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So who is the bigger douche?


Dec 24, 2001
Perhaps I am getting into semantics here.

I don't think anyone needs to earn respect.

You should be respected whether you are a multi-millionaire or homeless person.

Everyone should learn how to respect and that comes from your upbringing.

As for the original question on this thread, I've always believed in karma, i.e. what goes around comes around.

This kid has probably bullied people and gotten away with it. Your pushback was perhaps karma's way of something coming back at him.


May 27, 2005
Corey said:
Perhaps I am getting into semantics here.

I don't think anyone needs to earn respect.

You should be respected whether you are a multi-millionaire or homeless person.

Everyone should learn how to respect and that comes from your upbringing.
Yes that is semantics... ok everyone deserves basic respect....to be treated with dignity, until you demonstrate that you dont even deserve that; that shouldnt even have to be said. Anything over and above needs to be earned.

Corey said:
This kid has probably bullied people and gotten away with it. Your pushback was perhaps karma's way of something coming back at him.
Perhaps....or maybe hes screwing up his karma


Son of the First Nation
Sep 13, 2008
Nicole King said:
I was only making a joke and it obviously shows how bad I am at it. I honestly don't care who's the bigger douche.
I did catch that. I sensed the tone. The sarcastic rolling eyes would have helped make your point.

I also agree with Bob.
The cap thing and wearing pants that are too big has to be the dumbest fashion in the history of humans.

Now to Ducttape.
I have been there, I understand where you are/were. You went too far in stepping on him I have to say, but I get it.

I was in a similar situation. Kid was being an idiot, getting in peoples way. Bumped into him, he eased in my way as he did to several others. I did not step around him as others did, but kept walking almost knocking him down. One of the other kids said something I slowed looked back, no one said anything then. I continued on stopped at the spot to make my next connection and before I knew it I was surrounded by a lot more kids then I thought were even in the whole station. They were accusing me of this and that. I did not even look up from my book. I just said "Keep an eye out for buses please, can't have you getting hit".

Then the threat came from one of them. "I have a gun."

I stared at him, waiting. I said "You are making a mistake".
Stuff happened, one of them said "I am calling the cops", I replied "Only your friend will be arrested if you do". She did not listen.
In the end three of them were arrested and I was a 'victim', at least that is what the cops labeled me.

Say what you want about what you just read and about me.
None of you were there. None of you saw what happened preceeding the start of the whole thing.

There have been other incidents I have been involved with over the years, but I rarely ride the TTC anymore so ... not so much lately.


Aug 17, 2008
Definitely the 16 year old was the douche. You just called him on his bluff - that's his fault for trying to start something in the first place.

I used to run a business where I would get teenagers coming into my store and trying to control the environment - acting tough, swearing, giving me intimidating looks, banging on the windows as they leave etc. One time, after repeatedly asking one of the kids to stop harrassing me and stop the banging, he spit on my glass and gave me the finger. I got so mad, I left my store, followed him into the pizza store which is owned by my friend and told my friend not to serve him. I then pulled his id off of him (he was holding his wallet in his hand as he ordered in front of the pizza counter), asked my friend to write it down and followed up by having my landlord issue him a tresspass notice demanding that he no longer visit the entire plaza including any and all stores - not the bank, not the doctor's office, not the pizza store, not my store - none of them. If he did, he would be tresspassing and would be charged as such.

His mother, after finding out about this, came to my store and chewed me out for doing this to her son, claiming that he has to visit the chriopractor often for his bad back. I didn't back down, I insisted I gave him multiple opportunities to be respectful toward me, and since he refused and challenged me to often, I would not allow my landlord to lift the tresspass letter. Contractually, my landlord and I had agreed that I was entitled to 'quiet enjoment' of my premises, and since this bastard interefered with my quiet enjoyment, he was banned. Best thing I ever did.


New member
Aug 25, 2009
ducttape said:
So there I was on the Bloor Line tonight. This 15 or 16 year old dude gets on, trying to be All That: Ed Hardy t-shirt, cap canted on a ridiculous angle, gold-plated chains etc. So he starts trying to stare down the other passengers. I stare back, since that's kinda what I do. He breaks our stare first, but having had a couple of bottles of wine I'm not content with winning that round. At my stop I stand up, start to get off the train and "accidentally" bring my full weight (mostly fat, not muscle -- alas!) down on his sprawled out foot. I don't do it hard enough to attract attention or to break anything, but he definitely gets the message. At least I assume he did. I can't think of why else he would swear at me and throw something (ineffectual kick? girlie punch? I didn't justify it by turning around...) at my back as I got off.

