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Terri-Jean Bedford threatens to name names if C-36 passes


Cockasian Brother
Aug 3, 2010
Escorts see clients in their hotels, apartment buildings, condos, suburban homes etc. - they were all breaking the law.
She got the bad law struck down.
Absolutely. there are many ways to skin a cat and she took one for the team by challenging the law through the courts.

The problem with challenging the law through the court is that it leaves a vacuum. The alternative to activism through the judicial process is to effect change through the legislative process. That way, you can take out the old laws AND introduce new laws at the same time.

But, we all know that no pol or party was going to lead that charge through parliament in the near future. Given that sexwork is still a third rail in Canadian politics, our only choice for change was what Bedford did.

I still don't agree with her tactics now. She won the battle, she hasn't won the war, but she is behaving as though she has.

Viggo Rasmussen

New member
Feb 5, 2010
Absolutely. there are many ways to skin a cat and she took one for the team by challenging the law through the courts.

The problem with challenging the law through the court is that it leaves a vacuum. The alternative to activism through the judicial process is to effect change through the legislative process. That way, you can take out the old laws AND introduce new laws at the same time.

But, we all know that no pol or party was going to lead that charge through parliament in the near future. Given that sexwork is still a third rail in Canadian politics, our only choice for change was what Bedford did.

I still don't agree with her tactics now. She won the battle, she hasn't won the war, but she is behaving as though she has.
Her actions in the past started the process of activism, it will filter through parliament eventually.
Parliament hasn't been a leader for social change for decades, they've had to be dragged along unwillingly as with abortion, homosexual and marijuana laws.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
If you listen to the young sexy lawyer next to Bedford who participated as a law student at Youngs side, she also claims a new constitutional challenge cannot be launched until there is documented proof of physical harms occurring to sex workers. In the first court challenge she revealed they had 88 volumes of data to show the courts the dangers the old law caused. It would takes years and years to see the outcome of bill 36.

If we seat by and let the Reform Party ram this through which at this point I fear this is the case we are doomed for a lot more than 5 years.


Cockasian Brother
Aug 3, 2010
Unless you can unseat enough conservative MPs to drop their majority before this vote, I'm not sure what you're actually proposing to do?


Active member
Jan 19, 2004
You should look into what % of AMERICANS actually support right to bear small firearms!!! You would be shocked ....& Yet the NRA pushes through their policies despite super low public % agreeing with right to bear small firearms. NRA Textbook case for getting your policies thru even though supper low public support. It is not majority rule or true democracy. This c-36 much like that now. Super low support by media & the public YET special Interest groups are pushing their agenda ..... although not hard considering the HARPER CHRISTIAN TALIBAN Government!! :Eek:
With all due respect, you're wrong on this one. The NRA's membership is about 4 million persons, which still represents a whole lot of cash to organize, lobby politicians and pay for advertisements.

However, there are about 300 million legal firearms in circulation, or about one for every US citizen. About half of US households have at least one firearm. AR-15's, the so-called 'assault rifle', are numbered to be about 2.5 million. There are more handguns in legal possession than rifles, and most people have them for self defense (which is not allowed in Canada). Rifles cause only one tenth of homicides in the US, and handguns the overall majority.

You will not get Americans to give up their guns, simply because any politician that tries to do that is going to get thrown out as a result. There were recall votes in Colorado last year, and state politicians that tried to restrict the ownership of AR-15's or to restrict certain features, got kicked out through the recall process.

Beware of statistics that originate from gun-banning organisations. Statistics can be taken out of context or simply invented. Numbers speak.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2010
And stubbing my toe is not unlike cancer.
Oh wait
And STUBBING MY toe is NOT UNLIKE cancer.
BEING REJECTED by a GIRL IS NOT unlike the holocaust.
Sending a CHILD TO bed without SUPPER IS not unlike GANG RAPE.

Because of course one can't be taken seriously WITHOUT USING all caps on CERTAIN words.


Cockasian Brother
Aug 3, 2010
I think she's showing her frustration at having won the war, and having to fight it all over again.
If that's the case, she clearly doesn't know what she's fighting.


Active member
Jan 19, 2004
If that's the case, she clearly doesn't know what she's fighting.
When the court challenge began a decade ago, I don't think that anyone imagined that the goal and hope of winning the case at the highest court would have produced an opposite effect as a consequence.

A normal government would have respected the spirit of the ruling. But this government is in open conflict with the SCC, not only on this matter, but on recent constitutional matters submitted to it. Harper even has a personal beef with McLaughlin. That, I think, is unprecedented in Canadian history.


Cockasian Brother
Aug 3, 2010
When the court challenge began a decade ago, I don't think that anyone imagined that the goal and hope of winning the case at the highest court would have produced an opposite effect as a consequence.

A normal government would have respected the spirit of the ruling. But this government is in open conflict with the SCC, not only on this matter, but on recent constitutional matters submitted to it. Harper even has a personal beef with McLaughlin. That, I think, is unprecedented in Canadian history.
I agree that Harper has a beef with the SCC. But, I have no confidence that a "normal government" would have allowed free reign on prostitution.


Behind the camera
Jun 18, 2011
Nope, she got rid of bad laws.
Don't blame her if different bad laws replace them.
That is your opinion and you are entitled to it. So am I and others. Many sex workers said it then and are saying it now. SHUT UP already.

We don't need tweaks, we need the incoming law dumped.

She got rid of laws that the Supreme Court knocked down.
Does Ms Femme believe she should have stayed low and accepted being a criminal?

She shouldn't have set up her "Bondage Bungalow" in a family oriented neighbourhood which shows again how she cares little for anyone but herself. If she operated smart and stayed low in the first place she likley never would have been raided.
Ashley's quote is one reply to I have. Second, she didn't need to take it court when she did. She took it well after her arrest. Third, I and others are not just pissed with her, but with others, Mr. Young being one of them.

