Sexual Addiction Isn’t A Real Disorder


Punster Extraordinaire
Feb 8, 2005
in my pants, where there's a party
The main problem with sexual addiction diagnoses, like many other behavioural disorders, is that they are heavily affected by bias. For example, one thing that is looked at is the amount you masturbate. If it's more than twice a week, you have a symptom of sexual addiction. WTF??? I'm 40 and toss off once a day, if not twice. You're talking about people who still think that oral sex is kinky and had laws prohibiting it till 2003. And when your diagnosis starts at behaviour to determine the illness, that bias will colour the results.

Disorders acknowleged in the DSM are not present in its European counterpart. Are north american brains different from those in Europe?

As we map the brain, we start seeing certain causes for behavioural abnormalities (depression, OCD, Bi-polarity) while disregarding others (ADHD). This physiological approach to psychological problems is shaking up the psychological community, whose methodologies have not really changed in 120 years. Their method of looking at behaviour and diagnosing cause without physical tests to back it up is putting the cart before the horse.

The real issue is how American culture still treats sexuality as a demon, to tempt with or to blame, depending on the situation. So yeah: No such thing as "sexual addiction", just people making poor life choices.


New member
Dec 21, 2012
You said it its all about balance, all these things give us comfort FOOD ,DRUGS , GAMBLING ,SEX ,ALCOHOL,and been proven to much of a good thing could kill you .


New member
Jul 2, 2013
The main problem with sexual addiction diagnoses, like many other behavioural disorders, is that they are heavily affected by bias. For example, one thing that is looked at is the amount you masturbate. If it's more than twice a week, you have a symptom of sexual addiction. WTF??? I'm 40 and toss off once a day, if not twice. You're talking about people who still think that oral sex is kinky and had laws prohibiting it till 2003. And when your diagnosis starts at behaviour to determine the illness, that bias will colour the results.

Disorders acknowleged in the DSM are not present in its European counterpart. Are north american brains different from those in Europe?

As we map the brain, we start seeing certain causes for behavioural abnormalities (depression, OCD, Bi-polarity) while disregarding others (ADHD). This physiological approach to psychological problems is shaking up the psychological community, whose methodologies have not really changed in 120 years. Their method of looking at behaviour and diagnosing cause without physical tests to back it up is putting the cart before the horse.

The real issue is how American culture still treats sexuality as a demon, to tempt with or to blame, depending on the situation. So yeah: No such thing as "sexual addiction", just people making poor life choices.
You are on a roll today. 1+

That and what nobody123 said is a dangerous cocktail that has lead us to where we are now.


Punster Extraordinaire
Feb 8, 2005
in my pants, where there's a party
katcalla said:
dreamblade, do you remember that article you sent me on sexual addiction? I think it would be very appropriate here.
Yep, and if I could find it again, I'd post it.

You are on a roll today. 1+
I sometimes have my moments... I credit the vodka in my saturday morning cereal.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
I think it can indeed be a disorder but the frequency is FAR less than the number of people who claim to have it.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
There have been low moments for me. Enough for me to say that there's something wrong when I repeatedly make a series of choices when clearly I know they are wrong.

Much like ADHD it's not that it doesn't exist it is just diagnosed too often.
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