Allegra Escorts Collective

SP's emotionally attached to their clients

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
I would say yes to that part, emotionally involved to a limited degree. Heck if its a repeat I would hope there is some feelings on one or both sides. If I hated the person I would not see them again, money or not.

Chances are thou, if she is acting like she really loves U, it is an act so U keep seeing her and not somebody else


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Relocating February 1, 2012
I have a client that keeps my picture beside his bed, calls me everyday, tells his friends/his family...MY family* (he walked in when I was skyping with my mom-Don't even ask) that he's my boyfriend and that he's in love with me.....

There is some emotional attachment yes...especially if you have been seeing them for a long time.
Hmmm, this sounds like the lines were crossed by both parties.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Probably not, but he gives her a lot of other benefits to offset that. Look at it as friends with benefits, lol. It's an arrangement between two adults and it's none of our business whether he pays or not frankly.
If he doesn't pay, it's strictly up to her, as a debt of gratitude for any favours, payment in kind or other non-cash consideration. She has to feel comfortable that he won't misread her.

If he still does pay, it could be at his insistence, regardless of whatever else he might do for her cuz he's that type of guy - compassionate and generous - a guy who likes to pamper a favourite gal of his - a guy who respects her, so he wouldn't have it any other way other than to pay for her bedroom time. He may get VIP service, a price break, extra time or simply a chance to spend non-bedroom time off the clock with her (dinners, theatre, etc. just as 'friends').


New member
Jan 27, 2011
Durham Region
Actually my question is very relevant. ie. Can an SP be emotionally involved with a client and STILL charge for services, or once there is an emotionalal attachment, no more pay for play.
It wou;d be interesting to hear from the SP's perspective. Not trying to be nosy.
I don't see my friend/client everyday but when I do he gives me way more than an hourly rate, even if we don't plan on having sex that day because he knows that when ever he needs me I'm there and vise versa. We both sincerely love and care about one another's needs so I would consider it as exchanging favors or exchanging some form of fulfillment and it keeps us both happy. I have what he wants and he has what I want equally so we donate to each other. If I called him right now and told him I need $300 he wouldn't ask me for sex in return because I already take care of that and make him feel special all the time, he's a KING. As for making the client pay after their is an emotional bound, for me that would be a definite "yes" because as well as myself (to my family)the majority of my clients are married, so unless I'm having an open relationship with my spouse why would I give myself away to another person? That's not beneficial to me, my family or client. Most of my clients are aware that 80% of my money is put aside for my future. They know I have goals and dreams and a talent to fulfill ones fantasy and needs and also give my support and love, I think that deserves something! For me it's money because of my school tuition and other expenses so it's always pay for play with me baby, even when I get married my husband will have to pay to play as well LOL, it's life. I get to enjoy what I love doing and also continue to build a future for myself. I think it has helped my clients feel better knowing all their money is not just going to shoes and clothes and has actually helped make a change in someones life! I will always show much love and respect for all the money from my clients by bringing a change into there life as well. XO

....Well hopefully this adds a bit of insight. I know I speak for some (Sp's) out here. Then again I am one of a kind *smiles*
Aug 1, 2006
Yes, I have deep emotional attachments with some guests. Yes, they continue to pay for my services. Yes, we see each other outside of business and that time is ours without charge.

I fell for a client, worked very part time for 4 years because he is "high profile". He left me with no income and no warning. I did not live off of him and truly believed we would spend the rest of our lives together.

It's not always the clients that get rooked, SPs get taken for rides too.



Feb 24, 2007
Yes, I have deep emotional attachments with some guests. Yes, they continue to pay for my services. Yes, we see each other outside of business and that time is ours without charge.

I fell for a client, worked very part time for 4 years because he is "high profile". He left me with no income and no warning. I did not live off of him and truly believed we would spend the rest of our lives together.

It's not always the clients that get rooked, SPs get taken for rides too.

Thankyou for your clear and honest response.


The Queen of BBBJ
Aug 16, 2003
i also dated a client when i was with him i retired. it was serious in the beginning he even gave me a ring. in the end i had to call it quits cause i was feeling like i was just a booty call.


Just Me
Dec 5, 2008
If your not paying in cash, she's charging you much much more.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
For me it's money because of my school tuition and other expenses so it's always pay for play with me baby, even when I get married my husband will have to pay to play as well LOL, it's life.
Vanessa, is it cheaper if I marry you? :eek:


Just Me
Dec 5, 2008
I'm sorry Vanessa but I have to say it. Please forgive me.

