seduce and conquer


Reclusive Member
Jun 26, 2003
Las Vegas penthouse
So lavatory...

I noticed that you have a grand old total of 4 posts - why should I doubt your opinion - after all, I do have to give some latitude to a vet such as yourself...


New member
Feb 23, 2004
lavio said:
If you guys think that’s bad listen to this:

“It’s all about the cock! Women were put on the planet to worship the cock! You are the master. You are the commander. You are in control. She is here to do as you say…

Never compliment her when you first meet her. Never be nice to her, and always bring her down of her cloud. She wants to feel your power, she wants to be lead, she wants to be controlled; she wants a man!

Quoted from Seduce & Conquer

CD 4 Track 3

Seduce her mind, get into her thoughts and take her to different states of pleasure. Make her feel connected to someone or something then direct that feeling towards you. Seduce her mind and you will bang her. Capture her soul and she’ll be yours forever. If the eyes are the windows to the soul, gentlemen, then words are the keys to unlocking the windows of a woman’s soul…..

Quoted from Seduce & Conquer

CD 1 Track 4

You can say whatever you like, we all have our opinions, I was skeptical too but, damn, this program works like a dream!

PS seven are you out of your mind? I would take that challenge… You don’t know who S & C is. What if he sends one of his best students or worse what if Dr. Kane himself shows up? I’ve used these skills myself and they work every time. I would love to see this thing go down.


New member
Feb 23, 2004
Re: So lavatory...

HowardHughes said:
I noticed that you have a grand old total of 4 posts - why should I doubt your opinion - after all, I do have to give some latitude to a vet such as yourself...

What part didnt u undstand?... Just cuz im a newbie Howard dosent mean that I dont have experience outside my computer.


Reclusive Member
Jun 26, 2003
Las Vegas penthouse
I stand corrected...

Make that five posts...

Quoting yourself shouldn't count, but hey, I guess God can quote from the Bible, eh??

S & C

Aug 16, 2003
Lavio, what are you thinking? I appreciate your enthusiasm but don't go quoting of the CD's. Lets not forget about Copyright laws.


Reclusive Member
Jun 26, 2003
Las Vegas penthouse

I'm sorry to have confused you - I should have known you were superior to me, since afterall, I can sense your dominant attitidue on your postings.

However, quoting yourself in yet another post tells me that you should perhaps get back and start from computing basics - I would recommend a Commodore 64...

In essence, a relic with little use these days...don't ya think?


Reclusive Member
Jun 26, 2003
Las Vegas penthouse
uh oh...

Lavio, it would appear that someone just took away the gospel music from the choir, eh?

Hey - are you now going to start quoting from an Anthony Robbins tape next?

Which comes to you actually have an original thought of your own, or are you going to rely on someone else to tell you what you should be doing?

Sounds to me like S&C found himself someone who lacks some serious self-esteem.

If I can hazard a guess, you were probably the last kid picked in gym class, right?


Reclusive Member
Jun 26, 2003
Las Vegas penthouse Misty for me...

Ahhhh...Misty...I would hope that in the least, you'd be beating down my door, but whispers tell me that your heart is for someone else;)


Reclusive Member
Jun 26, 2003
Las Vegas penthouse
Lavio??? Where'd ya go?

I guess without the holy grail at your fingertips, you seem to lack the incredible self-esteem you had not 20 minutes ago...

I'm getting the notion that you are feverishly looking for another self-help "listening book" - maybe this one will tell you how to do any of the following:

8-Track Tape Repair
Paralegal Assistant
Dog Walker
Bowling Ball polisher

Or...if you act now, Lavio, you could get a senior diploma in any one of the following...

Commodore 64 repair
Professional claimant

Hurry Lavio!!!!!

Supplies are limited, right?


Apr 16, 2003
hiding behind my computer screen.
lavio said:
PS seven are you out of your mind?
Dude, it wasn't me that bought the CD.

I would take that challenge…
Fine I will extend it to you too if you want.

You don’t know who S & C is.
Yes I do. He's a bullshit scammer and a chicken.

What if he sends one of his best students or worse what if Dr. Kane himself shows up?
I'm shakin' at the knees.

I’ve used these skills myself and they work every time. I would love to see this thing go down.
I think S & C is bright enough not to take the bet.


Reclusive Member
Jun 26, 2003
Las Vegas penthouse
Well Misty...

As for what a man wears under his kilt...well...where do you think the term "bagpipes" came from??????

S & C

Aug 16, 2003
seven not only will I take your bet but I also invite all you Terb skeptics to come see for yourself and watch me take this poor guys monthly pay check. Maybe a demonstration is in order here. Talk is cheap seven and I never talk without backing it up. I will be at Easy and the 5th tonight. You can't miss me! Bring a G note with you and get ready for school.

BTW Howard, why don'y you come too. It seems like you really need some help. Are we insecure... just a little?


New member
Feb 23, 2004
Re: uh oh...

HowardHughes said:
Lavio, it would appear that someone just took away the gospel music from the choir, eh?

Hey - are you now going to start quoting from an Anthony Robbins tape next?

Which comes to you actually have an original thought of your own, or are you going to rely on someone else to tell you what you should be doing?

Sounds to me like S&C found himself someone who lacks some serious self-esteem.

