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Tariffs on Canada delayed for 30 days. Edit: The tariff war has begun.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
. And Canadians, who are better educated than Americans on the whole are too intelligent and not radical enough to be as likely to be cultists. As I said, just my anecdotal opinion.
you are dead wrong about this
The liberal party was highjacked by nutters and they place a narcistic, empty suit in charge to be adored by cultists
you just decided you would ignore what you did not want to see


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Everybody with a brain hates Trump... some are just better at hiding it.
like I said the socialist always need someone to hate

Everyone with a brain could be concerned about Trump and even more concerned he was the best of 2 really bad choices
the left should be really concerned / frightened to death about the corruption Elon Musk is uncovering

I wonder how much the liberal party of Canada learned about money laundering from the democrats


Well-known member
May 17, 2017
Sure I understand that.
I also understand the US held off the evils of totalitarian communism
I personally very much appreciate that and most Canadians would likely acknowledge that,

Canadians have always been weary of getting dominated by the US scale
I think that's why Canada and Mexico have certain industries hands-off. I'm not sure I personally want Canada to be more American. It seems like the two countries already have as close a culture as any two distinct countries have in this world. I don't know what television you watch, but you all seem to be watching a lot of American TV and our news. I watched Kim's Convenience.

I used to think Canada had a slightly British flavor with better teeth. The British feel was very evident in some urban neighborhoods and some towns. I'm not sure I feel that as much anymore.

Mexico on the other hand could use more American-style free markets. American investment has been helping to modernize parts of Mexico. The cartels create a completely different and overwhelming problem.

I always tell people on social media that America is an ideal. To paraphrase Winston Churchill, No one pretends that America is perfect or all-wise. The U.S. along with the other Western nations generally push the world in the right direction after making some mistakes along the way.
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Well-known member
May 17, 2017
Everyone with a brain could be concerned about Trump and even more concerned he was the best of 2 really bad choices
the left should be really concerned / frightened to death about the corruption Elon Musk is uncovering

I wonder how much the liberal party of Canada learned about money laundering from the democrats
Do you get the impression that Washington D.C. is just one big slush fund that just funnels massive sums to more than specious organizations around the U.S. and the world?
I would be happy with a Federal government that focused more on the safety net and defense.

The growth of Ottawa certainly should be examined, but unlike the U.S. Canada can't keep borrowing and borrowing to fund the madness.
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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
I think that's why Canada and Mexico have certain industries hands-off. I'm not sure I personally want Canada to be more American. It seems like the two countries already have as close a culture as any two distinct countries have in this world. I don't know what television you watch, but you all seem to be watching a lot of American TV and our news. I watched Kim's Convenience.

I used to think Canada had a slightly British flavor with better teeth. The British feel was very evident in some urban neighborhoods and some towns. I'm not sure I feel that as much anymore.

Mexico on the other hand could use more American-style free markets. American investment has been helping to modernize parts of Mexico. The cartels create a completely different and overwhelming problem.

I always tell people on social media that America is an ideal. To paraphrase Winston Churchill, No one pretends that America is perfect or all-wise. The U.S. along with the Western nations generally push the world in the right direction after making some mistakes along the way.
Without a doubt nobody in Canada conservative-liberal would want to be part of the US... US comes with heavy baggage into this relationship...much heavier than Canada...Is Trump the answer to most US problems? I hope he actually is......What Canada faces is a weakened gov't...leadership is the problem in Canada. If your neighbor is upset about what's going in between your fences, the next best step is to talk it over and see what can be don't fight him over it...find out if there is in fact a problem...Trudeau smartened up last minute.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
you are dead wrong about this
The liberal party was highjacked by nutters and they place a narcistic, empty suit in charge to be adored by cultists
you just decided you would ignore what you did not want to see
The Libs may go too far left for political correctness, but I believe that the Liberal ceiling for tolerance of Trudeau is much lower than that of Republicans for trump. Just the fact that a number of Lib members of parliament spoke up publicly and forced Trudeau to resign is evidence of that. A cult would not do that. I know Trudeau had low ratings but he'd never actually lost an election. The GoP would never speak out about trump like that because they're either afraid of or a part of the cult. As we speak, their lips remain zipped as trump is turning the US upside down. He will try to retain power 4 years from now.

At this point, I prefer to agree to disagree with your point of view. I highly doubt that we'll meet in the middle.

Just as a p.s. type of question, do you think that the Liberal party of Canada will elect a leader that is more or less left wing than Trudeau


Well-known member
May 17, 2017
The phenomenon with trump and his supporters is something that I have never seen before in my life. Someone can be a staunch leftie or staunch rightie, but what is going on with trump is beyond the pale. The increased polarization of politics in Canada is a side effect of what's going on in the states but not nearly as bad as there.
Trump is certainly polarizing, but I think even your words suggest that this is not normal political polarization. Trump is not a traditional conservative. It has to be acknowledged that he has pulled in different voters into his "personal" coalition. If people want to say his voters are uneducated, fine so be it. However when uneducated blue collar voters were solidly Democratic, no one ever called out their lack of education. Even now, no one points out the Democratic coalition is still underpinned by poor, uneducated voters.

