Gen I want to play! I tried to answer them all, but this thread is WAY too long for a late starter like me. Some highlights:
"What size was the smallest penis [...] and what do you thing the average size is?"
Smallest was only foreskin, triangular-shaped, and significantly smaller than my pinky. The man with the average sized dick is the guy that thinks his might be slightly on the smaller side.
"What are hookers' biggest fear. Getting old?, getting warts? etc..."
Gen's, but also getting trapped in the industry, addicted to 'easy' money with no prospects of an independent future.
"Weirdest/most unusual fetish you were asked to participate in?"
The weird and unusual ones are my favourites, I've only ever said absolutely not once: on an outcall when a client tried to introduce me to his dog.
"Whats your favorite novel?"
I've got to admit I've read Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy a few times a year since I was 8.
"Have you been over overwhelmed by an overly affectionate client!?"
Yes. You may know me don't love me. I've asked several clients to please stop seeing me based on this.
"Have you encountered a client out in the "regular world" that has tried to talk to you??"
Yes, I've passed one at the Eaton Centre and a few on the street/at the GO train. My rule of thumb is smile nicely, if you're both alone come say 'Hi'
"Were you a goer in high school/how old were you when you had intercourse for the first time?"
I was and still am conservative about my personal sex life. Right before my 16th birthday I had called up a close friend and asked for a platonic deflowering, still a decision I don't regret.
"What is the most cum you have seen produced by a client?"
A LOT! Spilling over the sides of my mouth, easily - hard to swallow!
"Are you ever envious of clients who obviously have a lot of money and can buy their pleasure on a whim while you have to work at providing that pleasure?"
A little? Usually I think it creates a power dynamic and that's exceptionally hot.
"1-3, 5 Male pattern baldness/overweight/George Costanza look-a-likes/what do you really think about your clients?"
In my opinion men don't see escorts because they are unattractive. I'd say most are average to attractive: normal people with a kink. Most are not sexually deviant in any way (although the ones that are tend to be more fun) and they tend to be more politically and socially relaxed. I've only ever met a handful (less than 5) clients that I thought were there because they couldn't get anything else, no one else would tolerate them, etc.
"What do you find attractive in men? I'm not referring to clients, but a guy you'd meet in "civilian" life."
A sick twisted sense of humour and biting wit, passionate about music. For me to be sexually attracted to someone he/she has to be GREAT at what they do: talent and power (not necessarily in the dollar sense) are really f-ing hot! (Physically broad shoulders won't hurt his case, or well-proportioned curves hers.)
"What percentage of the time would you say you are "acting" as opposed to genuinely enjoying the encounter or getting off? How often do you cum with a client if at all?"
I usually do but I don't think I'm the average girl. Sometimes its not the client getting you off, its just the situation (they come, you please them, they go).
"What is your favourite aspect of being an escort (aside from the money)?"
I'm hugely into power play (see above) so this gives me the opportunity to explore and indulge that while I'm in school, with flexibility and in my comfort range. Plus where else is a younger girl going to get to meet so many different people and learn so much more beyond just school and the early-20s crowd?
"How many times have you had a man not being able to get it up during an encounter?"
Not yet, to be honest. Sometimes they'll lose it halfway through but I'd rather go over the booked time than let someone leave unhappy.
"Do escorts, especially those in incalls, TALK about clients among themselves? If yes, what do you talk about?"
Not really, unless the session was unusual or uncomfortable. There are a couple girls that work who are really good friends (Alanna/Alexis, ex-Nadia/Kelly, Kaitlyn/Dawn/me) and they'll tend to talk about it more often.
"How do you feel when the same client comes back to see your best friend but not you (a bit jealous?)"
Depends, how good was he?
AND for argument's sake I think slut, in most contexts, is an affectionate term.