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Sweden COVID-19 Death Rate Lower Than Spain, Italy and U.K., Despite Never Having Lockdown


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
You couldn't be more wrong.
In Sweden the number of deaths from LTCH residents is one of the lowest from countries that are in the developed world who have had significant Coronavirus cases.
The number of deaths is around 50% from LTCH's residents in Sweden, I've posted the article here before. Where in other developed nations the percentage of deaths from LTCH's is up to 90% and usually between 70-90% of residents.

The above fact that in a country where there was no shutdowns of non essential businesses, no mandate of masks, no mandate of social distancing and they saw a significant difference in the number of cases to the general population in comparison to those countries who instituted those measures alone proves that shutdowns of non essential businesses, social distancing, and masks in public are extremely effective measures that need to be taken to limit the spread of the Coronavirus
The shutdown has crippled our economy. Our BA led media is too inept to even begin reporting the devastation that we are facing. Btw, shutdown or not, the schools will open in September. What else start in the fall in Canada? That's right, the flu season. We are going to have big outbreaks of new cases all over the place, but, this time, we will not be able to do another shutdown due to our economic circumstances. So, we will follow the "Swedish model", one way or the other. We will just pay a much higher price for it.
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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
The shutdown has crippled our economy. Our BA led media is too inept to even begin reporting the devastation that we are facing. Btw, shutdown or not, the schools will open in September. What else start in the fall in Canada? That's right, the flu season. We are going to have big outbreaks of new cases all over the place, but, this time, we will not be able to do another shutdown due to our economic circumstances. So, we will follow the "Swedish model", one way or the other. We will just pay a much higher price for it.
Instead of being proud of how Canada handled the pandemic you rather praise a shit show of a country like Sweden on the COVID handling or maybe you're proud of your boy Trumpfart with his disgraceful handling and the killing of 175000 folks. Nice, common sense radical right thinking!!


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
The shutdown has crippled our economy. Our BA led media is too inept to even begin reporting the devastation that we are facing. Btw, shutdown or not, the schools will open in September. What else start in the fall in Canada? That's right, the flu season. We are going to have big outbreaks of new cases all over the place, but, this time, we will not be able to do another shutdown due to our economic circumstances. So, we will follow the "Swedish model", one way or the other. We will just pay a much higher price for it.
Once again your non factual opinions do not change the facts and you couldn't be more wrong with your false assumptions.

Canada's economy through the shutdown and reopening of businesses currently has contracted 5% where Sweden has contracted over 8% with keeping non essential businesses open.
As you view our economy "crippled" yet think a strategy that led to a higher percentage of contraction of the economy is something we should follow is just a ridiculous statement and an uneducated opinion.

You simply couldn't be more uninformed thinking possible shutdowns in the future would not or should not happen regardless of how many new daily cases we're seeing. As much as I don't like to see a shutdown again in the future and have said so numerous times, at one point if cases do get high it would be the right thing to do.
I can assure you this, if in Ontario we get to around 300 new cases daily for an extended period of time the government will surely think about shutting down again, as at that point the virus is multiplying way too quickly in the communities, and the government will more than likely do shutdown and rightfully so because they understand not shutting down non essential businesses will have a bigger impact, both on lives as well as the economy as we clearly see from the example of Sweden and USA. I don't think it would be a full shutdown but it will be more of rolling back phases, but if the numbers of cases are high I wouldn't be surprised if it's a full shutdown.

As for "we will follow the Swedish Model" that model is keeping non essential businesses open, no mandates of masks, no mandates of social distancing, Nordic/Swedish people are very unlike Canadian's they have high trust in their governments and listen to them, a large portion live alone at 40% where in Canada is 30% those non measures in Sweden that have had a horrendous affect in Sweden on lives as well as theri economy, will have an even worse affect in Canada.
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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Instead of being proud of how Canada handled the pandemic you rather praise a shit show of a country like Sweden on the COVID handling or maybe you're proud of your boy Trumpfart with his disgraceful handling and the killing of 175000 folks. Nice, common sense radical right thinking!!
Actually, we didn't do such a great job on the virus itself. We didn't protect the LTC facilities when we knew who the virus was targeting- on that front we were just as bad as the NY State and Sweden and many others. Oh, btw, post SARS we had clear guidelines- WRITTEN BY DR. TAM- how to protect the seniors' homes. We never implemented them. Are you proud of that??? My post was not a comparison to any one jurisdiction and has nothing to do with Sweden or America or the fucking planet Venus. The point is simple. Our economy cannot handle another shutdown and we cannot contain the outbreaks that will surely happen.
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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Once again your non factual opinions do not change the facts and you couldn't be more wrong with your false assumptions.