I'm not proud of my actions and am not looking for validation, but am curious about others reaction. Who is the bigger douche: me or him?
Im going to say he is. And here is why. I will go with he was wearing one of those c audigier hardy shirts...$165 on a good day. Now, loaded or not its still a tshirt that (as i found out) wears just like a $30 t shirt and washes like one too. Its douces like us that buy these overpriced pieces of crap that put the douce in doucey

Lucky Pierre

New member
Jul 8, 2009
dirkstoned said:
Im going to say he is. And here is why. I will go with he was wearing one of those c audigier hardy shirts...$165 on a good day. Now, loaded or not its still a tshirt that (as i found out) wears just like a $30 t shirt and washes like one too. Its douces like us that buy these overpriced pieces of crap that put the douce in doucey
Reminds me of a comedian I saw years ago (forget his name). He was talking about expensive basketball shoes. He said for $200, his basketballs shoes should be able to play basketball without him. He'll just drive the shoes to the gym, come back later, and ask the shoes, "Did we win?" :D


NEITHER of you are a douche.

Him because - since when is it illegal to stare?

And you - because that would be unfair to douches everywhere.


Apr 9, 2002
The kid was what, 15-16 years old?

I don't think it's really fair to call him a douche. Lets think back to when we were all that age. We all wanted to look stylish and cool. Unfortunately, Ed Hardy, Affliction, hats tilted to one side etc. is just fashionable these days. Blame Kfed.

Chances are, this kid will grow out of the Ed Hardy crap and move on with his life.

Like everyone else has said, you picked a fight with a 15 year old kid.


Oct 23, 2002
Dissey23 said:
The kid was what, 15-16 years old?

I don't think it's really fair to call him a douche. Lets think back to when we were all that age. We all wanted to look stylish and cool. Unfortunately, Ed Hardy, Affliction, hats tilted to one side etc. is just fashionable these days. Blame Kfed.

Chances are, this kid will grow out of the Ed Hardy crap and move on with his life.

Like everyone else has said, you picked a fight with a 15 year old kid.

kfed not to blame......its the ufc, and its just that ppl want to project "look, i'm in mma" or "i know mma"


Nov 9, 2004
When he tried to stare me down, I would have started laughing hysterically, others he intimidated would join in, and when everyone is laughing at him......he wets his pants. THEN you call him douche....cause it looked like he did. Douche that is.
Conversely, if he became aggressive with you for laughing at him....then you drop him, and you have witnesses.
I remember being THAT kid when I was his age. But instead of the "wanna be a rapper" wear, I had open laced Kodiaks, a Scarborough dinner jacket over an Iron Maiden baseball t-shirt and Levis'. But I always respected my elders, which kids don't anymore.


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
Ironhead said:
There have been other incidents I have been involved with over the years, but I rarely ride the TTC anymore so ... not so much lately.
Your story reminds me of the time I was riding southbound on a Weston 89 bus towards Eglinton. That was my first mistake, I know, but at the time it was my regular route to work.

Young man-boy in the back had an old fashioned boombox, no headphones, blaring racist violent lyrics peppered with profanity. He boarded near Lawrence and travelled to Eglinton same time as me every morning. It was not late at night but rather just coming up to 8am. Kids, families, and generally a G-rated crowd at that hour.

I and others had asked him to shut it off on different days. He mostly sneered. I ignored it on other days, but one morning, I had missed my coffee or not gotten enough sleep so I had no tolerance. I advised him that I was about to treat his actions as a gesture of agression and advise the operator of our vehicle that I feel unsafe and threatened. It would be our operators duty to pull his vehicle over to the side of the road, put it out of service, and call the authorities. I asked the kid if he wanted to join me in being responsible for bringing this ride to an end for more than 60 people who just want to go to work and school. He did not respond. I told him at the count of three I would not change my mind. He did not back down on the count of 3. I reported the incident. The music went off but it was too late an I was not withdrawing my report. The driver agreed; he was equally sick of this kid and was grateful to see a passenger support him in ridding his route of this nuisance. The announcement was made as the vehicle pulled over. The crowd reacted to both of us. The kid swore a blue streak at me as he hurredly got off the bus before his regular stop. I withdrew the complaint and we resumed our ride offense free. Issue never came up on that ride ever again. Thankfully six months later circumstances (relocated to better area, got a car) enabled me to avoid that route.


Nov 26, 2008
On A Psycho Holiday
dirkstoned said:
ohhhh.....internet tough guy on the lose. ill bite and say pretty far.
Ok mister 5 post I'll bite, most people know I am playing the Bop Saturday so you and I can discuss it there!!

I fucking love when people call me out, gives me a chance to prove it lmao!!!!!!

Who the fuck are you btw so I know who I am kicking the shit out of?
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