


Jan 31, 2005
Unfortunately, what he fails to realize is that Fuji not the one to judge and determine if Fuji has acceptable morals.
If you were capable of judging other's morals you would at least be capable of putting forward some theory or idea as to what constitutes acceptable sexual behavior and why. We all know you won't though...

Fuji admitted to scheming to screw his friends wife.
This is false. I never said any such thing. You are COMPLETELY misrepresenting me. I'm not sure if you are lying, or you are just mis-remembering the actual thread. I'll do you the courtesy of assuming you are mis-remembering, even though I have many times caught you in other outright lies and fallacies.

The fact that your initial premise there is false more or less blows out of the water the rationale for the rest of your post.


Jan 31, 2005
You spend alot of time telling the board about yourself.
Not the sorts of things you're imagining you know.

You can't support this statement: In every instance of world time, Fuji being extricated from a woman's life is a good thing.

You can make up some bullshit, but it will be just that--bullshit. It would require knowledge of me you don't have to give an honest, credible answer.


Jan 31, 2005
I guess we both see him in the same light, I was typing the same thoughts at the same time, although I did not want to participate in this thread to inflate his ego anymore than it is already.
If you want to give your own opinion based on the things I've actually said that's fine. Sw1tch however has been making all sorts of wildly ridiculous claims.

What's known: I cheat on my wife, and on other women. Clearly. I own up to that.

However this whole spiel he has about how I am a "psychopath" and this claim that in every instance a woman is better off not being in my life? That's an assertion that the woman I cheated on herself has contradicted with her own words. I lived with that woman for four years. She's the one I cheated on. She experienced that. She has a different opinion. I'm guessing her opinion is a little more valid than Sw1tch's opinion, yet here's Sw1tch making this ridiculous claim based on what? That he knows I cheat? And that's it.

Come on, I don't know what your opinion is, I'm willing to listen and discuss anything with you if you can discuss it honestly and properly. Sw1tch, though, is clearly posting bullshit and if you're honest you'll agree with that, even if you disagree with me on other matters.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
If you were capable of judging other`s morals you would at least be capable of putting forward some theory or idea as to what constitutes acceptable sexual behavior and why. We all know you won`t though...

This is false. I never said any such thing. You are COMPLETELY misrepresenting me. I`m not sure if you are lying, or you are just mis-remembering the actual thread. I`ll do you the courtesy of assuming you are mis-remembering, even though I have many times caught you in other outright lies and fallacies.

The fact that your initial premise there is false more or less blows out of the water the rationale for the rest of your post.
I had to see how this lying fuck would respond
01-03-2010 10:56 PM

Originally Posted by adickson
definitely no go cuz you just don`t screw your friend`s wife...the keyword here is FRIEND...does not matter if she hates your friend`s gut or no one will find is your conscience...

01-03-2010 10:56 PM Fuji
Friends are a dime a dozen. Sex makes the world go round. Anyway, he`s never going to find out, so you get the best of both worlds!.

My conscience is fine with this one. I am OK with the fact that we are deeply conflicted over sex, it`s just life. Same way we all want to cheat on our SO`s but we are fucking outraged if our SO cheats on us. This conflict is part of being human so enjoy it. I realize this is one of those things that sets me apart from most people.
Again why would anyone even remotely consider trusting this man with even thier dryer lint ?
Yet he considers himself a honourable , trustworthy person.

As for my theory of what is acceptable sexual behavior.
Thats simple
Any morals that exceed Fuji`s

Life has a way of evening the score for those who think themselves above the norms of society.


Jan 31, 2005
So JL, can you point out on that thread where I said I fucked my friend's wife? Or actually schemed to do so? I posed the whole thing as a question. It's an interesting thought experiment. It's not something I ever actually did.I took a position on that question, but one that relied on some pretty unrealistic assumptions like certainty that he would never find out, and so on. It is not something I ever did, tried to do, or schemed to do.

I still think it's an interesting question: Your wife is family and closer to you than your friend, therefore, if there is a pecking order, it ought to be more acceptable to cheat with your friend's wife, than to cheat on your own wife.

In any case you owe me an apology.

p.s. - since I gave you an opportunity to realize you were mis-remembering, and since you dug the thread up and PERSIST in your claim, is it OK to say you are lying?


New member
Jan 19, 2006
So JL, can you point out on that thread where I said I fucked my friend's wife? Or actually schemed to do so? I posed the whole thing as a question. It's an interesting thought experiment. It's not something I ever actually did.I took a position on that question, but one that relied on some pretty unrealistic assumptions like certainty that he would never find out, and so on.
That is rather like saying posting about how wonderful it would be to murder someone and what you would do and how you would go about it - should not lead to any psychological questions about "you" and absolutley anyone should be happy to have "you" as a roommate or co-worker.


Jan 31, 2005
That is rather like saying posting about how wonderful it would be to murder someone and what you would do and how you would go about it - should not lead to any psychological questions about "you" and absolutley anyone should be happy to have "you" as a roommate or co-worker.
It's a good example of what separates me from JohnLarue, and to some extent from you. According to the stand I've taken here on cheating there should be nothing wrong with cheating with your best friend's wife, or for that matter with fucking that 19 year old virgin from the other thread. In a purely moral sense I will defend those positions, but there are huge practical and pragmatic differences. I live a much more practical, pragmatic, and non-ideological life. JohnLarue is prone to being drawn into the most absurd positions because of his ideology. He believes something mostly sensible, like "markets are better", but fails to appreciate that it isn't a fully generalizable statement, and winds up being forced to apply it to ludicrous edge cases, and then makes a fool of himself defending that.