Canada's economy through the shutdown and reopening of businesses currently has contracted 5% where Sweden has contracted over 8% with keeping non essential businesses open.
As you view our economy "crippled" yet think a strategy that led to a higher percentage of contraction of the economy is something we should follow is just a ridiculous statement and an uneducated opinion.

You simply couldn't be more uninformed thinking possible shutdowns in the future would not or should not happen regardless of how many new daily cases we're seeing. As much as I don't like to see a shutdown again in the future and have said so numerous times, at one point if cases do get high it would be the right thing to do.
I can assure you this, if in Ontario we get to around 300 new cases daily for an extended period of time the government will surely think about shutting down again, as at that point the virus is multiplying way too quickly in the communities, and the government will more than likely do shutdown and rightfully so because they understand not shutting down non essential businesses will have a bigger impact, both on lives as well as the economy as we clearly see from the example of Sweden and USA. I don't think it would be a full shutdown but it will be more of rolling back phases, but if the numbers of cases are high I wouldn't be surprised if it's a full shutdown.

As for "we will follow the Swedish Model" that model is keeping non essential businesses open, no mandates of masks, no mandates of social distancing, Nordic/Swedish people are very unlike Canadian's they have high trust in their governments and listen to them, a large portion live alone at 40% where in Canada is 30% those non measures in Sweden that have had a horrendous affect in Sweden on lives as well as theri economy, will have an even worse affect in Canada.
Really? 5% eh? ROTFLMFAO!!!!! Should we go down sector by sector to discover how idiotic your number happens to be? Construction- March to July- down +/-40%. Service sector- down about 80% Tourism/Hospitality-down pretty much 100% Transportation, mining and manufacturing- complete numbers are not even in yet, but they're grim.. Should I go on? They gave the 5% figure so you wouldn't shit yourself with fear.
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Well-known member
May 23, 2010
Really? 5% eh? ROTFLMFAO!!!!! Should we go down sector by sector to discover how idiotic your number happens to be? Construction- March to July- down +/-40%. Service sector- down about 80% Tourism/Hospitality-down pretty much 100% Transportation, mining and manufacturing- complete numbers are not even in yet, but they're grim.. Should I go on? They gave the 5% figure so you wouldn't shit yourself with fear.
The only thing that is idiotic is the non factual statements you keep making. You keep ROTFLYFAO with the non factual statements you make.
Canada's economy overall had shrank by 18% by the end of April and ever since reopening that number has been reduced to a loss of 5% as of last month.

"Helped by a surge in employment, surging housing sales and gains in credit card spending, Canadian economic activity recovered in July to about 95% of pre-pandemic levels, BMO Capital Markets estimated."

"Gross domestic product expanded 4.5% in May, the agency said in its first full release for the month. June was even stronger, with the statistics agency reporting a flash estimate of another 5% increase. Cumulatively, GDP has increased about 10% in the two months, after falling more than 18% in March and April."

Surely there are legitimate articles other than your anecodotal evidence and non factual opinions you can link that show transportation down 100%, Construction down 40%, and service sector down 80% currently despite all the actual data proving otherwise.
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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
The only thing that is idiotic is the non factual statements you keep making. You keep ROTFLYFAO with the non factual statements you make.
Canada's economy overall had shrank by 18% by the end of April and ever since reopening that number has been reduced to a loss of 5% as of last month.

"Helped by a surge in employment, surging housing sales and gains in credit card spending, Canadian economic activity recovered in July to about 95% of pre-pandemic levels, BMO Capital Markets estimated."

"Gross domestic product expanded 4.5% in May, the agency said in its first full release for the month. June was even stronger, with the statistics agency reporting a flash estimate of another 5% increase. Cumulatively, GDP has increased about 10% in the two months, after falling more than 18% in March and April."

