Royal Spa

SO's of high mileage MPA's & SP's...How do you really feel?

G-Spot Seeker

New member
Jan 12, 2004
Do you feel lucky and "The Man", when a high mileage (& popular) MPA or SP chooses you to be her SO? Do you feel that you are special enough to get it for free rather than paying for it?


Do you feel (at times) that even though you're getting it for free and you go thru the ups and downs of a relationship, you are one of many that gets to ravish her body. You are kissing & tasting every guy's lips and dicks that she's been dfk'g and giving bj's to. You are eating and banging her kitty that many have devoured and even banged (some bbfs in some cases). You are at risk.

Why do I ask? 95%+ of these ladies play safe but some do not and get carried away. Their SO's have no idea that they are this much at risk until it's too late. Unbridled sex is the biggest challenge for anyone's self-control (whether you are male or female).


Active member
Feb 26, 2003
just under the radar
Love is love

For the truely romantic, being the lover of an SP or MPA is a rough road, to say the least.

It takes a very secure person to assume that role.

But, as in all affairs of the heart, you can experience a wide range of emotions, and learn more about yourself.

NOT recomended for any but the brave.


New member
Jul 14, 2002
G-Spot Seeker said:
Why do I ask? 95%+ of these ladies play safe but some do not and get carried away. Their SO's have no idea that they are this much at risk until it's too late. Unbridled sex is the biggest challenge for anyone's self-control (whether you are male or female).
I've been married 3 can say this about anyone, male or female, at anytime. This risk is not Industry specific. If you are lucky enough to find someone to share your life with, even if they are from this Industry...I suggest still approaching it with the same main ingredient necessary to make any relationship work, FAITH. If you have no trust or faith, trust me, it will go the same route as my prior 3. If you concentrate on her past and she concentrates on yours (we all have history), there is no way to see and plan for a future together.

G-Spot Seeker said:
Do you feel lucky and "The Man", when a high mileage (& popular) MPA or SP chooses you to be her SO? Do you feel that you are special enough to get it for free rather than paying for it?
If this is the base of the relationship...ego driven, then what does one care?? Have fun cause it won't last.



New member
Feb 14, 2004
My girlfriend is an SP and I hate it. She has only very recently started doing this (we've been together two years) and I did not really approve but she so badly wants to save money to move out of her current living situation and be closer to me. I have 100% confidence that her motives are pure, but honestly she at times seems to downplay the extent of the damage that has been done, and continues to be done to our relationship because of her choice of "job".

As for the impact on our sex life, we are now 100% safe for everything including BJs, and I refuse to go down on her as long as she is doing this job. I know some of you guys do DATY with SPs but frankly the very idea of that is a major turnoff and I have never done this with SPs that I've seen in the past. Unfortunately my woman is an SP too now so the same rule applies to her. the thing that pisses me off is that I know she allows clients to do this so now other guys get to enjoy something that has been taken away from me.

There is also the feeling that she is not all mine anymore, and it sucks when I get off work Friday evening, ready to start up the weekend's festivities and she is out working. I feel like I'm being made to get in line behind a bunch of other guys if you know what I mean.

Honestly, if she were not truly worth it I would have probably ended the relationship or issued an ultimatum, but I just can't do it. She has pledged to quit as soon as she has reached an agreed upon monetary target, and that day can't come soon enough.
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New member
Jan 22, 2003
dudebox said:
My girlfriend is an SP and I hate it. She has only very recently started doing this (we've been together two years) and I did not really approve but she so badly wants to save money to move out of her current living situation and be closer to me. I have 100% confidence that her motives are pure, but honestly she at times seems to downplay the extent of the damage that has been done, and continues to be done to our relationship because of her choice of "job".

As for the impact on our sex life, we are now 100% safe for everything including BJs, and I refuse to go down on her as long as she is doing this job. I know some of you guys do DATY with SPs but frankly the very idea of that is a major turnoff and I have never done this with SPs that I've seen in the past. Unfortunately my woman is an SP too now so the same rule applies to her. the thing that pisses me off is that I know she allows clients to do this so now other guys get to enjoy something that has been taken away from me.

