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That which can’t be discussed


Aug 14, 2024
After the last few posts, I am going to get kind of inappropriate here, so sorry.

One of the primary reasons the wise masters at TERB ban the discussion is that this act has the potential to cause massive negative changes in the industry from the Masters of the Universe, not the masters of TERB.

I will digress for a moment since Jenesis mentioned EE girls and Wildestdream mentioned BDSM in the original posts.

British girls basically invented getting spanked, and liking it. It eventually filtered down to their former colonies, America and Australia. The scene exists in Canada, but not to the same extent. The Brits also started filming it, as did the Californians. The Brits showed how it is done. A warm up hand spanking, often additional application of moisturizing lotion, lighter implements, and then the cane (always in Britain), and either the cane or the wood paddle in America. The Australians love to read, so they had their own popular printed monthly magazine about this stuff. The Brits had a censorship board that watched the films (good work if you can get it) that occasionally banned a film before distribution. There were only a few bans, which pissed off the actress who felt she got spanked really hard for no reason. But the industry respected limits. If you went to LA or SF and saw a submissive, switch, or dom for the first time, she taught you all about how spankings, warmups, limits and safe words work.

Then in the film world, the Iron Curtain fell, and the Czech’s discovered spanking, the Internet, and filming. A production company called Rigid East formed, and basically the youngest, cutest, pale, white girls did school spanking scenes where they took 30 - 100 cane strokes bare bottomed, while often restrained, without a warm-up. The biggest difference is simply the marking that occurs. Eventually a Hungarian group called Mood Pictures followed suit and did even more severe scenes, and a group called Russian Slaves did the same, although they were shitty filmmakers.

All of a sudden, the British spanking movie boards started lighting up about these movies. Some viewers loved them, others hated them. They were violating a Code of Conduct that was well established. An actress might be marked for weeks after a Czech movie scene, not a day or two after one, like the industry had always known. But sure enough, the Brits passed legislation for the fist time ever placing limits on BDSM in films and even to an extent in private conduct, including the meetings and parties that BDSM enthusiasts went to. The censors who watched spanking movies really noticed these new EE films and didn’t like them. Same with the Australians, and they did some legislation that eventually ended the monthly magazine. Someone from the outside caused changes within that industry in other countries when it came to law changes.

Now let’s get back to sex, since spanking doesn’t interest most of the participants.

The EE ladies certainly changed sex at the German FKKs, and really throughout Germany in general. They basically caused a reduction in the number of ladies from what was formerly West Germany who do commercial sex. First it was the East Germans, and then the Romanians. I realize a lot of guys here like the FKKs. Not so much the individual girls, since they come back and do a review of Five Girls They Fucked for 100 euros each, but can‘t remember their names. They sometimes say they were German girls, and guys like me say no, they weren’t. The blonde German girl wasn’t working there, perhaps not working in the industry at all. Same with that much hotter and bustier Swedish girl in Sweden, who is difficult to find because the Swedes passed plenty of laws limiting the industry in their country to discourage Eastern European women from coming there. You can look at the legislative history during the debates about the law’s passage. They talk about discouraging the entry of Eastern European sex workers into their country.

Plenty of the best commercial sex destinations in Europe, including Spain and Portugal, quietly discourage Asian and Eastern European women from entering for sex. Barcelona Vice is brutal about closing Asian massage parlors.

So back to the topic at hand. What happens if the lowest-priced Asian places start dominating the Toronto scene and there is plenty of offerings of BBFS at some of them. First of all, nothing against Asian women. I wish there were a lot more Asian independent escorts charging standard market rates, but there aren’t. I have seen a few who do, and I really liked them.

People will gravitate toward what feels the best (at that moment) and what costs the least (in the short run). They don’t give a shit if the worker is properly compensated, and that is a hell of a loaded question, anyway. The Czech model getting a really hard caning got paid a fraction of what the Brit lady would have gotten, and that particular scene couldn’t have even been filmed and released in Britain at the time, anyway.

