Small but Intimate Get together....

Gentle Ben

Senior Member
Jan 5, 2002
Its the nature of the beast Males will always outnumber Ladies at a party like this, even siingles dances & similar functions are always off skew .
There does seem to be better Male to female ratio when LAdies do the organising perhaps. Some of the first SV parties were quite well attended by Ladies, but still I bet it was 10 to 1 M vs F ratio
WHat botheres me most is when the ladies at the oarty appear to be unaproachable due to many reasons, for example a party I attened in HAmilton recently there was a group of ladies at a table that several guys wanted to chat with, myself included, they were so heavy into conversation amongst themselves they were oblivious to what was going on arouind them.
not pointing fingers here, just simple observation .

Ariel Sanchez

New member
May 9, 2006
I totally agree that's why this place is going to be perfect. There's nowhere to hide, lol. It's just a simple room not a hall or a strip club. I'm thinking suits for the gentlemen and cocktail dresses for the ladies and champagne glasses for everyone. We can even play spin the bottle, hehe.



resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
I was going to pm ariel with this but I thought, what the hay, maybe others feel this way too.

Our infamous (notso) fabulous, in speaking for all sp's everywhere, pointed out many times that the only way sp's want to sociallize with terbites is if they are getting paid. I remember the old terb parties where sp's WANTED to come to party with us because hey, some of us are pretty decent guys.

I for one can't understand why some of the newer agencies around don't attend? It is an awesome oppurtunity for a meet and greet and drum up some business in a safe atmosphere.

I say we approach the various agencies and ask them to attend and if need be, come up with a method where the ladies can benefit financially by attending.

Let's put it out to the sp's who frequent this board: what can WE do to entice you to attend?


DrRogers has left the Bld
Ariel - great idea - December is out for the Doc but the dates in January look better to me - with enough notice I might be able to convice a couple of ladies to accompany me as well - I will watch to see how this unfolds. I would love an upscale meet and greet without the inevitible "potatoe heads" that usually show up - good luck with this one. Doc


Slightly Nuts
Sep 26, 2001
What a great idea! I would drive up to Toronto for the party. Last TERB get together that I was at was three years ago. I met several wonderful ladies who I have seen frequently. Would love to meet some new prospects.

Ariel Sanchez

New member
May 9, 2006
Okay then!!! Sounds like the beginning of an amazing gathering. Well i agree with everyone and i too say let's have it in January where we have more time to make it happen. I'll be in Jamaica untill the 8th, so let's say FRIDAY, JANUARY THE 26th. That way i have enough time after the 8th to make sure everything is going on schedule.
P.S. Let's keep the energy going for this party so that it doesn't get forgotten about or lost in our vast world of TERB.



Sr. Member
Jun 19, 2002
Ariel's suggestions...

I just posted my comments about the "party" the other night as part of a different thread. I made the suggestion that each SP who gets involved in a quiet party/get-together invite two gentlemen - clients or potential clients or just friends. Alternately men could attend (I nearly said "come" <g>) if they brought a lady with them. This way there would be a reasonable male-female balance.

However Ariel does it, I thank her for taking the initiative. Early January, or the period between Christmas and New Year's, would be wonderful.

Promise, though: No stupid "comedians" or lame rock bands, okay?

Love to all for the holidays....


New member
Oct 12, 2006
Than confirm me in for the 26th. With you and Celest there the begining of a great nite. And love the idea of the dress codes..


DrRogers has left the Bld
Now here is someone making sense

Muddy said:
I just posted my comments about the "party" the other night as part of a different thread. I made the suggestion that each SP who gets involved in a quiet party/get-together invite two gentlemen - clients or potential clients or just friends. Alternately men could attend (I nearly said "come" <g>) if they brought a lady with them. This way there would be a reasonable male-female balance.

However Ariel does it, I thank her for taking the initiative. Early January, or the period between Christmas and New Year's, would be wonderful.

Promise, though: No stupid "comedians" or lame rock bands, okay?

Love to all for the holidays....
Ariel has a great idea with good intentions - i think what you suggest here is the proper way to do it - every SP has one, two or three clients that they have a special relationship with- this would ensure that each of the girls is meeting what their counterparts consider triple A clients - and presumably the girls that attend in this way would be those that we want to meet.

Gentle Ben

Senior Member
Jan 5, 2002
drrogers said:
Ariel has a great idea with good intentions - i think what you suggest here is the proper way to do it - every SP has one, two or three clients that they have a special relationship with- this would ensure that each of the girls is meeting what their counterparts consider triple A clients - and presumably the girls that attend in this way would be those that we want to meet.
I disagree, open the party to any & all that want to attend, and whoever shows shows, whoever doesn't show,, their loss!


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Gentle Ben said:
I disagree, open the party to any & all that want to attend, and whoever shows shows, whoever doesn't show,, their loss!
GB: that's fine if you want to attend a sausage party.....but I've attended enough terb sausage parties tyvm.


