I have a problem with anyone being hanged...
I think Bush is an idiot pure and simple - it's the puppeteers behind him that I fear have more sinister motivations - however these motivations could not be labeled as "war crimes".
Here's a different perspective for you.
I had a regular cab driver during the Iraq war. He was from Tikrit - Sadam's home town.
He escaped Iraq on foot a few years prior and made his way to Canada.
We would chat daily about the war, as I had somewhat of a CNN addiction and a keen interest in not only in CNN's pro-American side of the story - but also in the Iraqi perspective.
He told me stories of what his life in Iraq was like. Told me stories of Saddam's brother who would walk into the street and chose women for his men to bring to him so he could rape them.
Two of his brothers were killed at the hands of Saddam's army.
His family remained in Iraq and he tried to speak with them daily. They were terrified and so was he.
As the initial stage of "Operation Iraqi Freedom" was coming to a close -the day after statue of Saddam came down my driver picked me up clearly in a state of bliss.
On the front seat beside him was a copy of TIME magazine with a picture of Bush on the cover. He kissed the magazine repeatedly and called Bush an angel sent by God.
I'm not sure of his ethnic background - I would assume he was a Shiite.
Saddam Hussein was an evil man who ordered terror and genocide unto his own people. He needed to be outed from power - although the method used to "out" him was wrong. I'm not sure of how else it could've been done.
Clearly the Bush and Co.'s motivations to invade Iraq were not to "free" the Iraqi's from terror - if this were the case we would see action in other areas of the world where people were/are being subjected to genocide and terror. Darfur and Rwanda would be given the same level of priority as Iraq if Bush's motivations were simply humanitarian.
Clearly the motivations were not related to terrorism as the terrorists threatening the US were not from Iraq.
Bush is guilty in lying to his people and to the UN about the real reasons why this invasion was necessary in his (and in his advisors') eyes. Saddam Hussein, terrorism, and fictional WMDs were simply a mirage.
These motivations to invade were undoubtedly self-serving - be they economic or revenge on behalf of Bush Sr. "Why we Fight" is an excellent documentary detailing the impact of war on the US's economy - without even getting into the oil debate or Haliburton contracts, etc.
The high death toll resulting from this war was clearly due to poor planning and execution. The war in Iraq was/is clearly unjust - but Bush's actions cannot be considered to be "war crimes". Hussein's most-certainly were.
However, hanging is still a bit too barbaric for my liking regardless of how evil one's actions may have been.
I think Bush is an idiot pure and simple - it's the puppeteers behind him that I fear have more sinister motivations - however these motivations could not be labeled as "war crimes".
Here's a different perspective for you.
I had a regular cab driver during the Iraq war. He was from Tikrit - Sadam's home town.
He escaped Iraq on foot a few years prior and made his way to Canada.
We would chat daily about the war, as I had somewhat of a CNN addiction and a keen interest in not only in CNN's pro-American side of the story - but also in the Iraqi perspective.
He told me stories of what his life in Iraq was like. Told me stories of Saddam's brother who would walk into the street and chose women for his men to bring to him so he could rape them.
Two of his brothers were killed at the hands of Saddam's army.
His family remained in Iraq and he tried to speak with them daily. They were terrified and so was he.
As the initial stage of "Operation Iraqi Freedom" was coming to a close -the day after statue of Saddam came down my driver picked me up clearly in a state of bliss.
On the front seat beside him was a copy of TIME magazine with a picture of Bush on the cover. He kissed the magazine repeatedly and called Bush an angel sent by God.
I'm not sure of his ethnic background - I would assume he was a Shiite.
Saddam Hussein was an evil man who ordered terror and genocide unto his own people. He needed to be outed from power - although the method used to "out" him was wrong. I'm not sure of how else it could've been done.
Clearly the Bush and Co.'s motivations to invade Iraq were not to "free" the Iraqi's from terror - if this were the case we would see action in other areas of the world where people were/are being subjected to genocide and terror. Darfur and Rwanda would be given the same level of priority as Iraq if Bush's motivations were simply humanitarian.
Clearly the motivations were not related to terrorism as the terrorists threatening the US were not from Iraq.
Bush is guilty in lying to his people and to the UN about the real reasons why this invasion was necessary in his (and in his advisors') eyes. Saddam Hussein, terrorism, and fictional WMDs were simply a mirage.
These motivations to invade were undoubtedly self-serving - be they economic or revenge on behalf of Bush Sr. "Why we Fight" is an excellent documentary detailing the impact of war on the US's economy - without even getting into the oil debate or Haliburton contracts, etc.
The high death toll resulting from this war was clearly due to poor planning and execution. The war in Iraq was/is clearly unjust - but Bush's actions cannot be considered to be "war crimes". Hussein's most-certainly were.
However, hanging is still a bit too barbaric for my liking regardless of how evil one's actions may have been.