There is also the feeling that she is not all mine anymore, and it sucks when I get off work Friday evening, ready to start up the weekend's festivities and she is out working. I feel like I'm being made to get in line behind a bunch of other guys if you know what I mean.

Honestly, if she were not truly worth it I would have probably ended the relationship or issued an ultimatum, but I just can't do it. She has pledged to quit as soon as she has reached an agreed upon monetary target, and that day can't come soon enough.
Sorry to hear about your ordeal, I have been in similar situations...
Hate to say it, but she will get used to the money and the easy life style..... low chance if any she will quit, she might hide it, but probably wont quit


Active member
Apr 1, 2002
dudebox said:
My girlfriend is an SP and I hate it. ...
Dude, how did she break the news to you? What was your initial reaction? How much longer do you have ot wait? Does she talk about work? Does she use Terb?

Sorry for being soooooo nosy!


New member
Jun 1, 2003

I think we Terbites can help with your dilemma. Tell us your GF's SP-name, and I promise to book an appointment to get her closer to that target. I also promise no daty on your GF. Just covered BJ, and safe sex.


New member
Feb 14, 2004

Yeah there is some anger going on. I do admit to being a bit of an anger addict though, and tend to rage against a multitude of annoyances that we are forced to tolerate in this corrupt farce of a society, not just this particular issue.

I realize that there are going to be effects that last for some time after my girlfriend has retired, and that we are both going to have to work to put these issues behind us and move forward.

In a time of uncertainties, once thing is certain: I don't expect everything to magically return to "normal" the day after she quits for good.

Morgan Ellis

Bitchy McBitcherson
I believe that most of us who work in this business are well able to seperate our relationships from our work.

This is work. Do we enjoy it? Well, we do if we're lucky. We also enjoy the company of our clients.

But love - love is something else. What we feel when we're with our SOs is no different from what any other woman feels. We want respect, dignity, companionship and warmth.

We can experience similar feelings with clients, but never to the depth which we experience it with the person we love. This is no different than it is for a woman who is a model, or an actress.

If your SO was an actress who went on stage night after night and portrayed a prostitute, you would not assume that this tinges her feelings about you, nor, most likely, would it tinge your feelings about her.

How is this any different? Her body is one thing, but her mind and her heart are something else. This is what a relationship is based on.

-- Morgan


Feb 13, 2004

Something does not sound right here. I assume that this girlfriend of yours was not an SP while or before you started seeing each other.

Now I'm not going to sugarcoat this so if you want some sane advice than here it is;

Get rid of her. She chooses to have sex with other men instead of getting a job that may not pay nearly as much. So she is willing to shit on your relationship so that she can move out on her own. Leave her now! If you love her so much that you can't leave this situation, than you love her enough to let her move in with you rent free so that you can be together.

Whichever way you look, at it she is willing to have sex with men other than you for money! This does not sound like much of a relationship to me.

And the earlier comment about being angry about this, no fucking shit? Unless your relationship with her is just fuck-buddy status than you are doing yourself a diservice.

For God's Sake look at the plain facts man!!!!


Feb 13, 2004
Her body is one thing, but her mind and her heart are something else. This is what a relationship is based on.

-- Morgan [/B]

So would you let your significant other see the same SP's other than yourself or any other SP that you know, on a weekly basis.

Your argument is in line with "Yes! Yes I fucked her! But I make love to you!!


New member
Feb 14, 2004

She was not an SP before we met. She was not an SP before about six weeks ago. Yes, she basically became an SP despite the fact that even an idiot would recognize that I did not approve of it. She more or less took my lack of definitive condemnation as tacit approval and just went for it.

Believe me I have had moments where I was thinking exactly what you've typed. In fact, there was a time about two weeks ago that I had reached a state of utmost mental clarity and was fully prepared and committed to saying that there was going to have to be a choice and that choice is between her job and our relationship.