Surely there are legitimate articles other than your anecodotal evidence and non factual opinions you can link that show transportation down 100%, Construction down 40%, and service sector down 80% currently despite all the actual data proving otherwise.
95% recover in July to the pre-pandemic level is an outright lie. I deal with the supply chains and manufacturers every fucking day. The rest is not even worth reading.
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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
Actually, we didn't do such a great job on the virus itself. We didn't protect the LTC facilities when we knew who the virus was targeting- on that front we were just as bad as the NY State and Sweden and many others. Oh, btw, post SARS we had clear guidelines- WRITTEN BY DR. TAM- how to protect the seniors' homes. We never implemented them. Are you proud of that??? My post was not a comparison to any one jurisdiction and has nothing to do with Sweden or America or the fucking planet Venus. The point is simple. Our economy cannot handle another shutdown and we cannot contain the outbreaks that will surely happen.
You mean the LTC's that Mike Harris has an interest in?

News flash, it was a NEW CORONA VIRUS, they learned and are still learning as they go along. The difference is Canada followed the scientists and we are in damn good shape compared to other countries, i.e Sweeden and the good old land of the free USA!

Also do not bet on Dougie not shutting things down as needed. The same as he has delayed school openings. At least us lefties can call it as we see it and admit when a Conservative like Doug is doing a great job along with his Federal counterpart. That must hurt eh? Doug doing exactly the opposite of the Radical Right Wing beliefs. I hope it does, I hope it burns! LMAO


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
You mean the LTC's that Mike Harris has an interest in?

News flash, it was a NEW CORONA VIRUS, they learned and are still learning as they go along. The difference is Canada followed the scientists and we are in damn good shape compared to other countries, i.e Sweeden and the good old land of the free USA!

Also do not bet on Dougie not shutting things down as needed. The same as he has delayed school openings. At least us lefties can call it as we see it and admit when a Conservative like Doug is doing a great job along with his Federal counterpart. That must hurt eh? Doug doing exactly the opposite of the Radical Right Wing beliefs. I hope it does, I hope it burns! LMAO
Oh, you think that Ford did a good job??! LOL!!! The guidelines by Dr. Tam were developed to arrest the spread of ANY CONTAGIOUS RESPIRATORY INFECTION- that was the whole point of developing it. The rules were written, put in a nice book, shipped around the country....and promptly forgotten because it was too expensive, at the time, to implement them- a rounding error in the view of what we ended up spending on Covid. Last time I checked, Dr. Tam was considered a scientist, yet our governments(provincial and federal) failed to use her methods in regards to the LTC facilities were majority of casualties happened. You want to play politics, just say so. You can blame Mike or Dalton or even Stephen. It doesn't change the fact that we had a game plan and nobody used it and thousands needlessly died while we decided to run with the international herd and destroyed our economy and the future of our children. And do you know why almost nobody is talking about this(hat tip to Evan Salomon- that right wing journalist!!!)? Because they all want to sweep all responsibility under the carpet and replace it with the "New Corona Virus" excuse. Like you just did, btw. So, you can shove the politics where the Sun does not shine. What we need is not an inquiry, but an honest investigation with real criminal and civil ramifications so this kind of tragedy never happens again.
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Well-known member
Jan 18, 2012
108 new cases yesterday. Masks dont do a damn thing

Because there are 108 cases that proves that masks "don't do a damn thing"? How?

The scientific evidence says masks do work to stop infections & save lives. For example:


Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Because there are 108 cases that proves that masks "don't do a damn thing"? How?

The scientific evidence says masks do work to stop infections & save lives. For example:

The proof is in the pudding as they say.
Have a look at Ontario's graph. There's been a slight decline since masks became mandatory on July 7th.
But the new infections rate was declining well before that, so I dont think masks are doing much of anything.




Well-known member
May 23, 2010
The proof is in the pudding as they say.
Have a look at Ontario's graph. There's been a slight decline since masks became mandatory on July 7th.
But the new infections rate was declining well before that, so I dont think masks are doing much of anything.


Back you go to the same ignorant and irrational non factual opinion that has been proven wrong numerous times.
Your personal non factual opinion doesn't prove anything. As you irrationally do not take into account the important factors (the re opening of the economy) which means more people are out working, socializing and doing their normal activities that they did prior to shutdowns. Now if you understood what that meant you wouldn't repeat the above non factual opinion and try to pass it off as proof.
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Well-known member
Jan 18, 2012
The proof is in the pudding as they say.
Have a look at Ontario's graph. There's been a slight decline since masks became mandatory on July 7th.
But the new infections rate was declining well before that, so I dont think masks are doing much of anything.
That - cherry picked - example, out of thousands that could have been chosen, proves absolutely nothing - nada, zilch, zip, rien, about masks.

"The faster a country required masks, the fewer coronavirus deaths it had: study":

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