If you dont mind Lenny, I'll take the word of Jonas Ludvigsson who's a professor of epidemiology over yours
"He argues that while that might be true on the surface, especially with masks — which Sweden is one of the few countries not to recommend wearing in public — the differences elsewhere are exaggerated. Swedes have stopped travelling just as much as neighbours; hotels and restaurants may not have closed but have been severely affected."
"He points to the markings in supermarkets showing people where to stand and detailed restrictions on restaurants in terms of how many people they can have and how they serve them."
" “These types of restrictions don’t exist almost anywhere else than in Sweden." "
"..."I’ve worked in hospitals. I’ve seen the flu epidemics and people coming in and overflooding the hospitals." "
" Our conversation ends with Tegnell again swimming against the tide, and warning that a vaccine — if and when it comes — will not be the “silver bullet”. He adds: “Once again, I’m not very fond of easy solutions to complex problems and to believe that once the vaccine is here, we can go back and live as we always have done. I think that’s a dangerous message to send because it’s not going to be that easy.” "
The controversial epidemiologist believes lockdown is ‘using a hammer to kill a fly’. Could he be proved right?