So who is the bigger douche?


New member
Aug 25, 2009
Hadrian said:
Ok mister 5 post I'll bite, most people know I am playing the Bop Saturday so you and I can discuss it there!!

I fucking love when people call me out, gives me a chance to prove it lmao!!!!!!

Who the fuck are you btw so I know who I am kicking the shit out of?
Like i answered in your gay pm's about wanting to fight me....I am most definitly the least of your problems. So are you on 'cycle on' now? Is that causing the 'rage' ?

And ya. Like Andy said, you now win the douce award. 9aybe that will cheer you up.

By the way, you signed your pm to me 'Adrian' . Am i being called out by a chica?


New member
Aug 25, 2009
Andy Stitzer said:
Whats the deal with this Ed Hardy thing anyways. I did a search on wikipediea and all that came up was some tattoo guy I'd never heard of.

Wow threatening people on the internet. This thread is defiantly taking a turn for the douche.
Thus the laughing at him or her. not sure.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
ducttape was out past his curfew without his mom and dad's permission. So he took it out on another 16 year old. ducttape is not a douche............. He just needs to get grounded for a couple of weeks and made to clean up his room.


New member
Oct 13, 2002
He is the bigger douche, because he probably acts 'gangsta' all the time. You just reacted to him. Sometimes wannabee gangstas need to be shown that not everyone is intimidated by them. Good job. You have my blessing, sir!
Feb 21, 2007
I have some questions before pronouncing "douche-hood".

Was this kid white?

Are you white?

How old are you?

Like it or not, I believe there was some racial dynamics here.


bored and sleepless again
5hummer said:

Anybody that dresses like that deserves a slap in the back-of-the-head!
So you wanna slap about half of the male population aged 13 - 25 :confused:
I say if they want to look like fools let them.


bored and sleepless again
dirkstoned said:
By the way, you signed your pm to me 'Adrian' . Am i being called out by a chica?
I seriously doubt your being called out by a chica..... considering I personally know two guys named Adrian. Then there is the actor Adrian Brody
as well as Adrian Peterson RB for the Bears ( least I think he is still there)


Gentleman by Profession
Jun 30, 2003
In the laboratory.
Hadrian said:
Ok mister 5 post I'll bite, most people know I am playing the Bop Saturday so you and I can discuss it there!!

I fucking love when people call me out, gives me a chance to prove it lmao!!!!!!

Who the fuck are you btw so I know who I am kicking the shit out of?
This thread gets better and better. I'd love to watch two hosers getting it on. But what is the Bop and should I bring ear plugs? :p



Son of the First Nation
Sep 13, 2008
Kenwoody said:
I remember being THAT kid when I was his age. But instead of the "wanna be a rapper" wear, I had open laced Kodiaks, a Scarborough dinner jacket over an Iron Maiden baseball t-shirt and Levis'. But I always respected my elders, which kids don't anymore.
Kenwoody I have a couple questions.
What is a Scarborough dinner jacket as opposed to a regular dinner jacket ?
How does Iron Maiden and baseball ever end up in the same sentence much less on a t-shirt ?

Hadrian said:
Dude you punked a 16yr old lmao, how bout punking me fat ass see how far you get?
I have a hunch that this nut wears pants that are five sizes too big for him, a baseball cap incorrectly and fits the word "Yo" into almost every sentence.


Nov 9, 2004
Ironhead said:
Kenwoody I have a couple questions.
What is a Scarborough dinner jacket as opposed to a regular dinner jacket ?
How does Iron Maiden and baseball ever end up in the same sentence much less on a t-shirt ?

A Scarborough Dinner jacket is a black and red fleece lumber jacket. The t-shirt style is called baseball, white chest and back with 3/4 length black sleeves.


New member
Aug 25, 2009
Cycleguy007 said:
Are you insinuating that the Oscar winning actor is not a "guy"?

You may have forgotten this dude did something I'll bet 99% of us would have loved to do! "The Kiss"
I think when he kissed halle barry at the oscars that was his first contact with a chick. that dude looks gayer then gay. and effeminite too


Active member
Aug 30, 2001
Nothing wrong with standing up to a bully.

However, if you're a grouchy old white man like me, and you were full of wine, there's a risk you were reacting to something that wasn't really there.

You probably should have just called him out instead of assaulting him.

Young men are all full of strut and arrogance, and a lot of times, they don't really mean anything by it. They're just trying to discover how to act like a man. It can be a major pain in the ass(just look at all the flamewars here!).

I hope you displayed proper inter-racial sensitivity. I'd hate to have him stomping on *my* toes tomorrow because of something you did yesterday.

Sammy the Bull

Apr 18, 2009
ducttape said:
So there I was on the Bloor Line tonight. This 15 or 16 year old dude gets on, trying to be All That: Ed Hardy t-shirt, cap canted on a ridiculous angle, gold-plated chains etc. So he starts trying to stare down the other passengers. I stare back, since that's kinda what I do. He breaks our stare first, but having had a couple of bottles of wine I'm not content with winning that round. At my stop I stand up, start to get off the train and "accidentally" bring my full weight (mostly fat, not muscle -- alas!) down on his sprawled out foot. I don't do it hard enough to attract attention or to break anything, but he definitely gets the message. At least I assume he did. I can't think of why else he would swear at me and throw something (ineffectual kick? girlie punch? I didn't justify it by turning around...) at my back as I got off.

I'm not proud of my actions and am not looking for validation, but am curious about others reaction. Who is the bigger douche: me or him?
Does anyone else have a problem believing this story??

You sound older (perhaps middle-aged)
You were drinking (drunks cant fight, trust me I know)
You're overweight (self-admittedly)
Then he swears at you, and supposedly throws an ineffective kick of some sort?? And thats the end of it??!! :confused:

Sounds fishy to me, sorry but it does
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