Many Trump voters merely think they have been left behind. Trump's popularity with this voter will not be easy to transfer to another Republican and will likely be up for grabs if the Democrats don't take them for granted.

I am somewhat left of centre but I like to think that I can formulate my own opinions on a topic by topic basis without consistently bowing down to any particular "ism". What I'm psycho-analyzing is listening to trump supporters here and on TV talk shows and interviews for the last 8-10 years. There are some very intelligent trump supporters but there are soooo many morons who who have no idea what they are saying and have the same characteristics that I listed. It's universal with. Have you ever seen Jordan Klepper interview people at trump rallies. The level of stupidity of some of these people is astounding almost to the point of being scary.
You would actually find a lot of stupidity within the ranks of Democratic voters. I think you and others impose a certain self-righteousness to your politics. Once you give into this temptation that a certain voter is stupid and let's say doesn't know what is good for them, it's more than divisive. Can't people just oppose Trump the man and his policies without trying to label and denigrate his voters?


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2020
He will try to retain power 4 years from now.
I wonder how he’s planning to do that. That’ll be a new level of insanity


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Trump is certainly polarizing, but I think even your words suggest that this is not normal political polarization. Trump is not a traditional conservative. It has to be acknowledged that he has pulled in different voters into his "personal" coalition. If people want to say his voters are uneducated, fine so be it. However when uneducated blue collar voters were solidly Democratic, no one ever called out their lack of education. Even now, no one points out the Democratic coalition is still underpinned by poor, uneducated voters.
I know that I made a very broad generalization about education. There is no monopoly on stupidity.

I think the point I'm trying to make is the trump cultishness factor within his constituency and why it came to be. I feel that there is a strong correlation between allowing oneself to be sucked into a cult and believing absolutely everything to leader says and one's education level. As I've said before, an educated person has, or should have, more ability to think independently and critically than an uneducated person is because that is part of the process one has to learn the higher one's level of education becomes. One has to assess what is being presented to them and decide if it makes sense to them. Someone in a cult does no do that. They follow blindly.

Would you give merit to my hypothesis?


Well-known member
May 17, 2017
I know that I made a very broad generalization about education. There is no monopoly on stupidity.

I think the point I'm trying to make is the trump cultishness factor within his constituency and why it came to be. I feel that there is a strong correlation between allowing oneself to be sucked into a cult and believing absolutely everything to leader says and one's education level. As I've said before, an educated person has, or should have, more ability to think independently and critically than an uneducated person is because that is part of the process one has to learn the higher one's level of education becomes. One has to assess what is being presented to them and decide if it makes sense to them. Someone in a cult does no do that. They follow blindly.

Would you give merit to my hypothesis?
No, I would not give this merit as strongly as you.

It's important to look at democratic politics as opposing forces always working against each other. It's a bit of a cliche, but Newton's law aptly works in politics. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

If you flip your Trump cult theory around and say the Washington establishment is a cult, you can start to see the opposing appeal of Trump. Trump is the proverbial bull in the China shop. He's going to break things in Washington whether everyone is on board or not. For many die-hard Trump voters, sending a traditional Republican or progressive Democrats to Washington would have no appeal.

One hundred years from now historians will have an unprejudiced and dispassionate assessment of Trump's two terms. They will cite his flaws. I think they will be citing his declining skills caused by age in this second term. However, they will also be discussing his efforts to reorganize the Federal government and the World Order. Looking back, they will determine if he had success or failed. If he failed, they will assess his ability, mistakes and aggressive methods.
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Master of Disaster
Jun 10, 2008
They import 13% of their products to canada, they would have treated it like a speed bump.
Sure.....still doesn't change the fact that Trump didn't win anything of importance. It was all a show. Trump's basically saying: "Look how strong I am, fighting against a horrible trade deal (that I negotiated), sticking it to Canada and Mexico!!!"
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Master of Disaster
Jun 10, 2008

You better tell Justin we have 17k already then...He doesn't seem to know that...Or is this an additional 10k Canada is adding?
Please ask Justin to clarify and get back to us.

You also never addressed the 200 million pledged for the new intelligence directive that was added in.
It's kind of weird that you think I might speak with our PM on a first name basis and with some frequency. OK, so Trump got $200M in concessions. Massive victory for Mango Mussolini....You righties are incredible. You hate Trudeau so much, or love Trump more, that you want him to hurt your own country. It is kind of pathetic....
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Master of Disaster
Jun 10, 2008
Trump has been's just his way of getting stuff done...I don't wanna play poker with this guy...
Why? He basically loses when you call his bluff. And loses big. Master businessman and negotiator. The only people who think that are MAGA. The idiot cannot even explain what tariffs are. And he's supposed to have business degree from Wharton....It would be funny if it wasn't so sad...
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