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Sopranos new season.......

C Dick

Feb 2, 2002
I agree, a final apocalypse with Phil would be pretty obvious. But they are running out of time, I expected more rising tension for the third last episode, not Meadow musing about her new boyfriend.


New member
Sep 22, 2004
They keep coming back to the two terrorists that Tony has identified. Might be another of the loose threads that so often happen but it's odd they keep bringing it up


May 28, 2006
Did anyone else find it odd that they didn't show Phils face when he was shouting at Tony and the other guy from inside his house. On another note whos else would give Meadow a facial, that was a funny comment.
Feb 21, 2007
for those interested, check out this link.

AJ is really pathetic....can't even get his own suicide right....anybody who thinks he has the balls or the brains to be a "boss" is OTL....

And Phil....what a coward...hiding in his "castle" and not meeting Tony and Little Carmine face to face, even after Carmine brokered the meeting as a way for Tony to make amends for his beating (although highly justified) of Coco.

As an aside...anyone else think Meadow is looking quite "elegantly hot" these days?

So.... no episode next week due the the Memorial Day weekend in the US...then June 3rd, and then the "big" finale on June 10th. I feel the withdrawl symptons already....:eek:


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
The Cunning Linguist said:
for those interested, check out this link.

AJ is really pathetic....can't even get his own suicide right....anybody who thinks he has the balls or the brains to be a "boss" is OTL....

And Phil....what a coward...hiding in his "castle" and not meeting Tony and Little Carmine face to face, even after Carmine brokered the meeting as a way for Tony to make amends for his beating (although highly justified) of Coco.

As an aside...anyone else think Meadow is looking quite "elegantly hot" these days?

So.... no episode next week due the the Memorial Day weekend in the US...then June 3rd, and then the "big" finale on June 10th. I feel the withdrawl symptons already....:eek:
LOL @withdrawal....yeah, I hear you cowboy.

AJ: lol I was thinking the same thing, what a loser lol

I think the scene with meadow and the "cream" is just to show what lowlifes they really are as well as escalate the phil problem.

Was I the only one who cringed with coco got his chicklets knocked out? Oh and the "get a mop" line was fucking PRICELESS....even funnier was when Tony was in AJ's therapy session and he found one in his pant's cuff LOL

Man, I'm going to miss scenes like that. I have to hand it to the writers: every once in a while, they come up with a couple of good ones!


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Von Wigglestaff said:
Meadow has always been hot.

What is your favorite Sopranos female? Mine is Svetlana; she tells Tony that he's high maintenance and Janice that she's boring.

Yeah, that was priceless, just after tony banged her on the couch....

In terms of looks, I'd go with the most recent one in vegas but really, one episode doesn't really count. Therefore the hottest IMO is Janice.....DOH stop laughing, ok I was kidding, STOP LAUGHING DAMMIT (but I bet I made coffee come outta yer nose lol).


New member
May 30, 2006
tboy said:
Yeah, that was priceless, just after tony banged her on the couch....

In terms of looks, I'd go with the most recent one in vegas but really, one episode doesn't really count. Therefore the hottest IMO is Janice.....DOH stop laughing, ok I was kidding, STOP LAUGHING DAMMIT (but I bet I made coffee come outta yer nose lol).
Dang, tboy! Good thing it's just juice, not coffee! :eek:

Meadow's getting hotter lately. Tony banged quite a few hot chick over the years. The one in Vegas is quite cool and I'm hoping she can appear again, thought not likely.

So what's gonna happen in the last two episodes? I think the expected war between Tony and Phil will be side tracked by something else, maybe something tragic with Aj that causes Tony to widthdraw. Think about how the whole show started - Tony realized he's got a psychological problem, and maybe now he finally gives up. I do hope someone can kick Phil's ass - he's a loser! Oh and get rid of Paulie too. Too much to do in 2 hours!!!

It's gonna suck when the show ends...
Feb 21, 2007
Von Wigglestaff said:
Meadow has always been hot.

What is your favorite Sopranos female? Mine is Svetlana; she tells Tony that he's high maintenance and Janice that she's boring.

Gloria Trillo was the hottest....IMO...there was a scene between her and Tony at the zoo having sex standing up with their clothes on...all the while someone could have interupted them...NOW THAT'S HOT!!!(with apologies to Paris Hilton....;)


New member
Jan 23, 2004
Arty Bucco's wife, the one who managed the restaurant....she's the sexiest one by far. What a rack....and I liked how she was the most level-headed of all the ladies about the whole mob thing.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
I was going to say Gloria Trillo but I couldn't remember her name LOL

She had that smokin' mediterranean look about her....(though she was a little pyscho)


Active member
Jan 1, 2006
tboy said:
I was going to say Gloria Trillo but I couldn't remember her name LOL

She had that smokin' mediterranean look about her....(though she was a little pyscho)
She's Italian...was in the movies in the 80s..Annabella Sciorra.

Did you guys forget about Julianna Margulies?
Mar 19, 2006
netbull said:
Dang, tboy! Good thing it's just juice, not coffee! :eek:

Meadow's getting hotter lately. Tony banged quite a few hot chick over the years. The one in Vegas is quite cool and I'm hoping she can appear again, thought not likely.

So what's gonna happen in the last two episodes? I think the expected war between Tony and Phil will be side tracked by something else, maybe something tragic with Aj that causes Tony to widthdraw. Think about how the whole show started - Tony realized he's got a psychological problem, and maybe now he finally gives up. I do hope someone can kick Phil's ass - he's a loser! Oh and get rid of Paulie too. Too much to do in 2 hours!!!

It's gonna suck when the show ends...
Don't get rid of Paulie! He's my favourite character. The upcoming movie wont be the same without him.

I also think the Phil Retardo thing is smoke and mirrors. Something else is going to happen........


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
rip_hymen said:
I was expecting an ambush.
is that anything like a danibush?

BTW: not to be picky but the correct version of your tagline is:

"I may never hit rock bottom but I'll sure bang the hell outta the sides on the way down"
Mar 19, 2006
rip_hymen said:
I was expecting an ambush.
That crossed my mind too, but I didn't think they would ambush Tony in front of Phil's house. The fact that Phil yelled out "take that piece of shit with you" to Carmine makes me think the writers are setting us up to believe this will be how it ends.

That was an extremely disrespectful remark to make to someone who lives and dies in a culture centred on respect.

I also believe Tony is too smart to be killed off.
Feb 21, 2007
Perhaps we should make the distinction between who Tony had sex with, and those he wanted to, but didn't.

Julianna Skiff would fit that description, as would Dr Melfi

How about Sofia Milos, who played Furio's boss in season 2, episode 17?

She's also in CSI Miami.

Notice how Tony married a blonde, but has all his affairs with women with dark hair colour?
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