My biggest issue with her however is not even the laws, it is the way this woman choose to use her spot light. It is embarrassing. She is embarrassing and THAT face is NOT the face of the SP world, yet mainstream seems to think so. I would take MJL as a spokeswoman any day over this twit. I would take Jillian, Andy, Steph. I would take Emily at Muse. All who speak up and do so in a professional manner. She does not. She had her time, she got the laws struck down, she can screw off now and leave the mess for others to fix instead of causing more and more shit.

Offering Harper a flogging, carrying her crop everywhere - really? There is a time and place for SOME things and there is time to stop. She needs to stop.

Naming fucking clients - give me a fucking break. You really think she doesn't need to shut her mouth?


Active member
Jan 19, 2004
I agree that Harper has a beef with the SCC. But, I have no confidence that a "normal government" would have allowed free reign on prostitution.
I don't think that any party is advocating free reign on prostitution. There is the legalization which implies regulation. Some Municipalites were already undertaking that, acknowledging an open secret that MP's and escort services were fronts for prostitution, and acknowledging that it is better to control than to lose control through prohibition.

The issue of prostitution could have been delegated to provincial statute, and each province and their municipalities could have had regulations suiting their particular situation.


New member
Aug 14, 2014
The logical path for a reasonable government would have been to do like Finland. Criminalize clients ONLY in exploitive situation, just like 3rd parties. If they did that and dropped the blanket ban on advertisement, they would have something that could withstand a challenge. A normal government might not have fully decriminalize, but they would have at least done something constitutional.

The issue of prostitution could have been delegated to provincial statute, and each province and their municipalities could have had regulations suiting their particular situation.
In a way, that's pretty much what the bill does in effect. It is so vague and broad that each province and municipality will be left to interpret and enforce it in their own way.


Sr Member
Apr 25, 2004
I am not sure that women are the targets in this fact it aids and protects one of civilizations oldest industries)

It allows them to have sex for cash.( understandably, not publicly...soliciting on streets)
It allows them to personally advertise their services.
They are granted immunity by the courts, should they have to testify on related matters.

the ladies have it good in this Bill. It's us men ...and advertisers that need to worry!!
You misunderstand the bill. Even though an independent lady can promote her own website
who will host the website since that would break the law? And if the lady can't promote her website how will she improve her website's Google rank? How will clients find her website if it's on page 50 of Google ?

Viggo Rasmussen

New member
Feb 5, 2010
She is embarrassing and THAT face is NOT the face of the SP world, yet mainstream seems to think so. I would take MJL as a spokeswoman any day over this twit. I would take Jillian, Andy, Steph. I would take Emily at Muse. All who speak up and do so in a professional manner. She does not. She had her time, she got the laws struck down, she can screw off now and leave the mess for others to fix instead of causing more and more shit.
She never claimed to be a spokewoman for the industry, just as MJL doesn't. She simply fought a conviction that she felt was unconstitutional, just like MJL would if she were charged and convicted.

She didn't create a mess, bad laws got struck down and now people are creating a mess to replace them.

Viggo Rasmussen

New member
Feb 5, 2010
Basically you had a well intentioned socially left lawyer dismantle the status quo with unintended consequences. They simply do not understand how the world works and fail to grasp the complexities involved. It really was in everyone in this hobbys best interest to leave things be.
I'd say Bedford et al are more libertarian than Harper and his gang who think the state should socially engineer our behaviour.

How was in in escorts best interest to be breaking the law every time they had a client into their place of business? How was it in their best interest that they couldn't work with others and couldn't hire people to help them without breaking the law?

That is your opinion and you are entitled to it. So am I and others. Many sex workers said it then and are saying it now. SHUT UP already.

Ashley's quote is one reply to I have. Second, she didn't need to take it court when she did. She took it well after her arrest. Third, I and others are not just pissed with her, but with others, Mr. Young being one of them.

My biggest issue with her however is not even the laws, it is the way this woman choose to use her spot light. It is embarrassing. She is embarrassing and THAT face is NOT the face of the SP world, yet mainstream seems to think so. I would take MJL as a spokeswoman any day over this twit. I would take Jillian, Andy, Steph. I would take Emily at Muse. All who speak up and do so in a professional manner. She does not. She had her time, she got the laws struck down, she can screw off now and leave the mess for others to fix instead of causing more and more shit.

Offering Harper a flogging, carrying her crop everywhere - really? There is a time and place for SOME things and there is time to stop. She needs to stop.

Naming fucking clients - give me a fucking break. You really think she doesn't need to shut her mouth?
So flattering Femme!!

Viggo Rasmussen

New member
Feb 5, 2010
0 really wouldn't take a genius to figure out this would be the outcome with a conservative government in power which was a real possibility throughout this ordeal.
You think Morgentaler planned his fight for legalizing abortion with the idea that a favourable government would be there to support him?
Nope, he went ahead and kept fighting for what he felt was right. The government had to catch up with what the people wanted.
The Supreme Court tossed the old laws and fortunately the government decided to leave things alone.


New member
Dec 3, 2010
Yes, this bad bill will almost certainly pass and become bad law as it gets rammed through parliament in a Conservative version of Deep Throat. That is almost a given. But this vile regime of sycophants and toadies led by a sociopathic control freak is entering its' last year in power, and they know it. This law will almost certainly face a court challenge sooner rather than later. Any post Con government will be made up of reasonably sane people with a secular post Enlightenment world view and once that happens and this horrid piece of legislation is rightfully struck down in any lower court it will be allowed to quietly die. No one will defend it.
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