Ashley Madison

Should we halt Immigration until we can get it under control.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Given you replied to quotes me. I’m assuming that’s “aimed” at me. Especially because you said “which you’ve failed to do”If I’m wrong my bad.

Have you not been reading/following? Are you having difficulty understanding the the words…. Going all the way back to page 1……and consistently throughout…we need them…..and I’ll quote myself “for both economic growth….and tax revenue”….So we can continue to provide the services..let alone hope someday debt/gdp ( if you even know what that’s is)

This is now about the 16th post of yours that’s derailing the thread because you seem to have..

Let me dumb this down for you.
You do I hope understand basic economic principles about economies, economic growth?

Ever looked at the rust belt in the US???????
Do you know what happens when a province or country relies way too heavily on one small area, or one part of the economy? We’ll look at Alberta…..

So rather than actually try to fix the problem, diversity…diversify. Your solution is to keep throwing money at the GTA, so that more and more ( including people that live in parts of Canada withering in the vine) head there??????? Have the last 20 years not shown you how that goes?

definition of insanity?

The biggest problem facing us, is convincing those who control the purse strings to a) stop ignoring other parts of the country, b) invest in other parts of the country for a change and c) convince voters to realize there’s more to Canada than the center of the universe.

we should probably start with electoral reform, proportional representation. Also mentioned.
That's it?
Your solution to the immigration issues is just to spend less money on Toronto?
What a well thought out and useless plan.

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
That's it?
Your solution to the immigration issues is just to spend less money on Toronto?
What a well thought out and useless plan.
what a fool, can’t read, doesn’t actually know how discuss things. Has to resort to personal attacks etc and so on.

obviously you didn’t read, or can grasp. We need to give people reasons to want to live and work…somewhere else



Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
It's not an either / or question w Dooffo, is it?
Well let's be honest here...DoFo has been shitting the bed...but are we gonna limit this conversation to DoFo? it seems like every province is getting fucked....I think the shit rolls from above DoFo's guys just don't want to admit it...
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Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
Well let's be honest here...DoFo has been shitting the bed...but are we gonna limit this conversation to DoFo? it seems like every province is getting fucked....I think the shit rolls from above DoFo's guys just don't want to admit it...
The “gta”…

I have no doubt many here are sick of JT and the liberals pandering to Quebec too…but can’t seem to grasp….

“Nuff said”


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
what a fool, can’t read, doesn’t actually know how discuss things. Has to resort to personal attacks etc and so on.

obviously you didn’t read, or can grasp. We need to give people reasons to want to live and work…somewhere else

Clearly you can't read well yourself as there was no personal attack, just an attack on something you claimed was a plan but was so vague and poorly thought out as to be cartoonish.
If you think this is the way to go add some details.

Where do you want to spend money?
On what are you spending?
Why will that make immigrants want to move there?
How does Toronto then get by with less money?


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009

Urbanization is happening everywhere.
So what money do you spend where to make immigrants want to move there?
Oh definitely....there's no stopping developments outside the GTA, so why are we keeping refugees in the GTA or big cities? I'm pretty sure any town outside of GTA would gladly take on the funding...Imagine leaving a war torn country only to be exposed to domestic violent crimes in the GTA....If we're really hellbent on spending money on immigration and refugees at least house them somewhere...the more populated GTA has become, the worse it gets....
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Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
Oh definitely....there's no stopping developments outside the GTA, so why are we keeping refugees in the GTA or big cities? I'm pretty sure any town outside of GTA would gladly take on the funding...Imagine leaving a war torn country only to be exposed to domestic violent crimes in the GTA....If we're really hellbent on spending money on immigration and refugees at least house them somewhere...the more populated GTA has become, the worse it gets....

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
Just look at some places outside the GTA
south west Ontario. Decimated by job losses no one cares about. Today, all kinds of junkies etc.

Once home to a lot of factories. Landsdowne street these days?

