Taxes are government revenue, not private sector funding.
where do think the govt gets the government revenue from ?
the private sector
do you have a mental blind spot about where the money originated from ?
The laptop I am posting from is a for profit product sold to me.
So would you agree the the private sector participant who provided you with a product you could not cope without has bettered your life ?
or are you still shackled to this Marxist rhetoric ?
The private sector does not do anything to better the lives of the common citizen.
Surfing the internet?
Yes that is a service., provided to you by
a service provider for a profit
And you should thank the profit seeking private sector participants for that fact
Each and every time you dine.
without them you would be dead
What about the ones who aren't? What does trickle down economics do for them?
. the socialist experiment in Canada created far more of those who are not fed well
#2 there has not been any time frame in human history where there were not poor people, you cant fix human nature
a rich and prosperous society can help to a greater extent than a poor society
the private sector donates a lot , go take a look at a hospital donation wall
Nothing. So it does not work.
do not be ridiculous, you spew disingenuous rubbish
The government aka public sector is what keeps those people fed and healthy.
They are also the ones who help us have a good quality of life - free healthcare, roads, infrastructure and so on.
all of which are now at risk because of irresponsible left wing, socialist spending and dependence on unsustainable debt
In 2023/24, the federal and provincial governments are expected to spend $81.8 billion on interest payments.
which can not be spent on free healthcare, roads, infrastructure and so on.
you seem oblivious to the obvious
No-one including the govt can continue borrowing in perpetuity
and you are delusional if you think universal health care is sustainable after the loonie left govts borrowed to the max.