But the biggest concern is what we lose in terms of industry participation and future law changes if BBFS at the lowest-priced Asian places are discussed in a manner that allows them to receive a greater market share. First of all, the beloved Canadian independents and agency ladies who don’t offer this service get frustrated at all of the requests for it, and demands for lower prices, and leave the industry. Most of us feel that we get to know ladies like Jenesis and Josephine either by reading their posts or seeing them. Same with all the delightful ladies at the established non-Asian agencies. They are Toronto girls, not can’t-remember-her-name girl who rotates between five Canadian cities when she isn’t back in Asia.

And if Canada becomes a lowest possible price scene, like Germany, and if BBFS is offered frequently by providers who appear to have no real control over their business activities, there are going to be police actions and major law changes. Most people in western countries don’t approve of this activity, but tolerate it if the activities are safe and consensual, and the workers are local. If that isn’t the case, everything gets shut down. A scene of independents operating on a small scale is difficult to shut down. Advertised and observable incall places are easy to shut down, and are already arguably illegal anyway.
@Patron and @Jenesis put up some really thought-provoking posts providing both historical and global contexts from which we should look at this issue. Kudos!

I’d also give a shout out to the mods for letting this thread live. This was precisely the kind of rational and informative discussion I hoped we could get.


Jul 3, 2020
That's the conventional wisdom I know, but for whatever reason it works better for me than anything else I've tried.

And if I wake at 5:30am cuz I'm old and have to pee, and if my brain starts working on some bullshit and I can't seem to fall back asleep, I turn on my bedroom TV, activate YouTube, and put on snooker videos with Ronnie O'Sullivan, the GOAT of snooker, and shortly after I fall back asleep to that with very low audio volume. That get's my mind off whatever issue it was obsessed with.
I have a couple of eight hour long low bitrate .mp3 files of the radio broadcasts from single days of England vs Bangladesh Test Cricket matches, circa 2009. There are no commercial breaks. It takes about five minutes to complete one over, (six balls delivered), and there's about a minute between each over.

I would think that the target audience for Cricket on radio would be men over age 75, who listen together in a barber shop, while reminiscing about the days of Empire. The commentators allude to wickets taken in matches from the 1950's, fully expecting the audience to be intimately familiar with those moments.

About 95% of the broadcast is filler, including mnemonic devices for memorizing multiplication times tables. I don't know what else they talk about, because I've never been able to stay awake beyond the first half hour. A radio broadcast of golf or curling would probably induce sleep just as effectively.
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Jul 3, 2020

So back to the topic at hand. What happens if the lowest-priced Asian places start dominating the Toronto scene and there is plenty of offerings of BBFS at some of them. First of all, nothing against Asian women. I wish there were a lot more Asian independent escorts charging standard market rates, but there aren’t. I have seen a few who do, and I really liked them.

People will gravitate toward what feels the best (at that moment) and what costs the least (in the short run). They don’t give a shit if the worker is properly compensated, and that is a hell of a loaded question, anyway. The Czech model getting a really hard caning got paid a fraction of what the Brit lady would have gotten, and that particular scene couldn’t have even been filmed and released in Britain at the time, anyway.

But the biggest concern is what we lose in terms of industry participation and future law changes if BBFS at the lowest-priced Asian places are discussed in a manner that allows them to receive a greater market share. First of all, the beloved Canadian independents and agency ladies who don’t offer this service get frustrated at all of the requests for it, and demands for lower prices, and leave the industry. ...
This is what happened to strip clubs in the 1990's.

Table dances on a box, with strict 'look but don't touch' rules, were $5 each for many years. A lot of very attractive Canadian women earned well, with those rules in place.

Around 1991-92, certain dancers, referred to by their co-workers as 'cheaters', offered the choice between the $5 'air dance', and something more interactive for $10. Not long after that, the $5 dances disappeared entirely, along with the boxes and much of the local talent, who declined to play by the new rules. They were replaced by a wave of immigrants, mainly from Eastern Europe and Central/ South America. I thought the Latina lap dancers were usually really good at what they did, and the EE ladies were generally cold and calculating.

Later on, more Canadian women rejoined the scene, but the majority were unremarkable in appearance. At $20 per song, they figured they could make more money working three minutes per hour than they could in a low-paying civilian job. The rest of each hour was spent soliciting business, table by table, from patrons who had given them no indication of interest.

