I used to like XM radio, before Sirius took them over. After the merger I noticed more and more DJ's on all the stations and their cumpulsion to fill the air with their blather. That is what I loved about XM, besides Cousin Brucie on the 60s channel, there were no other on air personalities on the stations I listened to, just the music.
Another thing I noticed was the coincidence of songs being played. I was always switching stations between my favourites, listening to what I liked or to tune out the blather of the dj, that's when I noticed that the programmer would have a favourite artist that they would target for the day on all of the stations that I listened to. You would hear the same artist, sometimes the same song on several different stations. They had lost the diversity on the stations, replaced by some automaton, who was programing the same music for all the stations.
Sirius/XM is not worth it IMO. I pine for the days of XM Radio, they were good.