Small but Intimate Get together....

Ariel Sanchez

New member
May 9, 2006
Hi Everyone, so i've been attending different industry parties hoping to mingle, laugh and chat with both the gentlemen and the ladies; i'm not sure why but it hasn't been able to work out that way. (no offence to any of the past party organizers) I think it's just a matter of what that certain person has in mind when they read or hear the word "party". I don't even want to call this thing a party because it really isn't one. It's a get together. 50 people TOPS. It's going to be at a PRIVATE residence's party room. I don't want naked girls making out or drunk guys running up and down the hallways, LOL......What i had in mind is an upscale, grown and sexy meet and greet. There will be music in the background, alcohol, snacks, chairs to sit and get comfortable on while getting to know one another better. Now i have THREE potential dates in december to have this night.

A) Thursday, December 21st
B) Friday, December 22nd
C) Wednesday, December 27th.

Please remember that i'm apparently doing this alone so please don't lead me to believe that you're coming if you're not 100% sure that you are. I really don't want to meet and greet myself, i already know who i am, i think :confused:

Any feed back, questions, a helping hand and suggestions are welcome. We really don't need a whole lot of time to plan this thing, like i said, it'll be like coming over to a friends place and having a few drinks.




Well-known member
Nov 17, 2002
Ariel, you have a great idea.

As an older professional gentleman who has attended a several of these industry parties in the past, the venue that you propose is an an ideal one.

I certrainly would prefer meeting the ladies in a quieter environment where one can mingle and have a decent conversation and get to know the providers.

However, the 'timing' for such an event, just prior to Christmas, with all that entails; last minute shopping, office parties and family commitments, would make it difficult for most of us to attend.

Perhaps an event like this in the New Year would be better. A "Valentine's" party perhaps?


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Well, just thinking out loud, how about a single person's new years party? I know many of the ladies are single, I know many of the men are too....and as I said in another thread, I held one many years ago that was a resounding success....


pure evil
Aug 20, 2001
images of El Callejón de los milagros

There will be music in the background
what kind of turntable do you have ?
I don't want naked girls making out
eeeghaaad ... who would want such a thing.
uuh ... being a member of AA (Alcoholic Atheists) I'll have to decline.

but seriously, it's cool that you take the initiative and time to bother.

party hearty


Govt Designated Pervert
tboy said:
Well, just thinking out loud, how about a single person's new years party? I know many of the ladies are single, I know many of the men are too....and as I said in another thread, I held one many years ago that was a resounding success....
That's a great idea TB. I never attend parties for many reasons, but this one I would come out for, particularly if it was in the west end.

Gentle Ben

Senior Member
Jan 5, 2002
Great idea Ariel,I much prefer the smaller more intimate parties over the noisy larger partys.
I in my opinion just pick a date & go with it, you will never get everyone to agree on a date, saying that ,you could run a poll to see what day,ie Thursday, Friday etc would be best.

Ariel Sanchez

New member
May 9, 2006
Will you gentlemen please extend this invitation out to your favourite sp's? I've been pm'ing girls all day so i guess we'll see if they bite or not. I don't know why this is so hard, it's not like we're asking people to come out and walk on hot coal, it's a party people, LOL!!!!!! Come on girls help me out :-(



New member
Sep 22, 2004
Just a thought that a January date may be more workable this close to Christmas.

Excellent idea and I would love to attend.

Give everyone a bit more lead time and it may be workable. Besides in January there isn't that much to do. Might be nice to have something to look forward to.


No patience
Oct 12, 2001
St. Catharines
Sounds like fun! No problem with the dates or waiting until January at this point.


Line 'Em Up Baby
Jun 3, 2002
West end GTA
Way to go Ariel!

Ariel, that is very gracious of you. I was actually going to make yesterdays terb party my first, but I am glad I didnt. Your proposal sounds much better. If I didnt know better, the revues of yesterdays party read as "fun for the inner circle of terb and screw you to the rest". I would have been like some of the other guys standing around trying to make conversation over loud music. Glad I didnt go. I will try to attend your party though. How would you prefer to be notified of our attendance?


New member
Feb 10, 2005
This is a very cool idea, I'll vote for either A) December 21st or C) December 27th.

Unfortunately January is out for me.
Last edited:

rick dickulous

hard cock, will cunnil
Jan 4, 2006
I applaud Ariel in every way. She has the vision and the guts to jump right in there and make it happen. I also think that a January date would go over much better as Christmas time gets too hectic. The last thing we want is a lousy turnout with it's accompanying discouragement.

The mature cocktail party ambience is definitely the way to go. Here's just a couple of simple rules up front: accept graciously into your circle anyone who tries to join in, and don't interrupt or talk over anybody else.

I don't know when it will be, but I know it's going to be great!

"Veal meat ahgain, doan no vere, doan no vain!" - Marlene Deitrich

Ariel Sanchez

New member
May 9, 2006
Okay everyone. So i've been getting mixed reviews here. Some are all about having a small social gathering ASAP and some are telling me to hold off untill January. I'm a little torn here. If we do wait till january then i was thinking friday the 19th or the 26th.
BTW- does anyone have ANY IDEAS on how the heck we can get these ladies to attend? Like honestly do we need to have a pinyatta (*sp*) full of money or something? LOL JUST KIDDING. Maybe some of you guys can strip for us, lol......Let's try and brain storm some ideas to see if we can come up with a way to lure these busy ladies in.

rick dickulous

hard cock, will cunnil
Jan 4, 2006
Free admission for the sp's? A raffle with a session with me as first prize? The real benefit is a chance to initiate contact with a better class of client. Just as hobbyists are seeking better sp's, the sp's are seeking better hobbyists. Every business benefits from networking. How about one night's stay at a good quality hotel for a door prize? A working girl can always use a nice incall location!

Ariel Sanchez

New member
May 9, 2006
That's a great idea Rick D but who's supposed to pay for this nights stay at a hotel? I'm an SP not an MD, lol......But i love the free admission for the ladies. I'll definately do that. And just to let everyone know that i'm not trying to make any profit by hosting this party. Maybe i'll just have a TIP jar to help pay for the alcohol and the fee for the party room. Keep the ideas coming guys. I really wanna make it happen. And you know what? If no other ladies come, i'm sure i can handle you guys all by my lonesome....LOL, hehe.
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