That was the end for me, because in my opinion, only a small percentage of women are '$7 per minute good looking'. I think a lot of other former regulars reached the same conclusion, which is why the strip club scene has been dead for almost twenty years.
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Well-known member
Dec 2, 2022
I feel you all are leaving out a major era in the industry. After the EE girls but before the Asians, you had the small town Canadian girls being trafficked in.

Eastern Europeans opened the door, but imo the Canadian girls being trafficked are the ones that made these services more common to bring in more customer and increase money for their pimps. Scotian's were most famed for traffic girls but they came from all over.

So for me, a lot of these BB services are rooted in sex-trafficking which is why I personally don't like it.
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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
I feel you all are leaving out a major era in the industry. After the EE girls but before the Asians, you had the small town Canadian girls being trafficked in.

Eastern Europeans opened the door, but imo the Canadian girls being trafficked are the ones that made these services more common to bring in more customer and increase money for their pimps. Scotian's were most famed for traffic girls but they came from all over.

So for me, a lot of these BB services are routed in sex-trafficking which is why I personally don't like it.
So let's ban BBFS because you have decided that all females hate BB unless it is at the point of a gun (ie: sex trafficked) ? There are no women who would voluntarily engage in BBFS service for money ? Has anybody ever heard of birth control or plan B ? Yes women are taking an increased health risk as are the men engaging in their services - but that is their decision. And closing your eyes because you don't agree is a WASP throw back to Victorian morals belief that if you close your eyes - it would go away.

Forget just banning BB services, let's ban all escort services because it promotes sex-trafficking. How do you make sex trafficking profitable if you cannot receive money for the services ? And TERB obviously supports escorts thus sex trafficking - let's close that down.

BBFS (BBBJ) are options for service between consulting adults. It is not any different than an escort agreement based on mutually agreed restrictions. Do you have strong opinions about this service - well how the fuck can you discuss it if the topic itself is banned ? :mad:


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
YouTube. Search Ronnie O'Sullivan. There are a lot of his recent tournaments, and several perfect 147's. One of his 147's took less than 6 minutes! His cue ball control and position play is unbelievable...

Also search snooker on TikTok.

I was just an OK club player, but in Montreal I played a tournament game with Eddie Agha, and in Winnipeg I used to play often with Billy Werbeniuk, who later won many tournaments in England, but at the time we played we were both about 18 and at the same skill level.
I read your other post and I am seriously impressed. I spent a lot of time playing pool in college but never got anywhere close to what what did. Like you said, cue ball control is essential. Those guys were otherworldly in that regard.
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Active member
Jan 1, 2021
The revenue of this website comes from advertisers. White escorts don't want to lose business so they shut down any discussion about said topic.
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Well-known member
Dec 2, 2022
So let's ban BBFS because you have decided that all females hate BB unless it is at the point of a gun (ie: sex trafficked) ? There are no women who would voluntarily engage in BBFS service for money ? Has anybody ever heard of birth control or plan B ? Yes women are taking an increased health risk as are the men engaging in their services - but that is their decision. And closing your eyes because you don't agree is a WASP throw back to Victorian morals belief that if you close your eyes - it would go away.

Forget just banning BB services, let's ban all escort services because it promotes sex-trafficking. How do you make sex trafficking profitable if you cannot receive money for the services ? And TERB obviously supports escorts thus sex trafficking - let's close that down.

BBFS (BBBJ) are options for service between consulting adults. It is not any different than an escort agreement based on mutually agreed restrictions. Do you have strong opinions about this service - well how the fuck can you discuss it if the topic itself is banned ? :mad:
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Well-known member
Apr 13, 2010
Because of math.

I have no idea what BDSM has to do with any of this?

The most statistically significant risk of STD transmission, and also of course pregnancy, is the deposit of sperm into a vagina or anus. It can seep into the bloodstream, and there are minor vaginal and anal tears during sex.

