Polaris said:
1. What percentage of clients suffer from male pattern baldness?
2. What percentage of clients are over-weight?
3. What percentage of clients are George Costanza look-a-likes?
4. What percentage of clients ask for CIM with swallow (if this service is provided, if not guess that means the question is moot).
What's with the percentage questions? Do you guys think that we keep stats spreadsheets of all our clients?
Baldness, I have no idea frankly. I think I just don't really peay attention to it. Over-weight, I'd say most of my clients are average size middle-aged men. So, a few love handles, but not over-weight per se.
5. What do you really think of your clients?
I.e. is the majority just guys out to have some fun, or that the majority are guys trying to compensate for some inadequacy they feel about themselves and seeing you would allievate some of their own self-doubt?
My impression is that most of them are normal, well-adjusted guys with enough disposable income to be able to treat themselve to a hot woman catering to their needs.
fashionboy said:
what percentage of the time would you say you are "acting" as opposed to genuinely enjoying the encounter or getting off? How often do you cum with a client if at all?
From my perspective, it's always a performance to a certain extend. The dressing up part, grooming, making you feel like we're lovers rather than SP/client, etc., that's all part of an act. But acting and enjoying the encounter aren't mutually exclusive in my books.
If you meant "acting" as in faking an orgasm, I don't do it, it's against my politics. I don't cum easily, and rarely with a client: probably because I'm too focused on other things and not in the right mind-frame to be able to get there. But once in a while, it happens, and it always catches me by surprise.