As I said, I live a much more pragmatic, practical, less theory driven life. I can't see any way to argue convincingly that either of those things are outright wrong, but unlike you, and unlike JohnLarue, I don't wear my ideology on my cuff. So in extreme cases like these two examples I hesitate. Not because I think it's wrong, or can think of any reason why it should be wrong, but because acting on a purely ideological basis is just too dangerous.

So for now the "fuck friends wife" will remain a thought experiment--but I challenge you to give me a convincing moral argument why it would be OK to cheat one someone very close to you, like your wife, but not OK to cheat on someone far less close to you, like a friend.
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Nov 20, 2006
You spend alot of time telling the board about yourself. We all know quite a bit about you.
Actually he know about his public self proclaimed persona. We know little about him. I could call myself a tractor all day long, doesn't make it true.

HOF said:[/url]

Move to the left, move to the right, grab all the genitalia in sight.

Arn't links fun.



Jan 31, 2005
That is rather like saying posting about how wonderful it would be to murder someone and what you would do and how you would go about it - should not lead to any psychological questions about "you" and absolutley anyone should be happy to have "you" as a roommate or co-worker.
There is one other problem with your reply: Murder is an event outside the arena of sexual behavior. It can be clearly shown to be immoral in any number of ways that sexual hypocrisy cannot be. Apples and oranges. To me it's like you brought this up as your response to the question, "Why shouldn't you eat cherry donuts if you eat stawberry ones". In other words, you're bringing an example with clear moral implications to a case where you haven't managed to demonstrate there are any moral issues.


New member
Aug 13, 2010
Here's the thing with Fuji. Whatever you might think of his world view and his moral code (Personally I think it's fucked) he is comfortable with both, and he doesn't see anything wrong with either. This is why bashing him, while fun for some folks, won't make an iota of difference to him. He doesn't feel to need to apologize for anything, because he truly believes his code is right, and because thus far, (apparently) all the ducks in his life are still in a row. It is commendable on a certain level, to be completely comfortable with one's moral code and choices. Whether this worldview was instilled in him through some events in his childhood, or by experiences in relationships, or by him observing human nature and taking home a different value-set than other people, his worldview is pretty much set. He does raise an excellent point about the hypocrisies of some people. While there some moral values that have never changed for me, other values have changed for me, and have evolved (or devolved) out of the choices I've made. I've grown comfortable with the choices I've made, though I know that if other people knew, they would regard some choices as amoral.

Hobbying is the obvious one. At 16, sure I thought prostitution was wrong, that was the domain of crackheads, pimps and unwilling participants. The 16-year old me would never have seen a SP (nor did he have the money). Now, however, I know that hobbying isn't as seedy or destructive as I once thought (though it can be) My morals have shifted. I have full knowledge that if I ever confess my hobbying to my friends and family, that they'll take the same stance that I did at 16, and judge me, probably negatively. I don't agree with that view, but I can understand it. I believe most of the people on this board have similar stories, and any way you cut it, deliberately withholding a portion of your life that you know would negatively impact the way people close to you would view you, is a dishonest act. Yet, most of us have made peace with that fact. Many people are married, here and have made justifications to themselves, and adjustments to make their peace with seeing SPs and cheating on their wives. Some have the rare gift of a woman who understands this part of our lives, and some even have their wife participate with them, but many more don't, and know that if their hobbying was discovered, their wife would at the least be extremely hurt, and at worst, would be filing divorce papers faster than you could say alimony. Yet the people here justify it, alter their code to account for this. Not of us, (a minority I would say) are bad people, or 'psychopaths' or bad husbands, yet we participate in a practice that is considered by society at large to be morally questionable. Obviously fuji has made choices in his life, and adjustments in his worldview to be comfortable with who he is, and I think it's wrong to judge him too harshly (I've done it too in the past). And we all do it, on a daily basis. So I think it's wrong to criticize him for this.

What I don't agree with is his assumption that his view is the only responsible one to have, and if you don't share it, then you're less of a person than he is. That's just flat-out wrong. He starts threads that are ostensibly asking a question, or a poll, and maybe he is actually curious, but it's more just a platform for him to maintain that his worldview is superior. That I can live without. I also believe that cheating on your wife is wrong, on every level, but I fully admit that I've never been married and don't understand how people feel like they have to cheat to preserve the marriage. I think that's a giant cop-out and shirking responsibility, but my view is not necessarily correct for most people. Fuji and I disagree on this issue on a fundamental level, but we're not ever going to agree. Fuji's comfortable with his choices, and I'm comfortable with mine.
Seriously,who cares about what the guy says?


Jan 31, 2005
OMG... you are sooooooo right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How could I not have seen this flaw in myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so much better in my life for having known you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And with that you abandon rational argument. Yet you're still not willing to admit that you were wrong.



Jan 31, 2005
Good, since after two consecutive predictions turned out so badly wrong, any thinking person would have to re-evaluate the hypothesis that generated them.


Active member
Jan 15, 2004
The amount of time fuji spends defending himself reveals a person truly lacking much self esteem. Any normal, logical thinking person of a sound mind would never spend this much time trying to prove how he is superior to everyone else on the board. Most people just wouldn't care to justify their bullshit to anonymous posters on this board. The more he posts to argue, demean and intimidate other posters only proves how pathetic he truly is. Usually, I find it quite entertaining how fuji will defend himself against all odds, but after a while it becomes very sad. As always, I'm sure fuji will defend himself regarding my post only to prove my point.
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