If I can hazard a guess, you were probably the last kid picked in gym class, right?
Howie, If you have ever ventured farther than ure p.c i'd be very surprised. Why does it bother u so much to see people seek and find help? Ignorance is bliss.. I have found a technique that works wonders for me and many people I know. Fear of the unknown would have hurt some pioneers of our time .. and yes howard huges was one of those pioneers ... dont fear life my friend embrace it...


New member
May 19, 2003
S & C said:
seven not only will I take your bet but I also invite all you Terb skeptics to come see for yourself and watch me take this poor guys monthly pay check. Maybe a demonstration is in order here. Talk is cheap seven and I never talk without backing it up. I will be at Easy and the 5th tonight. You can't miss me! Bring a G note with you and get ready for school.

BTW Howard, why don'y you come too. It seems like you really need some help. Are we insecure... just a little?
Old con game. Seed the room. Too easy.


Reclusive Member
Jun 26, 2003
Las Vegas penthouse
well S&C Johnson...

I'm a tad distant from insecure - I don't need to flog merchandise to two-bit wannabe "studs" - my only kudos goes to picking Easy and the 5th.

I find your brand of machismo to be very amusing - you see, I know what you do for a living - you peddle self-help cds to other people who lack the self-esteem to be themselves - you simply come back here and play the whole "oh yeah...I'm more macho than you"...

Got news for you - I don't really need to bet a "G Note" that you are a real swinger - I'm sure you are really talented at trying to have women fall all over you - why do you need to do that? If there is a question regarding insecurity - I'm thinking that it probably goes to the bar-fly who brags about how great he is - usually a shield for something lacking underneath, eh? Again, I get the picture of a guy who was sluffed off by girls in highschool - maybe your prom date left you for that "other guy", you decide to show everyone how much of a stud you are, right?

As for the g-note talk - if you want to start comparing pocketbooks...don't even start.



Reclusive Member
Jun 26, 2003
Las Vegas penthouse

That line about finding a technique that works has a flaw...

Reminds me of that line from Seinfeld..."anybody can take a reservation...the key is to HOLD the reservation".

Seems to me that if your brand of machismo "pays off" - then that tells me two things - one, that the type of woman who falls for your garbage, well, you can have them...they are likely just as shallow as yourself. Two, since you seem to do this like the directions off of a shampoo bottle "repeat if necessary" - why is it that you have to repeat? Is it that the morning after, the woman realizes that you have nothing to offer but some lame come-on lines and have nothing else to offer????

As for Howard Hughes - the point you miss is that he didn't have to impress anybody - he did what he pleased - and was himself, a lesson lost apparently on yourself.

Snake Pliskin

New member
Sep 14, 2003
S & C said:
People always fear what they don't understand.
Thanks S&C! All my life I've had a fear of Cadbury Caramilk chocolate bars! I used to think perhaps I'd been beaten with one as a small child. But thanks to you, I now know that I fear them only because I don't understand how they get the caramel in the Caramilk bar! I'm sure that the answer to the Cadbury secret is out there somewhere, and when I find it, I'll be over my fear! Soon I'll be able to "pick up" a Caramilk bar anywhere I want, anytime I want!

I owe you one!

Next fear to work on is my fear of rotary engines!! :)


Apr 16, 2003
hiding behind my computer screen.
S & C said:
seven not only will I take your bet but I also invite all you Terb skeptics to come see for yourself and watch me take this poor guys monthly pay check.
Are you sure you want an audience for this??

Maybe a demonstration is in order here. Talk is cheap seven and I never talk without backing it up.
Uh-huh. I should take side bets that you don't even show.

I will be at Easy and the 5th tonight.
Which one, and I thought I get to choose the nightclub??

You can't miss me!
I take it you'll be the guy standing alone looking real scared.

Bring a G note with you and get ready for school.
You know pinkies aren't in circ anymore, right? I'll be sure to bring the grand though.


Jan 18, 2002
S & C you're pretty deluded. There are times when it simply isn't possible to pickup and/or bang a particular woman. If you think that any sort of any sort of psycho-babble is going to produce natural miracles, you're reaching beyond your means. I've known guys that can pickup almost any woman in a bar, and they don't do it through any sort of machismo. Simply put, they're good looking, easy going, and charismatic. Women feel comfortable around them, they're confident, but at the same time easy to relax around.

You say that women are the architects of your scheme, don't you think that they'd be able to see through the little ploys then? I'm not saying all can, but many women will. Pick on the emotionally vulnerable and you will probably achieve the results you advertise. In the end, the results you offer are patently absurd. The common sense rules would make many men much more appealing to women than they currently are. Grooming yourself, being more attentive, more confident and laid back are well known rules to being more attractive, no one needs to buy a CD to tell them that.

People would also be surprised to learn how much more attractive they are than they think. It wasn't until well after high school that I found out many of the girls I had crushes on felt the same way about me. Has anything changed since then? No. But I date an enormous amount more than back then. If you want a challenge, send me a PM. I know a woman who's very attractive, in her late 20's, and who's father is worth more than ~$200M. She recently is divorced and one of the most selfish people I know. I used to be good friends with her and I know that there's no way in hell you'll even get past the "How youuuuuuu a doin'?" line. Given her personal wealth, I don't think you need a G note to have vested interest in this venture. Conquer her, and maybe you'll convince me otherwise that your schemes aren't just bravado.
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