The Ask-A-Dancer Thread

Back Burner

In Protest! See Location!
toughb said:

I didn't realize you've met her...

I guess I owe you an apology. I failed to see the subtitle "God" or "Moderator" below your handle.

Who made you judge, jury and executioner. Mickey Mouse???...

Get off the cross...

No seriously. You got beat up in highschool, right?

This has nothing to do with me, but some of the PM's I've received telling me how disgusted they are with her comments; yeah I stay on the cross a bit longer.


"The Gatekeeper"
Aug 29, 2006
Back Burner said:
No seriously. You got beat up in highschool, right? Grow up little man!

This has nothing to do with me.This is you!!!

You are the perpetuation of hate and harassment. Harassment:- The act of tormenting by continued persistent attacks and criticism Again who made you God.

"Racism is hilarious." Where does this say in the Terb rules that this is acceptable?

Again who made you judge, jury and executioner. Mickey Mouse???...

; yeah I stay on the cross a bit longer.
That's your choice but it gets more painful so I'm told.

Back Burner

In Protest! See Location!
You are the perpetuation of hate and harassment? I should shut up and let it go? And you choose to defend her?

You choose your battles and I'll choose mine, thanks.

Now back to Joy.....


Joy said:
I don't hate all blacks, I just hate n***ers.
Do you like Chinese, but hate chinks?
Do you like East Indians, but hate packies?
Do you like Jews, but hate kikes?

And is shaving you're head optional?


"The Gatekeeper"
Aug 29, 2006
Back Burner said:
You are the perpetuation of hate and harassment? I should shut up and let it go? There is one of the first genuine thoughts you've had

And you choose to defend her? I defend the right to make a mistake. Choose to destroy the thread and move on. Not to have some individual attempt to continue the error through harassment and regurgitation of a dead situation just to perpetrate hate.

"Racism is hilarious." Did you not write this. Is this what you feel? Is this what you are accusing Joy of??? Where is your apology?

Now back to Joy.....


Do you like Chinese, but hate chinks?
Do you like East Indians, but hate packies?
Do you like Jews, but hate kikes?

Garbage diversionary verbage


Now I'm off to bed.

You think on this. It appears there is a lot you have to reflect on.


New member
Oct 15, 2008
doug51 said:
How come when I avoid eye contact and put my best miserable scowl on my face I still get asked for dances?
You wear lot of gold to attract them :) ? I went to Filmore & no one whom I liked approached me even though I kept smiling & eye contacting etc etc

Back Burner

In Protest! See Location!
Joy said:
You don't know me so I understand why you may think that, but yes I have. I've said it to the pimped out bitch I punched in the face, and I said it to a black guy at the club who insinuated that he was a pimp.

I'm sure I've said it to other deserving people as well.
Okay, let me try to explain something to you. What's you're doing is drawing a line of when you can spit racial insults and when you don't. And what you don't see is that you've made a conscious decision that you can choose to say these things as long as "you" justify it. So when a black person cuts you off in traffic or a Chinese person steps on your foot in a club, will you feel they are "deserving people"? You make think the examples are silly to you, but the line you've created is blurred.

You're justification isn't just offending the people you're choosing to insult. If you don't get what I'm saying, well maybe you are the person I think you are. (sure I know you could care less but maybe I'm wrong).


Jan 4, 2008
Back Burner said:
Okay, let me try to explain something to you. What's you're doing is drawing a line of when you can spit racial insults and when you don't. And what you don't see is that you've made a conscious decision that you can choose to say these things as long as "you" justify it. So when a black person cuts you off in traffic or a Chinese person steps on your foot in a club, will you feel they are "deserving people"? You make think the examples are silly to you, but the line you've created is blurred.

You're justification isn't just offending the people you're choosing to insult. If you don't get what I'm saying, well maybe you are the person I think you are. (sure I know you could care less but maybe I'm wrong).
dude, get over it. you're on the toronto escort review board. it's not the most politically correct place on the internet. does your wife know you're on here? saying something racist is horrible but the lying and cheating that many terbites (likely including yourself) is ok? time to let it go.

The Bandit

Lap Dance Survivor
Feb 16, 2002
Anywhere there's a Strip Joint
Back Burner said:
Okay, let me try to explain something to you. What's you're doing is drawing a line of when you can spit racial insults and when you don't. And what you don't see is that you've made a conscious decision that you can choose to say these things as long as "you" justify it. So when a black person cuts you off in traffic or a Chinese person steps on your foot in a club, will you feel they are "deserving people"? You make think the examples are silly to you, but the line you've created is blurred.

You're justification isn't just offending the people you're choosing to insult. If you don't get what I'm saying, well maybe you are the person I think you are. (sure I know you could care less but maybe I'm wrong).
You are taking this "WAY TOO FAR". To go as far as posting her comment in your profile is sick. And you want to be a mod?????

Get over it.....:eek:


New member
Oct 30, 2008
doug51 said:
How come when I avoid eye contact and put my best miserable scowl on my face I still get asked for dances?
Ohhhhh Doug what are we gunna do with you??


"The Gatekeeper"
Aug 29, 2006
Back Burner said:
How bout you eat a dick you racist whore. I bet you would never say nigger to anyone face to face.

Whore:- A woman who engages in sexual intercourse for money.

Joy is a dancer. Can't even use the English language?

Stop harassing her...


Active member
Nov 24, 2005
This is supposed to be a fun thread so let it try and be fun again. It's too bad that more dancers haven't joined the thread but it is still early. It would be nice to hear more from them.

My question is: Do dancers get off while dancing for patrons?

I have had this happen to me and I'm thinking to myself "I'm glad you're enjoying yourself but what about me?"...LOL.
Last edited:


Active member
Jan 7, 2002
There is a stripper board at I think you have to register to read it. It mostly deals with the USA, but there are a few Canadian girls on it. It's an interesting window into the world of nude dancers.


Apr 24, 2005
Do you prefer daytime or nighttime customers? I heard from dancers that daytime customers are generally more monied, older and better behaved. (I know that some dancers can only work daytime because of family obligations.)

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
The Bandit said:
You are taking this "WAY TOO FAR". To go as far as posting her comment in your profile is sick. And you want to be a mod?????

Get over it.....:eek:
The difference is unlike yourself, myself, cycleguy, toughb etc. Back Burner is black. I really can't blame him for being peeved. This all would have been put to rest if Joy apologized for her comment. She chose not to and therefore should be held accountable for that.

That being said, I respectfully ask Back Burner to refrain from further posts taking any jabs at Joy. Your point has been made I think its time to move on. If it makes you feel any better I had Joy on my TDL. I took her off when I saw that thread. She won't get any of my business. I'm sure others have done the same thing.


Aug 12, 2008
Why is it ok if blacks say Niggah?

I'm hispanic...we don't call each other spics!

IMO...we are all humans and any qualification of an individual as being some "race" is a bit racist anyhow. As soon as you say...that guy's've already judged an individual not on their own qualities but placed them in a group that carries all kinds of assumptions with it.
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