Then a funny thing happened. She came over the morning that I was going to lay it out, and she was the one who told me that it just wasn't worth it and she was quitting immediately. However, things have been "extended" a little, and she's still at it because she felt that it would have been a waste to have gone through all of the bad shit we did only to have her piss away what money she has and end up with nothing. I grudgingly agreed despite my dislike of the situation so yeah, to the casual observer I may appear to be a chump -- I can assure you that I am not. I just want it over and done with and new developments have emerged that are going to expedite this.

And bbwmorgan, the problem was never about the "clinical detachment" or beng able to separate work from relationships. It was more the fact that I am/was stuck in a situation where I felt cheated and powerless and had two choices -- neither of them particularly appetizing. The lingering anger over that is what stuck in my craw, plus no offense but I feel that people who enter this line of work are taking the easy way out somehow and that my intellectual equal would not even consider doing what she has done. It's hurts a little when you learn something like that about someone you hold in the highest esteem and that fact alone has saddened and disappointed me somewhat.


Feb 13, 2004
dudebox (I love saying dude)

I understand a little bit better now, but my advice stands firm. Especially the fact that she is going to "tough it out" because she does not want what you both went through to go to waste. It's only going to get tougher.

Think with your head on this one.

Morgan Ellis

Bitchy McBitcherson
dudebox said:
I feel that people who enter this line of work are taking the easy way out somehow and that my intellectual equal would not even consider doing what she has done.
So you're basically saying that being an SP has, in essence, made this woman, whom you claim to love, no longer your 'intellectual equivalent'? Are you basing this on some little known study which indicates that extended exposure to strange penii drops a woman's IQ level?

I mean, it would certainly explain Madonna, but I still have to find fault with your reasoning.

I don't see what the issue is, really.

If you are simply inable to deal with the reality of your SO's chosen career, break up. Not doing so is a short road to misery for the both of you. Yes, of course in an ideal world we should all be accepting of the career choices of our partners, but if you can't do so, then let her move on and find someone who can.

Contrary to popular misconception, there are SPs who have relationships with men who both can and do accept that this is a job, not a moral quagmire of stupidty.

You, apparently, are not one of them, and that's fine. It's not, however, fine to make both of you suffer for your mental and emotional turmoil over this.

-- Morgan

The Shake

Winner (with a capital W)
Feb 3, 2004
dudebox said:
Yes, she basically became an SP despite the fact that even an idiot would recognize that I did not approve of it. She more or less took my lack of definitive condemnation as tacit approval and just went for it.
Okay - she's an idiot because you weren't clear. I see.

Interesting that you "don't approve" of women being SP's, yet you have no problem seeing them yourself.

I grudgingly agreed despite my dislike of the situation
Soldier on, big fella.

so yeah, to the casual observer I may appear to be a chump -- I can assure you that I am not.
Thanks for that. I'm not sure that I could have survived the horror of mistakenly thinking that you are a chump.

It was more the fact that I am/was stuck in a situation where I felt cheated and powerless
Hmmm. Instead of the passive aggressive bullshit that you pulled with her, how about just saying "I can't be in a relationship with someone who is sleeping with other men"? How about that, bubby?

no offense but I feel that people who enter this line of work are taking the easy way out somehow and that my intellectual equal would not even consider doing what she has done.
Heehee. This is probably the most unintentionally funny thing I've read all week. No offence, ladies, but if you're an SP, I think you're stupid and beneath me. But don't worry, girls, I feel the same way about my significant other! It's all good!

It's hurts a little when you learn something like that about someone you hold in the highest esteem and that fact alone has saddened and disappointed me somewhat.
Awwww, sounds like sumwubby needs a hug.



Jay in Brampton
Mar 22, 2003
Go Easy, it's a tough I've been/am and VERY FEW OF YOU would tread these waters. When 2 people are together they feed off each other in many ways. When one (or both) work in the sex industry, feeding takes place elsewhere, and often it's him who no longer feels she needs what he feeds her. It's not just sex. Support, pats on the back, experimentation, sexual experience, conversation etc....... If the non sex working party has issues on the security of the relationship, things will manifest into a no win situation. If you don't have something so special (and you don't based on your emotions and hurt) it wont work. It can be a wonderful place dude....with the right woman.
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