Here's the thing with Fuji. Whatever you might think of his world view and his moral code (Personally I think it's fucked) he is comfortable with both, and he doesn't see anything wrong with either. This is why bashing him, while fun for some folks, won't make an iota of difference to him. He doesn't feel to need to apologize for anything, because he truly believes his code is right, and because thus far, (apparently) all the ducks in his life are still in a row. It is commendable on a certain level, to be completely comfortable with one's moral code and choices. Whether this worldview was instilled in him through some events in his childhood, or by experiences in relationships, or by him observing human nature and taking home a different value-set than other people, his worldview is pretty much set. He does raise an excellent point about the hypocrisies of some people. While there some moral values that have never changed for me, other values have changed for me, and have evolved (or devolved) out of the choices I've made. I've grown comfortable with the choices I've made, though I know that if other people knew, they would regard some choices as amoral.
Hobbying is the obvious one. At 16, sure I thought prostitution was wrong, that was the domain of crackheads, pimps and unwilling participants. The 16-year old me would never have seen a SP (nor did he have the money). Now, however, I know that hobbying isn't as seedy or destructive as I once thought (though it can be) My morals have shifted. I have full knowledge that if I ever confess my hobbying to my friends and family, that they'll take the same stance that I did at 16, and judge me, probably negatively. I don't agree with that view, but I can understand it. I believe most of the people on this board have similar stories, and any way you cut it, deliberately withholding a portion of your life that you know would negatively impact the way people close to you would view you, is a dishonest act. Yet, most of us have made peace with that fact. Many people are married, here and have made justifications to themselves, and adjustments to make their peace with seeing SPs and cheating on their wives. Some have the rare gift of a woman who understands this part of our lives, and some even have their wife participate with them, but many more don't, and know that if their hobbying was discovered, their wife would at the least be extremely hurt, and at worst, would be filing divorce papers faster than you could say alimony. Yet the people here justify it, alter their code to account for this. Not of us, (a minority I would say) are bad people, or 'psychopaths' or bad husbands, yet we participate in a practice that is considered by society at large to be morally questionable. Obviously fuji has made choices in his life, and adjustments in his worldview to be comfortable with who he is, and I think it's wrong to judge him too harshly (I've done it too in the past). And we all do it, on a daily basis. So I think it's wrong to criticize him for this.
What I don't agree with is his assumption that his view is the only responsible one to have, and if you don't share it, then you're less of a person than he is. That's just flat-out wrong. He starts threads that are ostensibly asking a question, or a poll, and maybe he is actually curious, but it's more just a platform for him to maintain that his worldview is superior. That I can live without. I also believe that cheating on your wife is wrong, on every level, but I fully admit that I've never been married and don't understand how people feel like they have to cheat to preserve the marriage. I think that's a giant cop-out and shirking responsibility, but my view is not necessarily correct for most people. Fuji and I disagree on this issue on a fundamental level, but we're not ever going to agree. Fuji's comfortable with his choices, and I'm comfortable with mine.