Just Horny
Aug 22, 2001
between the sheets
After that poor Xmas Party at the Opera house I think we need a real meet and greet indusrty party now not late January. Besides its easier for many to use attending an Xmas party as an excuse for being late.
Success of such a party depends on SPs showing up. Well why not charge admission (considering alot of guys forked over 15 bucks at the poor Xmas party) 20-30 bucks could work if it was exclusive terbites and SPs. Besides it would also eliminate lurkers who are not serious. A dress code would be good too, no jeans etc. casual but dress up only.
The admission could be used as a raffle. Only the SPs would be allowed to win as an insentive to attend. Prizes could be cash amounts from the admission fee. Have a specific time to draw for the prizes and make it required for the winner to be in attendance. It would be win win because the SPs meet serious hobbyists, they could get cash prizes, they promote themselves directly to clients without the cost of an ad, their entire evening won't be taken up by attending.
I would suggest specific times such as a 6pm to 9pm event so everyone would know they won't be hanging around waiting till all hours before anyone showed up.
Oh yea can we have this happen now......this year perhaps.....ok I know we can only dream.


New member
Sep 2, 2004
YES.... Ariel.......

I will attend as well ..thank you for the invite....evening gowns and suits sounds scrumtious......I am looking forward to meeting you Ariel....up close......reall close.....:p

sorry getting to excited.....

Ariel Sanchez

New member
May 9, 2006
Well if you ask me, this sounds like it has the potential to be great. It's only been one day and people seem to be taking on to it well. I hope that after the holidays everyone will still remember that the 26th will be great. I will keep updating everyone on the party/gathering details frequently. Everyone's help and suggestions are appreciated and welcomed.



Just a guy.......
Aug 16, 2004
Only the Shadow knows.....

I wish you every success in this venture. A problem I see is that women do not seem to see these sorts of events as the great opportunity they are. They either see them as a social outing or blow them off completely. For example; it's as if I had a service to promote and I was given an opportunity to meet potential clients but I just stood in the corner talking to a friend or worse didn't bother to go. You could have this meet and greet this month or next, Saturday night or Tuesday afternoon, suit and tie or trackpants as the dress code if only there are women there that are serious about actually meeting us.

The few of these events I've been to, or heard about, seem to follow the same pattern - the women either don't show up, or if they do they talk amongst themselves or with one guy all night. It's very basic to say but they need to mingle and spend a few minutes with every guy there - introduce yourself to everyone. If I see an attractive woman in the room I'm not likely to approach her if she's talking to someone else - I will if she's standing alone but really she needs to make the rounds. If you solve this problem you're golden. To be blunt, I don't see this as an opportunity to socialize with a bunch of people I don't know. I don't want to listen to the music either. I'll go if I think I'll get a chance to meet some women, see how they dress, walk, and talk and to see if I'm attracted to them enough to call the next day and book. For this to happen the women have to actually be there and they have to make the opportunity for me to talk to them.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Gentle Ben said:
I disagree, open the party to any & all that want to attend, and whoever shows shows, whoever doesn't show,, their loss!


I agree with you and always support open parties. Seems some folks here don't understand that a meet and greet is open to all. Fact is there might be more male members of TERB and that explains why more males show up.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Here is an idea

Why not establish a list you pay to get on

Say men pay one hindered dollars to get on the list for one year.

Ladies pay one thousand dollars to be on the list. This number is based on the fact they tend to profit from these gatherings.

Now parties will be one a month and admission fees will be posted. Each party is limited to 50 people and the balance of ladies to guys will be not more than 3:1. Disclaimer: All parties are done on a lottery basis. Your participating in this list will not guarantee you an invitation to any party.


Just a guy.......
Aug 16, 2004
Only the Shadow knows.....
papasmerf said:
Here is an idea

Why not establish a list you pay to get on

Say men pay one hindered dollars to get on the list for one year.

Ladies pay one thousand dollars to be on the list. This number is based on the fact they tend to profit from these gatherings.

Now parties will be one a month and admission fees will be posted. Each party is limited to 50 people and the balance of ladies to guys will be not more than 3:1. Disclaimer: All parties are done on a lottery basis. Your participating in this list will not guarantee you an invitation to any party.

First of all, I don't want to be on any list, nor do I want the fact that I attended any party to be recorded anywhere. Secondly, why do you think that charging the women to participate would increase the number of them that would? Thirdly, if you are proposing to charge an admission fee where would the money collected for the privledge of being on the list go?


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
PSmerf: the reason more men show up is because they think there will be ladies there they can chat with and get to know better and, as stated, possibly book them for an encounter without risking their hard earned dollars. Funny thing is that many ladies show interest in attending, then don't show for various reasons.

I also wholeheartedly agree that if the ladies DO in fact show up, that it is frustrating to say the least that they stick together and only intermingle amongst themselves.

I still say the next event should be run like Xtabi (and I finally get it how these places operate) where a couple gets in for 20 bucks, but a single guy gets in for 200. That is THE only way you don't have 200 guys standing around watching 4 women....


And very good at it
Oct 3, 2001
tboy said:
I still say the next event should be run like Xtabi (and I finally get it how these places operate) where a couple gets in for 20 bucks, but a single guy gets in for 200. That is THE only way you don't have 200 guys standing around watching 4 women....
Exactly... if you have a lady friend, you get in for a nominal fee just like any other club. If you are a single lady, you probably pay the same low fee because the purpose is to ENCOURAGE female participation. But single guys are lining up to ogle and salivate, so to cull the herd you up the ante and put restrictions on the number of "spots" that are open to them.

Not in any way suggesting that this is how Ariel should or would run her get together. But since it is her idea, she does have the right to pick and choose and invite (yes... invite) whomever she chooses. If anyone who wants to go is not selected, thats just the way the ball bounces.
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