I'm going to say fuck it and take her. She's a classy gal, not a street walker and I'm sick and tired of going to weddings by myself. I'm not ugly, and will only know about 25% of the people there.
No hanky panky at the wedding though, I'm looking for her to be just like Betty Draper when she is out to dinner with Don Draper's bosses or clients. She's upbeat, funny and will definately be the prettiest girl at the table, if not the room, and there may be some eyebrows raised, but I figure that it can only raise my stock because the word will spread that a good looking lady is willing to go to a wedding with me, so I must be someone women like.
Women are interested in things that other women have. The place I work at has so many rumours floating around anyways that are outlandish that no one can qualify, and I figure it doesn't matter. One of the guys is taking another gal from work who was only separated from her husband for a few weeks before they started dating. Another guy who was married with kids got caught with a scuzzy street walker in the parking lot because she stole his wallet, etc.
Will people think she's an escort? I actually have my doubts that they will as it's a pretty conservative group and I've never even joked about money for sex or hookers.