Treat me like the princess I am.Babe or love is a maybe
Hun is a block!
and the fucking profiles Jesus H Christ
“I like outdoors and clean my house” fucking shoot me right now
From my experience:
Red flags to watch out for:
- Lots of pictures of travelling/tropical islands.
- Either being on the site for many years or merely a few days.
- Virtually no profile information.
- Pictures that appear to be edited/doctored.
- Asking to be "spoiled".
You forgot the all time classic “don’t waste my time”Treat me like the princess I am.
Spoil me.
Babe and love are automatic signs of a pro AFAIC. No non-pro will call you those as part of their first message.
I like when these bimbos include shopping as one of their hobbies, as if that will make guys interested in them LOL
Christian Mingle is a great dating site that I usually recommend in similar circumstancesSo Seeking has been promoting itself as a dating site .... so stupid .... No wonder , lots of ladies are on a day and delete their accounts. I've been messaging a SE Asian lady . She asked me what SD/SB meant . Then from her .... "I've had people send me messages for several days in a row, saying they want to take care of me. I told them that I can meet my material needs by running my own business." She thought Seeking was a dating site . Then asked me if I could name regular dating sites. .... smh
Cosmetology, MUA, lash techs, hair dressers etc. depends on location. Some markets maybe oversaturated some not, I know some ladies who gone off due to social media out reach and some who haven't been too successfulWhat are you studying, I ask the SBs. A common answer is, “Cosmetology “. I wonder, Can a person make a living with cosmetology diploma ? How many does the Canadian economy need ?
An immediate swipe left along with, "I know my worth".You forgot the all time classic “don’t waste my time”
What’s her ppm if you know?Professional sugar babies can make close to 6 figures a year.
A former SB and I kept up an ongoing friendship and she enjoys talking about her experiences on the site. She is a professional baby. She does have a straight job but the side gig for her is addictive, and she has had a profile up for years. She is very beautiful and does very well. I’m absolutely certain there are many who are doing the same thing.
Typically 600-800What’s her ppm if you know?
I don’t think it makes a difference how long they’ve been on Seeking. Most girls I’ve been with are doing it as a side gig for some extra cash, and most would prefer to find a longer term daddy who they like and treats them well. In general that is, obviously some are pros who are just escorting.I'm hesitant to message potential SBs that have a profile older than a few months . If they have been on SA a few years , I suspect they will be $$$ . What are your thoughts and experiences.
Yes, I know some guys have luck with Secret Benefits, but I think it's too easy to spend credits - heck if the girl gives you access to her private photos, SB charges you credit to see them. That last part make me think it's all about getting creits off you. I'm sticking to SDM or maybe Seeking for getting paid accounts for now.Secret Benefits. What a bullshit site . Nickel and diming . I was charged 20 credits for looking at the 2 photos of books that a potential SB sent
200 credits for $89 . 10 credits for the initial message - no further charge on all subsequent messages . If you sent a photo - 10 credits. If you look at her secret photos - 10 credit charge, to check if your sent message was read - 10 credits. Only positive ; credits don't expire. I have had some success on the site , but .....
It's a scam site by design that aims to get you to burn your credits. They even used cloud workers to create profiles and respond to chats.Secret Benefits. What a bullshit site . Nickel and diming . I was charged 20 credits for looking at the 2 photos of books that a potential SB sent
200 credits for $89 . 10 credits for the initial message - no further charge on all subsequent messages . If you sent a photo - 10 credits. If you look at her secret photos - 10 credit charge, to check if your sent message was read - 10 credits. Only positive ; credits don't expire. I have had some success on the site , but .....
Wanted to drop a note here as a warning for everyone. Little bit long - apologies for that.
TDLR: SB is even more of a scam now; and I they think may be sharing people's private photos without their knowledge. I would 100% avoid.
I've tried using SB in the past; have never had an arrangement from it, but did have a number of conversations. SB was always borderline shady; they would "fake" send you messages, to get you to pay credits to unlock it. So you had to rely on "favoriting", and women unlocking their pictures - as a sign they were actually interested. This had worked for me well in the past. Any woman that shared their pictures with me - also responded (at least initially) to a message. Common sense, right?
The key to SB was to buy a large amount of credits at once, when they would go on sale. Just starting up again after covid - I had about 700 credits remaining. So decided to try using them.
My practice roughly was:
What has been happening now? Women will return my favorites - I'll message, but no response. However, they will share their private photos over. (which I have to "pay" more credits to unlock).
- Favorite a profile first.
- Wait for her to favorite me back.
- Send her a message, share my photos. Unlock my photos.
I've now messaged about 20 women in my area - that had all "favorited" me; and after I messaged, all shared their "private photos" over to me.
Not a single one - ever sent me a message back. Obviously - I'm not stupid. I could see the trend. But at this point, I decided to just burn through my remaining credits to get more data.
Any conclusion? I think they are turning legitimate accounts women setup - into "bot" accounts (in lack of a better term). And they may be sharing private photos - without their knowledge.
Anyway - would suggest anyone that has used it in the past - consider removing your private photos / shutting down your account.
The SB's don't care if you are 40 or 50. I've had one that liked my dirty talk and said she didn't want money, just sex, but all others want money. I had one recently that was cute, wanted $350. But couldn't suck dick very well. Most in GTA, good looking, not straight up LL girls, want $500. My ppm is $400 but will do $500 after the first date if I like them. I refuse more than $500 under any circumstances. But I also will pay for a few cocktails, which is basically another $100, I've even stopped in a lingerie store with them and bought something. But never a monthly or over $500. Also, it is critical to meet them first for a drink. You need to make sure their pics are accurate and not obviously on drugs or likely to be setting you up. Only go with girls that have a decently written profile unless you want a LL girl using the seeking site for more biz.Yes, I know some guys have luck with Secret Benefits, but I think it's too easy to spend credits - heck if the girl gives you access to her private photos, SB charges you credit to see them. That last part make me think it's all about getting creits off you. I'm sticking to SDM or maybe Seeking for getting paid accounts for now.
Btw, saw this on another sugar forum, they took some data from a Reddit post and came up with what guys said they were paying for sugar babies. It's self-reported, but gives you an idea of what guys say they're paying.
A few points from the chart. I'm in my 40s now, but feel these numbers feel right.
* if you're under 30, shouldn't be paying more than $300-400 for a PPM.
* The average monthly amount is $2000 or less for those under 25.
* average monthly amount $4-6000 for guys in 40s/50s.
* most sugar relationships last less than 4-6 months