The most significant risk of an STD for a straight man is the long-term thrusting of an uncondomed penis into the vagina. Not at all like a little bit of vaginal fluid that you might get on the penis after fingering a girl then touching your penis, because quantity matters. In fairness, the risk to the man is always less than to the woman. But keep in mind that for sex workers, they might do 100 acts for every act performed by the John.

Now society did fuck up by acting like certain sex acts such as unprotected oral is dangerous. So someone can somehow mention them in the same sentence. A million to one risk shouldn’t be mentioned in conjunction with a 100 - 1,000 to one risk.

It is not surprising that the group most commonly offering BBFS are Asian immigrants working in spas. The group valued the least by western society and the people with the least control over their lives. The other groups of women do not want this “normalized”.

At the end of the day, if a guy can‘t cum in the condom, it feels just as good to cum in her mouth or in her hand. We owe something to others, since they are at a greater risk than we are.
Getting an STD from a bbbj is not a one in a million. It might make us feel better to think that though.


Aug 3, 2024
Hobbied in the UK, (“mongered” as they called it) a few years ago. Many ads were quite clear that condoms were optional and the talent was predominantly Romanian at the time. Went to a massage parlour there. The management was British, the talent was Eastern European. when the time came she was about to mount up bare; seemed slightly surprised when I stopped her and told her to get protection. She had to leave the room to find it. Picked up a local British street walker in Piccadilly Circus; she put a rubber on pretty much as soon as my pants were off.
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Well-known member
Jan 5, 2014
Hobbied in the UK, (“mongered” as they called it) a few years ago. Many ads were quite clear that condoms were optional and the talent was predominantly Romanian at the time. Went to a massage parlour there. The management was British, the talent was Eastern European. when the time came she was about to mount up bare; seemed slightly surprised when I stopped her and told her to get protection. She had to leave the room to find it. Picked up a local British street walker in Piccadilly Circus; she put a rubber on pretty much as soon as my pants were off.
A lot of thought-provoking things in this thread.

Not too long ago, I drove by a group of presumably immigrants trimming a tree at a place of business. No goggles or eye protection. Young men. I thought, should I make a mile detour to the hardware store and buy them some? I was in a hurry and decided not to. They might not have liked it if I had. Who knows? If you are an American or Canadian from a family who has been here for a while, you are told as a kid that your eye protection goes on before you even get the weed-eater out of the shed. And that is for trimming grass, not a tree. You are told that by your dad, your uncle, your grandpa, and if you wear contacts, very sternly by the eye doctor who tells you about how many injured kids he/she has treated.

During Covid, there was a big apartment complex constructed near me. All immigrants. They paid no attention at all to Covid the best I could tell. Who knows if any of them died. I doubt it. They were all young. Compare that to the viral Covid obituary of the white geezer whose family wanted everyone to know that those who refused to isolate had killed him. I am guessing the geezer ventured out a bit, too, since he caught Covid. That irony escaped the family who wrote the obituary.

There are HuffPost type articles written by wealthy mom’s about the family successfully overcoming the ordeal of the young daughter’s unplanned pregnancy, including the allocation of funds from the College Savings Plan to the Diaper Fund. Never read a similar article written by a poor Filipino, Southeast Asian, South American, Mexican, or Romanian mom, even though the teen pregnancy rates are high in those countries. Have you?

Truth is that a lot of the world‘s population lives with a far different level of risk analysis than most of the posters here, and far lower lifestyle expectancy for offspring. Sticking your dick in her pussy is the primary source of contact a lot of guys here have with young immigrant women. Personally, with respect to that orifice, I think the condom should be covered.
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Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
Hobbied in the UK, (“mongered” as they called it) a few years ago. Many ads were quite clear that condoms were optional and the talent was predominantly Romanian at the time. Went to a massage parlour there. The management was British, the talent was Eastern European. when the time came she was about to mount up bare; seemed slightly surprised when I stopped her and told her to get protection. She had to leave the room to find it. Picked up a local British street walker in Piccadilly Circus; she put a rubber on pretty much as soon as my pants were off.
My sister's name is Lilly
She's a whore in Picadilly.
My mother is another in the strand.
My father flogs his asshole
round the Elephant and Castle.
We're the finest fucking family in the land.

(Lord Byron)
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