Ford at least is trying to bring some economic activity back to Windsor now….

but there is oh, so much more. In Ontario and Canada…

That said, whether refugees, immigrants or citizens flooding the gta ( not to mention the homeless everyone’s bellyaching about).

we believe in freedom do we not? So what’s going to keep them…in “Manitoba”….the Maritimes ( we kind of tried to get something of an energy sector going there but um, politics and pandering got in the way)….

Northern Ontario…
There are reasons they always vote NDP and want to separate…”just saying”…

They kind of want to separate too. From Quebec and um…Ontario..

I’m almost tempted to go looking for threads about the vote buying in Quebec. I might even laugh at comments over SNC….and how people here talk about that, and or Quebecers.

who by the way, get extra seats….
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Just look at some places outside the GTA
south west Ontario. Decimated by job losses no one cares about. Today, all kinds of junkies etc.

Once home to a lot of factories. Landsdowne street these days?

Ford at least is trying to bring some economic activity back to Windsor now….

but there is oh, so much more. In Ontario and Canada…

That said, whether refugees, immigrants or citizens flooding the gta ( not to mention the homeless everyone’s bellyaching about).

we believe in freedom do we not? So what’s going to keep them…in “Manitoba”….the Maritimes ( we kind of tried to get something of an energy sector going there but um, politics and pandering got in the way)….

Northern Ontario…
There are reasons they always vote NDP and want to separate…”just saying”…


I’m almost tempted to go looking for threads about the vote buying in Quebec. I might even laugh at comments over SNC….
You'd want immigrants to go where there are no jobs like Peterborough and London but not where the government is investing like Windsor?
This is really unclear.

Where do you want to spend money?
On what are you spending?
Why will that make immigrants want to move there?
Do you want to tell immigrants where they have to live?
How does Toronto then get by with less money?


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2017
1. Massive unnecessary overspending during the covid hysteria. Devaluing our currency while running up record levels of debt, inflation, interest rate hikes, unaffordable housing for many etc. Cost of living very expensive. Taxes up to our noses.

2. Carbon tax and other unrealistic “climate change” initiatives that end up putting more $ for the govt to misuse/launder etc.

3. Money laundering over $8 billion for a foreign proxy war with no end in sight. Ukraine is just a pawn. Zelensky himself banned the opposition party in his own country - but hey guys this is for democracy! Lmfao peak irony. Like JT, all these criminals are a walking contradiction.

4. Bringing in massive number of refugees with no plan, no increased infrastructure. Essentially devaluing our culture among other things. That GTA traffic nightmare? Its gona get worse.

5. Divisive ideology on LGBTQ where youre a bigot for wanting them to leave the kids alone. And more unnecessary wasteful spending.

6. Criminals out on bail allowed to roam the streets killing innocent bystanders with illegal guns in broad daylight, or stab people on the TTC etc. Now we have tent cities like SF or Vancouver.

7. Housing crisis - out of control immigration with no plan is a contributor.

Our standard of living is trending towards being the worst among developed nations. Dont let the left fool you - our GDP per capita growth (the real benchmark) is last.

But you know what? Everyone that stood by and conformed to the covid insanity, and those who continue to support all the subsequent govt narratives deserve this. Bunch of stupid fucks. Once the feds get ousted in 2025, guess who is gona have to clean up this mess and then hear the left bitch when we have to cut spending due to historic debt levels? We have no fiscal responsibility and our future generations will be paying for it. The lack of foresight of so many is astounding, but then again many Canadians have no spine and/or are way too woke - we feel morally superior but the joke is on us internationally.

Spoiler alert: this was all by design. The feds dont give AF about anyone but their wallets and ideology. We already saw everyone bend over when it came to medical informed consent. That was just a feeler test too.

This analysis is spot on. Thank God we have some adults on this forum.
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Well-known member
Jan 9, 2017
The problem with Not Getting Younger is that he does not finish his sentences. It is like reading a verse from a rap song. Often times he agrees with you but then argues the point as if you are disagreeing with him. lol.

