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Steve Nash named GM of Canada Men's Basketball


Active member
Jan 3, 2005
NBA Rumors: Raptors Prepared To Offer Steve Nash $12 Million Per Year, Maybe 3**Seasons
the story I heard indicated 3 years(guaranteed) was a must if they wanted him.
They also thought a Canadian basketball icon signing with a Canadian team would get him some very lucrative endorsements.
I am resigned to the fact that the Raps are going after Nash full tilt. Hope it works!


Dec 6, 2004
If the Raptors acquire Nash, then they have to try to win right now. Forget long-term rebuilding. And that means they need to pick up a third elite player in order to seriously contend in the East.

And frankly, I can't see that the Raps can seriously contend, even with a third elite player. They should be trying to build through the draft. Picking up Nash would just ensure that the Raps are treading water for the next three years, instead of developing talent.


Active member
Jan 3, 2005
If the Raptors acquire Nash, then they have to try to win right now. Forget long-term rebuilding. And that means they need to pick up a third elite player in order to seriously contend in the East.

And frankly, I can't see that the Raps can seriously contend, even with a third elite player. They should be trying to build through the draft. Picking up Nash would just ensure that the Raps are treading water for the next three years, instead of developing talent.
Third????? Nash would be one and who would be two?


Active member
May 18, 2003
Maybe I have a different opinion of what elite means (Top 20 in the league or better) but I wouldn't put Nash in that category any longer.. especially considering his defense, which makes Jose's look pretty good and will not pair well with Derozan who still isn't up to snuff.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Third????? Nash would be one and who would be two?
I'm assuming slidebone was referring to Bargs who in his defense was having a stellar start to the year until he got injured.

I tend to agree that if they go for Nash they need to think about another player to add to the team.

Otherwise they are wasting money. If Nash was young and still had years left then building around him would make sense.


Active member
Jan 3, 2005
Raptors will be amistying Jose Calderon . This weekend .
Weekend is over and thus far Raps haven't used the amnesty on anyone.
Could that be because Nash Is playing them in order to get the best deal for himself else where, thus they can't cut Jose loose???????
I read where the amnesty could be used to rid themselves of the often injured Kleiza.


Apr 28, 2008
Weekend is over and thus far Raps haven't used the amnesty on anyone.
Could that be because Nash Is playing them in order to get the best deal for himself else where, thus they can't cut Jose loose???????
I read where the amnesty could be used to rid themselves of the often injured Kleiza.
No to Kleiza . Calderon's Amnesty hasn't yet been done cause they are seeing if they can trade him and use amnesty as a last resort . There are people who are going to lose out on free agents and maybe looking for PG and that is why Colengelo's is taking his time .

Also Even if Nash says yes it can't be done before July 11th .. Raps offer isn't final offer , if somebody does better they will do even better .


Active member
Jan 3, 2005
No to Kleiza . Calderon's Amnesty hasn't yet been done cause they are seeing if they can trade him and use amnesty as a last resort . There are people who are going to lose out on free agents and maybe looking for PG and that is why Colengelo's is taking his time .

Also Even if Nash says yes it can't be done before July 11th .. Raps offer isn't final offer , if somebody does better they will do even better .

My take is a little different from yours.
I don't think the money is as important to Nash as a ring is. I think he is shopping himself to contenders, and if one comes up with the right contract, and he feels he has a legitimate shot at a ring that is where he will end up. If he can't get a decent offer from a contender he takes the Toronto offer.


Apr 28, 2008
My take is a little different from yours.
I don't think the money is as important to Nash as a ring is. I think he is shopping himself to contenders, and if one comes up with the right contract, and he feels he has a legitimate shot at a ring that is where he will end up. If he can't get a decent offer from a contender he takes the Toronto offer.

Steve Nash: Money will be ‘very important’ factor in free agency

“I definitely feel I want to be validated monetarily to an extent,’’ Nash said. “It’s still very important. I think money in many ways represents respect. For example, if you sign with a team and take half or less money, six months later they trade you. It has to be one of the factors. It’s not everything but it is important and will be one of the factors involved.’’

The Raps offer is something no team is willing to go as high . The next highest bidder seems to be New York and he would still be giving up 16 million dollars if he went with that deal . Nobody can guarantee Steve a ring and is it worth 16 to 20 million dollars to take a chance ?


Apr 28, 2008
My take is a little different from yours.
I don't think the money is as important to Nash as a ring is. I think he is shopping himself to contenders, and if one comes up with the right contract, and he feels he has a legitimate shot at a ring that is where he will end up. If he can't get a decent offer from a contender he takes the Toronto offer.
Nash can be leveraging the Raps to get more money somewhere else ( I don't think that is the case but it is possible ) . Also Nash has a hard decision to make . If he signs with Raps - People will say money is more important then winning - If he doesn't sign with Canada's Raptors then ( with 36 million dollars being offered ) his national pride will be questioned . It's a tuff call .


Active member
Jan 3, 2005
If Nash signs with the Knicks or for that matter, sign with anyone other than the Raptors, will he be booed when he plays here?

If Nash doesn't sign here is Colangelo toast?


Apr 28, 2008
If Nash signs with the Knicks or for that matter, sign with anyone other than the Raptors, will he be booed when he plays here?

If Nash doesn't sign here is Coangelo toast?
Wow that is a unique way of spelling the Raptors GM's name .


Apr 28, 2008
Sorry,I corrected it just for you! Actually if the Nash thing doesn't happen his name will be shit!
It should . He is worried about his Championship legacy which he will never get with the Knicks . How about his Canadian legacy ? This is the second summer ( he didn't play for Canada when we really really needed him this summer ) he is saying no to Canada when they have called .


Active member
Jan 3, 2005
It should . He is worried about his Championship legacy which he will never get with the Knicks . How about his Canadian legacy ? This is the second summer ( he didn't play for Canada when we really really needed him this summer ) he is saying no to Canada when they have called .

The shit I was referring to Is Colangelo. I think Nash is doing what he feels is right for Nash and so be it. I never was in favor of paying him the big bucks to come here. I felt that once The team had made the commitment to go after him with a wide open wallet they had better sign him or forget about getting decent free agents, and I still feel that way. If Nash doesn't come here this franchise is in serious trouble,not because he was going to get Toronto a championship but because he would bring credibility. If he doesn't sign, credibility goes and we are stuck with a player that they over paid for. Unless BC finds a way to get Nash here he may as well resign.


Active member
May 18, 2003
If he gets Lowry, the Nash fiasco can be put to bed.. better player (totally fits coach Casey's mold, you don't have to hide him on defense which is almost impossible when your SG is as bad as Derozan), cheap contract that can make up for over paying Fields by a few million per year. With Fields and Lowry, we could have two pretty good defenders joining the team.


If Colangelo doesn't come up with something.. Well they don't have much reason for retaining him after 6 years of random mismanagement by him.


Apr 28, 2008
Steve Nash not going to the Knicks . To far to do his Canada GM duties . He is going to the Lakers


Active member
May 18, 2003
I guess he'll be doing even more commercials then.
Now where will Dwight end up (does this soften his stance towards a trade to the Lakers).. If LA or NJ it makes a Miami / OKC final the next few years a lot less certain even if the Heat get Allen. Chicago looks pretty pedestrian at this point.
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