Toronto Passions

Small but Intimate Get together....

Ariel Sanchez

New member
May 9, 2006
Thanks hon. As for the "no shows" there's nothing we can do about that. The only thing i can do is keep the ladies who have "confirmed" posted and updated regularily so that they don't feel like they've been either forgotten about or that nobody would care or even notice if they didn't show up. I want the ladies invited to also feel like they are not only attending the gathering but also are involved in the planning as well.



New member
Sep 22, 2004
To avoid the "why should the ladies attend" question, why not divide the door fee amongst the Sp's and Mps's who attend. That way we would be treating the evening as it is truly meant. A meet and greet with To's best.

No need for door prizes.

An eveing whre the men wear casual dress and the ladies dress for success is a great idea. But lets face it as has been pointed out it should not be a snauage fest so at least guranteee the women cab fare via the entry fee.

And no a woman does not need to invite 3 people to attend. That puts a provider in a difficult position. Most of them have more than 3 "favorites".

Keep it simple, and make it as accomodating as possible for the providers to attend without cost cab fare..and it will be a good evening.


Ariel Sanchez

New member
May 9, 2006
Thanks Mark. All suggestions are welcome. Well it's a definate that the ladies will NOT need to pay for admission. And as soon as I figure out how to fund this affair we will also definately take care of all the ladies liquor and transportation home. I think i may need to start some sort of "donation box" hehehe....

Ariel Sanchez

New member
May 9, 2006
Thank you Alexa Taylor for your input. The concerns you expressed are the exact reasons why this gathering is not run by terb and is by invite only. The last thing i want is for ANY lady to feel uncomfortable. The sole reason for this function is for the more grown and mature crowd of the industry to get a chance to meet and greet on a respectful level. Hence the suit and tie and cocktail dress code i'm hoping to enforce. IMHO, i think the strip club avenue brings out the "bad boy" or "bad girl" side of people, whereas say for instance a penthouse private party kind of forces people to be on their best behaviour (that is untill the alcohol sets in and everyone gets acquainted, lol)


Senior Member
Mar 23, 2002
The best parties I have attended have been in Niagara Falls. They are usually -- but not always -- organized by the agencies and are by invitation only. This gets around a number of the problems mentioned above.

They are usually in hotel suites or at a motel pool in the summer. Those still standing can continue to an "after party" at a strip club


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
While everyone has their own experiences from Terb parties, and not to minimize your experience alexa, but a guy grabbing your boob is a rarity in my experience and we'd hear about it here if it happened again or often. COuple that with the fact that one bad apple doesn't mean all terbites have no class, most of us do know how to treat a lady......

The one good thing about having the parties at strip clubs, if no ladies showed up, there'd still be entertainment. The last one I went to the dancers ended up joining us and invited some of the sp's on stage. It was a hoot.

I've heard back from some of the agencies I wrote to and the responses are varied. One wrote that some of their ladies plan on attending then get a booking (goes back to making it financially beneficial to them to show) and another says they get enough bookings they don't have to do a meet and greet but the common element is that the ladies don't want to be seen too publically as an sp, they want it to keep it private behind closed doors.

The last point lends itself well to the event being held in a private party room or hotel suite. This way privacy is better maintained.


I'd rather be Boating
Jun 12, 2002
My Boat
Ariel Sanchez said:
Hi Everyone, so i've been attending different industry parties hoping to mingle, laugh and chat with both the gentlemen and the ladies; i'm not sure why but it hasn't been able to work out that way. (no offence to any of the past party organizers) I think it's just a matter of what that certain person has in mind when they read or hear the word "party". I don't even want to call this thing a party because it really isn't one. It's a get together. 50 people TOPS. It's going to be at a PRIVATE residence's party room. I don't want naked girls making out or drunk guys running up and down the hallways, LOL......What i had in mind is an upscale, grown and sexy meet and greet. There will be music in the background, alcohol, snacks, chairs to sit and get comfortable on while getting to know one another better. Now i have THREE potential dates in december to have this night.

A) Thursday, December 21st
B) Friday, December 22nd
C) Wednesday, December 27th.

Please remember that i'm apparently doing this alone so please don't lead me to believe that you're coming if you're not 100% sure that you are. I really don't want to meet and greet myself, i already know who i am, i think

Any feed back, questions, a helping hand and suggestions are welcome. We really don't need a whole lot of time to plan this thing, like i said, it'll be like coming over to a friends place and having a few drinks.



the only party I want to be with Ariel at is when it is only us:D

Ariel Sanchez

New member
May 9, 2006
0 mean you haven't been converted yet? LOL, you really may need to make that trip in January. Ask the boys, i don't dissappoint, ;-)

Safety is going to be on the top of my priority list. Being it a private party i will be conducting little "background" checks, your handle will be searched and scanned to make sure that no lady has ever put up a complaint about you and to ensure that you have never trash talked any of the ladies on this board. ONLY GENTLEMEN are invited......seriously :)

rick dickulous

hard cock, will cunnil
Jan 4, 2006
My GF and I would like to attend. Is it okay for a couple of swingers who orbit the periphery of the hobby to come and spread some good cheer?


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
rick dickulous said:
My GF and I would like to attend. Is it okay for a couple of swingers who orbit the periphery of the hobby to come and spread some good cheer?
LOL oh I could say something terribly bad about you naming your gf "good", and her sister "cheer".....


And very good at it
Oct 3, 2001
tboy said:
LOL oh I could say something terribly bad about you naming your gf "good", and her sister "cheer".....
Maybe she has "good" tattooed on the inside of her left thigh, and "cheer" on the inside of her right? :p


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
LOL I was going to say something like that, but hey, thought it might come off as a little crude.....I DO has SOME decorum ya know

(though you'd never know it sometimes lol)
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