I don't see my friend/client everyday but when I do he gives me way more than an hourly rate, even if we don't plan on having sex that day because he knows that when ever he needs me I'm there and vise versa. We both sincerely love and care about one another's needs so I would consider it as exchanging favors or exchanging some form of fulfillment and it keeps us both happy. I have what he wants and he has what I want equally so we donate to each other. If I called him right now and told him I need $300 he wouldn't ask me for sex in return because I already take care of that and make him feel special all the time, he's a KING.
He is a patsy, a soft touch and is infatuated with you. You could easily take him for everything that he has at anytime and you know it.

Personally I do not believe that Vanessa would/could ever do such a thing, but the opportunity is there. If he had met a less ethical SP he might have been the person we read about that was taken for $800,000.00 .
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Bella Italiana

Sep 26, 2010
Hmmm, this sounds like the lines were crossed by both parties.
Yes I agree. The question I HAVE is even if this DOES can you be sure that somewhere down the road if things were to become MORE than what it ISN'T stuck in the back of your mind that you will always view her as just ....well...fill in the blanks here :p ...and hOW would you ever explain to family/friends HOW you met in the first place?? lol


New member
May 5, 2010
San Jose, CA
I married my SP, but she married my wallet. I just had to say... now that she's out of the business she has found a little emotional attachment.


New member
Aug 2, 2011
Weird when a thread lay dead for over 8 months and suddenly picks up as if it was a current conversation. Are people pouring over the archives as reading material ?


New member
Jan 19, 2011
People come into our lives all for various reasons and a number of different ways.

I don't regret my last relationship, to which taught me the sad reality that love is conditional. When you let your gaurds down, and you're left holding the bag after you let someone in; how you met them wasn't the ending factor. Dynamics of personality, past experiences, pattern of behaviors, insecurities and currency of perspective is.

You know what they say, you never realize what you had until it's gone... some are too stubborn to act on it even if they do know, often not willing to change their ways when given the chance and don't love themselves enough to believe the good one got away and they deserved to have them in their life. Respect, appreciation and kindness goes a long way.

Money isn't everyone's currency. Some learn that the hard way, if at all!


Jan 23, 2010
Truth be told I think it's the clients who get emotionally attached far far more often than the SPs.

Just by judging the number of "I'm in love" threads on TERB alone you can tell that the men are the needy ones, not the working girls.

There should be a whole category on TERB for:

I'm in love with an SP

I think I'm in Love

Have you ever dated an SP, MPA, Stripper

She gave me her phone number, what does this mean

Would you take an SP home to mom

Do you like your SP more than your wife

blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

ya but most of those posts are from the doorknobs with thousands of posts here. the ones that cant get laid without a stack of bills in their hands. pathetic anyways...


New member
Sep 6, 2006
I saw an escort a few times over a period of about a year and a half. During that time she fell in love with a client who became her "one true love". Naturally he wanted her to get out of the business which she didn't do right away. The second to last time I saw her she cried during half of the session about her lover. She was really tore up. So it happens but it's probably not a good idea.


New member
Jul 2, 2009
I met a client twice ( once at his place.. chemistry was amazing) and had a crush on him but haven't seen him since even though he literally lives a few blocks away from me... they come and they go. Gotta keep your feelings in check.


New member
Nov 15, 2010
Yes I agree. The question I HAVE is even if this DOES can you be sure that somewhere down the road if things were to become MORE than what it ISN'T stuck in the back of your mind that you will always view her as just ....well...fill in the blanks here :p ...and hOW would you ever explain to family/friends HOW you met in the first place?? lol
Bella, lemme ask u this, what's the difference between a SP and a girl with many exs (lets call her a slut) To that point, it doesn't really matter no more..hahaha especially I bet you a SP is cleaner than a slut cause at least a SP won't do BBFS to clients, but a slut there are chances. So to tie the point, I will just see a SP as a normal girl with her own past. How would I ever explain to family/friends?? just lie to their face, met them at a bar, club, library, whatever lol


New member
Nov 15, 2010
I've met more than a few clients who I could've easily been attracted to in real life... and just when I'm thinking "this is what it could be like if this particular person was my bf and I wasn't alone"... they usually say something that reminds me that I'm just the "quick fix" while their gf is sitting at home or out with friends, etc.... And when they do the nice things that I don't get in real life (since I'm kind of lacking a bf and I don't date) like stroking my hair and telling me I'm beautiful... Unfortunately it's only when their dick is also in my mouth. The last client I saw as Lora Croft never called me back for that coffee.... Admittedly part of the reason why Lora Croft died and Sydney Fox was born to replace her.

SPs have feelings too.'ll take you out to coffee :)
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