Shut it down. Now.

hedo rick

Active member
Jun 11, 2016
I'm shocked to see providers still advertising their services here. To continue to take part in this industry at this time is unbelievably irresponsible and needs to stop. Now. No free pass for the guys who are seeing these ladies, either.
This is a serious situation and needs to be taken seriously by all.

I will hold my tongue no longer.

Jasmine Raine

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014
The difference between escorts and clients is some escorts are survival sex workers and have no choice.

The men have a choice more so then the ladies.

hedo rick

Active member
Jun 11, 2016
The difference between escorts and clients is some escorts are survival sex workers and have no choice.

The men have a choice more so then the ladies.
Everyone has a choice. Some are more desirable than others.


Well-known member
Feb 14, 2017
Agency has choice. Terb moderator has choice.

Maybe if Terb moderator will take down AD of girls and Agencies who still operate right now will help !


Well-known member
Oct 18, 2010
The difference between escorts and clients is some escorts are survival sex workers and have no choice.

The men have a choice more so then the ladies.
My cock is aching for a tight wet pussy. It hurts . It has a mind of its own. I have no choice.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2011
Everyone went to hoard toilet paper, I went out to hoard the lube. Masturbation is making love to someone you love...myself. :yo:


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
The difference between escorts and clients is some escorts are survival sex workers and have no choice.

The men have a choice more so then the ladies.
There is social assistance, Ontario Works and ODSP, to feed and house Ontarians who qualify. Could you please define the term, " survival sex workers"? Are they individuals in the sex trade with drug addictions who need more than free food and free basic shelter provided by the state?


Well-known member
May 29, 2016

There is social assistance, Ontario Works and ODSP, to feed and house Ontarians who qualify. Could you please define the term, " survival sex workers"? Are they individuals in the sex trade with drug addictions who need more than free food and free basic shelter provided by the state?


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
How many people die of car accidents every year? Do we stop driving? .
If the number of accidents was doubling nationally every three days over a two or three week period, like the virus has been doing, guaranteed there would be measures taken.

Ok, who's got the next dumb argument?

p.s. That's what happens when you take your talking points from trump the idiot.


Mar 25, 2007
Just checked the website of my favorite lady for her schedule, said `currently on a break` YES. Great that some SPs get it. (Not surprised, as the hotel that she works from is pretty much shut down.) As much as I could really use some `special attention` right now, well, guess I`ll just have to do with lots of lube and kleenex!


Oct 29, 2017
Jesus fucking christ there are a lot of dumb fucks in this thread, I can't comprehend how you even have enough money to hobby with how fucking stupid you are.

For the moron who says that other countries contained the outbreak without shutting everything down. First off, that's false, at least some aspects of society were shut down even for those few East Asian countries like Taiwan, Singapore and Korea that seem to have a handle on things so far and haven't required as heavy social distancing measures. To be clear, they are still social distancing. They were able to do this because they were FAR more proactive in every single aspect of mitigating the problem when it was a smaller problem (testing, stock piling resources, tracking, the list goes on). We are far far far past the point of mitigation. The growth of new cases is increasing exponentially, the only way to get that down is through heavy suppression, that is, locking things down. What morons are failing to understand is that the longer we ignore heavy suppression, the longer this will go on. If you want to read more on the strategy we NEED to take to get this situation under control take a look at this:

Note that we don't have to be doing this for a year, once we get the numbers down to something manageable we can implement strategies to keep them down while resuming, mostly, normal life.

Let's put some things into perspective, the mortality rate for this virus is thought to be roughly 3%, newer studies basing figures off of Korea suggest its closer to 1%. You may think, eh, what's 1%, 1% is HUGE! That makes this virus 10x more deadly than the flu. Not only is it more deadly, it's also much more contagious.

Canada has roughly 38 million people, 1% is 380,000 people, meaning 380,000 people will die. That's not spread over a year either, with how contagious this virus is that would be over a matter of months. Let's say its 3 months, roughly 90 days. That mean 4222 people will die per day! Numbers that high will completely overwhelm and lead the health care system to collapse. This leads to even more deaths because people who need medical attention won't be able to get it because we won't have a health care system at that point. Think about the number of bodies that is, where the fuck would you even put all those people? You just going to line the streets with bodies? You going to fill the Skydome with bodies? People who are crying about the economy should realize that letting things just take their course would devastate the economy far more.

Do the right thing, take this shit seriously and stay the fuck home. We can totally get a handle on this but for that to happen everyone needs do their share.


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Canada has roughly 38 million people, 1% is 380,000 people, meaning 380,000 people will die. That's not spread over a year either, with how contagious this virus is that would be over a matter of months. Let's say its 3 months, roughly 90 days. That mean 4222 people will die per day! Numbers that high will completely overwhelm and lead the health care system to collapse. This leads to even more deaths because people who need medical attention won't be able to get it because we won't have a health care system at that point.
The width of your brush is too broad about 380,000 deaths. A much more detailed study is required to determine the true percentage. Age, sex, pre-existing medical conditions etc. need to be taken into account to calc the mortality rate.

To that end, we do need to give a complete shut down a try, too bad a large percentage of people are not going to play along so it defeats the purpose. The virus will spread. Best we can do is flatten the curve so the pandemic lasts longer, with less people dead.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Canada has roughly 38 million people, 1% is 380,000 people, meaning 380,000 people will die. That's not spread over a year either, with how contagious this virus is that would be over a matter of months. Let's say its 3 months, roughly 90 days. That mean 4222 people will die per day! Numbers that high will completely overwhelm and lead the health care system to collapse. This leads to even more deaths because people who need medical attention won't be able to get it because we won't have a health care system at that point. Think about the number of bodies that is, where the fuck would you even put all those people? You just going to line the streets with bodies? You going to fill the Skydome with bodies? People who are crying about the economy should realize that letting things just take their course would devastate the economy far more.
Good time to be in the funeral business. They'll make a killing!
Toronto Escorts