What he is saying is that the province should spend money investing in other cities that are sparsely populated to bring jobs, infrastructure and housing to those cities, so that immigrants don't just flock to Toronto but have other options. Atleast that is what I think he is saying. Which isn't entirely disagreeable.

Will it happen though? That is a long shot and possibly a long term project. In the short term, Toronto will inevitably be the city immigrants come to and I don't see that changing any time soon.
Most immigrants tend to flock to the big cities like Toronto and Vancouver where the majority are POC. They feel a sense of "home".


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
In the short term, Toronto will inevitably be the city immigrants come to and I don't see that changing any time soon.
It won't be long term....The big city dream attracts new comers...that's a big contributor...once new comers adapt to living in the big city, its hard for them to move again...those who are moving out of the GTA are the ones who are sick and tired of all the shit that's going on...the new comers will take what's going right now as normal everyday's just going to get worse...Tory left Chow a city in shambles...


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
You're fine with the status quo? You must be a multi-millionaire, good on you sir 👏
I have no idea where you got that from, but I was being cheeky. My point is if we stop or slow down immigration, then the only way to grow the workforce and economy is to:

1. Have more babies to grow the overall population and provide tax and other incentives for doing so.
2. Those babies need to go into sectors that supposedly have worker shortages to get housing, infrastructure, etc built.

Would we want to allow the government to dictate these things? How do you propose to address those issues short of forcing people?

Someone else pointed correcltly pointed out that even experts can't agree on the ideal number of people to bring in, if it should be increased or decreased or stopped completely. Yet people here know better than the experts.

Here's how I see the problem and I admit it's an imperfect analogy since there are lots of other factors with immigration. If you slow down to a crawl in the middle lane on the 401, the highway will be jammed all day long because the following cars have to slow down in the same spot. It will takes hours for the log jam to clear. We see that in systems in the private and public sectors. Once there's a slow down or stoppage those systems grinds to a halt and take time to get going again.
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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
So, immigration which is now 500,000 a year, most of which is heading to the GTA. And not just this year…every year…until something is done….Some think we should halt it. Because we don’t have the housing, because we don’t have the services etc etc…think hard about that. You think “you” don’t have it???

.Not understanding why we need it…..and then going through that…Not sure why you’re posting that. Go back to page 1 or 2? I already knew that. One of the first, no actually the first to point out we are getting older. Or have you not been reading along???

Then looking at “why” they do. Jobs… Is derailing the thread????….and the scarcity of them “everywhere else”.is derailing the thread??

when without having at least an idea of why that is….is derailing it?

Kind of hard to hope for a fix………if we can’t get the politicians….who control the purse strings…… spend god awful amounts of money somewhere else…...because if your whining that you don’t have the housing, the infrastructure, the services, the jobs…..

You were the one, that wouldn’t accept………That they all, throw god awful amounts at the GTA ( and friends) letting other areas rot, kill them ( like Alberta today) central/small town Ontario 2003-2012…..for your votes…

And you to explorerzip. “You” are not the only person, or the most important in Canada..your votes though?????

You need to work on your writing skills because you're jamming a whole lot of ideas into one un-ending sentence. That's why you're not getting your points across and need to repeatedly repeat yourself repeatedly. No wonder there's so much frustration. That's not a personal attack BTW. I'm just pointing it out to you so hopefully there won't be so many misunderstandings.

1. "Because we don’t have the housing, because we don’t have the services etc etc…think hard about that. You think “you” don’t have it??? Think hard about what? Are you're referring to services in the GTA vs the middle of nowhere?

2. .Not understanding why we need it…..and then going through that…Not sure why you’re posting that. Go back to page 1 or 2? I already knew that. One of the first, no actually the first to point out we are getting older. Or have you not been reading along??? We agree that we need immigration.

3. Then looking at “why” they do. Jobs… Is derailing the thread????….and the scarcity of them “everywhere else”.is derailing the thread?? Does finding the reasons why people gravitate to the GTA change the situation? Do those reasons help increase the number of grads going into sectors with worker shortages? I know that you're trying to find root causes to these problems, which is important. On the other hand, what's the plan of action once we find those root causes? Maybe you're suggesting that we can't do anything until we find out all the root causes?

