Sexual Addiction Isn’t A Real Disorder


Active member
Jul 17, 2007
UCLA Study Suggests Sexual Addiction Isn’t A Real Disorder

A University of California, Los Angeles study suggests that so-called sexual addiction isn’t a real disorder.

Sex addiction, which has been a hot-button issue in the past few years, reportedly affects 16 million Americans, including a number of well-known celebrities such as Tiger Woods, Russell Brand and David Duchovny.

In a recent study, UCLA scientist Nicole Prause monitored the brain activity of 39 men and 13 women—all with sexual image issues—while they were shown various erotic images.

“If you think sexual problems are an addiction, we would have expected to see an enhanced response maybe to those sexual images. If you think it’s a problem with impulsivity, we would have expected to see decreased responses to those sexual images. The fact that we didn’t see any of those relationships suggests that there’s not great support for looking at these sexual behaviors as an addiction,” she said.


Active member
Jan 17, 2004
A study that simplistic does not even begin to describe the complexities of sex addiction. From those in the know, apparently sex addiction is brutal. It totally destroys peoples lives.


Well-known member
Jun 18, 2011
I guess this means that I can't use "sexual addiction" as an excuse for my carnal escapades anymore.


New member
Dec 20, 2010
Like any addiction (sex, food, drugs, gambling), the root cause is uncontrolled obsession. Learn to master your willpower and you will change your addiction into a balanced sex life. :)


Ebony Porn Star Delight
Sep 17, 2011
website coming soon
they can recognize hyper-sexuality in people who have bipolar disorder but they can't recognize sex addiction in average people. this is just ridiculous. its a hard thing to over come if that is all you think about and ruins your day to day life.


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2002
A study that simplistic does not even begin to describe the complexities of sex addiction. From those in the know, apparently sex addiction is brutal. It totally destroys peoples lives.
I agree too simplistic.

Addiction: The fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity.

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
Sex addiction is brutal. I struggle with it myself.
explain it please

it seems to me you orgasm then your desires go away no ?

if they come back too quickly then you have a testosterone imbalance no ?

can this not be easily countered with modern drugs or even diet ?

to go around super horny all the time must be horrible and all consuming


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2002
Like any addiction (sex, food, drugs, gambling), the root cause is uncontrolled obsession. Learn to master your willpower and you will change your addiction into a balanced sex life. :)

By now, the research is clear: Addiction is a chronic brain disease, not a matter of willpower. This means that, contrary to old stereotypes, people who become addicted to drugs or alcohol are not weak, immoral or tragically flawed.

So if addiction is a chronic brain disease and not a matter of willpower, why do the work to get better? Isn’t it pointless? Not so.

Addicts start getting better when they take responsibility for their own sobriety. If someone pushed you down into the mud, it’s not your fault you’re lying face down in a pile of sludge. But if you continue lying there after they walk away, believing that you’re helpless to change the situation, you’ll be in that mud a long time.
The same is true with addiction. It’s not your fault that you have this disease, but it is your responsibility to manage the cards you’ve been dealt and to take steps to improve your life.

There are different stages of addiction:


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
Sex addiction is brutal. I struggle with it myself.
Welcome to the club. Mine is a compelling and total sexual desire towards hot girls. Interesting enough, only hot girls.

How bad is it ? I tend to think of lottery jackpot in terms of number of dances/Mp/SOG.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
explain it please

it seems to me you orgasm then your desires go away no ?

if they come back too quickly then you have a testosterone imbalance no ?

can this not be easily countered with modern drugs or even diet ?

to go around super horny all the time must be horrible and all consuming
All my life I have struggled with sexual addictions and compulsions.

But interestingly enough, after my father died, I went into a funk / blues / depression, call it what you want, where I truly lost all sexual desire. Nothing interested me, sex brought no thrill, no relief, no comfort and hard ons escaped me for the first time in my life.

I have to say, that if given the choice between being super horny all the time, or being disinterested, or maybe some would even say normal - I'd pick super horny all the time. All though it may have its downside, the reverse is truly worse.


New member
Dec 20, 2010
By now, the research is clear: Addiction is a chronic brain disease, not a matter of willpower. This means that, contrary to old stereotypes, people who become addicted to drugs or alcohol are not weak, immoral or tragically flawed.

The same is true with addiction. It’s not your fault that you have this disease, but it is your responsibility to manage the cards you’ve been dealt and to take steps to improve your life.
I suppose the broader implication is that YOU are the master of your own body, brain and soul and if YOU don't take steps to deal with it, nobody is going to do it for you. Actions speak louder than words or prayers. Family and friend support is great, meds might temper the symptoms, but fuck if you don't have the willingness, knowledge and resources to manage the cards you've been dealt and feel sorry for yourself, you're S.O.L. with your addiction/obsession.


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2002
I suppose the broader implication is that YOU are the master of your own body, brain and soul and if YOU don't take steps to deal with it, nobody is going to do it for you. Actions speak louder than words or prayers. Family and friend support is great, meds might temper the symptoms, but fuck if you don't have the willingness, knowledge and resources to manage the cards you've been dealt and feel sorry for yourself, you're S.O.L. with your addiction/obsession.
Agree mostly, but there are different stages of addiction, you have to be ready to stop. Sometimes people need to be "ripe", some need to hit bottom, some feel helpless and can use a helping hand because they don't have the resources and knowledge.
But they must be willing to stop, if not forgetaboutit.


serial onanist
Feb 1, 2012
I am sick to fucking death of the need to give every fucking thing a pathology. I'm not fat because I like food too much and don't exercise - I have a food addiction. And if I spank it four times a day and never leave my basement masturbatorium (TM), it's not because I'm a chump without friends or social skills, it's because I have a sex addiction. This shit gives real addictions a bad name and allows people to pretend that a symptom of their fucked-uppedness is actually a cause. Plus, giving your own particular fuck-up a pathology divorces you from responsibility and agency to change. "I can't help myself. It's an addiciton. It's my neurochemistry and I am completely helpless to control it." ...Fuck that shit.

Art Mann

May 10, 2010
Hey, it's not my fault. The Devil made me do it.

When will people learn to take responsibility for themselves?

All my sins, all my fuckups, are mine alone.



Active member
Feb 15, 2003
I think everyone on this Board probably has a higher than normal sex drive.

I know I do, and I think it is just a physical thing, so I accept it and just go with it. Other than a few binges, I am at peace with my level of activity.

With obsession.... anyone can become obsessed with anything, I do suppose.


New member
Jul 2, 2013
i am sick to fucking death of the need to give every fucking thing a pathology. I'm not fat because i like food too much and don't exercise - i have a food addiction. And if i spank it four times a day and never leave my basement masturbatorium (tm), it's not because i'm a chump without friends or social skills, it's because i have a sex addiction. This shit gives real addictions a bad name and allows people to pretend that a symptom of their fucked-uppedness is actually a cause. Plus, giving your own particular fuck-up a pathology divorces you from responsibility and agency to change. "i can't help myself. It's an addiciton. It's my neurochemistry and i am completely helpless to control it." ...fuck that shit.

thank you!!!!!
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