4. Kind of hard to hope for a fix………if we can’t get the politicians….who control the purse strings…… spend god awful amounts of money somewhere else…...because if your whining that you don’t have the housing, the infrastructure, the services, the jobs….. So what's the solution to those problems? If there's a shortage of workers in multiple sectors, then you already know that we can't restrict the supply of people coming in. The alternative is to somehow convince people to start having multiple kids and place them in sectors that are facing shortages.

5. And you to explorerzip. “You” are not the only person, or the most important in Canada..your votes though????? I'm obviously not the only or most important person in Canada. Nor did I choose the system that makes the GTA votes have greater weight than anywhere else. I understand where your frustration is coming from though. Every system whether in public or private has inefficiencies and just dumb things that slow things down. I deal with that on a daily basis where I have to redo work multiple times because where the process is broken or other people not doing their job. I can scream as loudly as you are, but I still have to get my job done somehow.

I see what you're been talking about in the same way. Yes, the system is broken in a million different ways. We can spend years or decades pressing for electoral, immigration, tax reform and not build a single home, or KM of transit, or hospital bed, etc.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
Exactly! We'd have to become China in order to make that happen.

A lot of people dont like immigrants particularly, POCs. Perhaps they don't like the demographic change it brings or the cultural changes it brings. But they try to rationalize it by saying we don't have enough housing, the city is in dire straits etc.,
I really wonder if some want to go in that direction. Lots of complaining about government mandates and lockdowns yet seem to want them to dictate where people live, what to study or how many kids to have.

People always complain about the high cost of living. It's ironic though given that if we're on this board, it's more than likely we have enough disposal income to live here. I honestly don't get how the solution to housing and worker shortages is to restrict the supply of people coming in. It boggles my mind how so many people refuse to see that.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
I dont know why people keep talking about the GTA when it comes to immigration. I mean 25% of CANADA lives in the GTA. lol. Perhaps that is why people come here? lol.
The group at Timmies need something to talk about and the GTA is always an easy target.
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Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
1) if the gta, which has more housing, more services, more infrastructure can’t handle the influx than everyone else…And quite obviously it can’t…What makes anyone think anyone else can…..and if we hope to spread them out. What’s it going to take to accomplish that? $$$$$$$$$$$ and lots of it?

2) You do, many do. Read the post before…

3) Of coarse it matters. Quite a bit. Because if we don’t…how can we know ( for lack of better words) what’s going to help…work…Do we have endless supplies of money and 20 more years of people flocking to the area?

4) Do you see birth rates increasing? Women are having children later and later in life. “Busy lives, careers”…then there’s the cost of having 3-4 kids…and kind of like placing people in “Sudbury”……or Kingston Ont, or Regina….why would they stay, if there’s few jobs, little infrastructure/services…Do we start chaining them?

5) Yes cities are important. The GTA too. But we are where we are. Because for too many years, politicians who need the seats, have catered to the whims, wants, whines and needs of just a few. While ignoring ( or killing) so much else. Let’s call that vote buying…..while the voters in those areas………stick their heads in the sand…I can point to central and Sw Ontario 2003-2010…I can point to Alberta today..

For illustration I can point to Hydro rates here….people outside the gta were howling by 2007…… wasn’t until years later people in the 416/905 started howling…and then 2014 when the 416/905 had finally had enough and the liberals were in danger of losing….before Wynne even admitted it was a mess…( has that been fixed yet)……..

Carbon taxes….????????????

despite having no money, and needing to raise revenue (taxes let call that) the 905 crying about tolls on the 412/418 and Ford caving. I can point to sooooooooooo job losses elsewhere but when GM in the 905 threatened to close……And much more…so the point there. In the end, is it not on voters to think about what’s best? Look towards Alberta…

And First past the post is badly broken….
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