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SCOC--- No Consecutive Sentences


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Unconstitutional or too expensive to house?
There’s always some economical motivation behind everything they do. I don’t believe for a single second they give a Damn about the rights of inmates when they don’t even care about the people who are victimized by those who receive the consecutive sentence.

I’ll be waiting to hear the true motivation for this… ugh.
Judges don't care how much it costs and we're talking about a microscopic % of the prison population anyway.


Jul 3, 2020
What just happened.

I'm going to answer the question I asked you earlier. There are gadzillions of right wing lawyers in Canada. Most of them are tax lawyers and corporate lawyers.

Canadian criminal law isn't politically polarized, like in the US. Sentencing has to contain at least a nod to rehabilitation of the convict. That nod can be huge, with a 19 year old first offender with a drug habit who was led astray by bad friends. Or it can be minute with a 35 year old multi-repeat fraudster. But there has to be some consideration. That's the law. It's been restated many times over the last century or so.

But there's no faction of rightie judges trying to roll that back. That's an American thing. Most lawyers who do any sort of litigation know how sentencing law is structured and what's "against the rules". I understand that the Quebec CA also struck down the Harper provision.
Police officers swear an oath that they will be impartial in investigating complaints, but in reality, they often act in the best interests of themselves, the police department, and other police officers, often to the detriment of the accused. There are some police officers who think their job is similar to that of a litigator in civil law, in that they consider someone who calls 911 and wants to have someone arrested to be their client, and they only collect evidence that can be used against the accused.

The Crown and the police department are often 'strange bedfellows', in that the prosecutor in a criminal case is often more interested in winning a case than in seeing to it that Justice and due process are properly served.

Defense attorneys are usually biased in favour of their clients. They will try to win acquittals for clients whom they personally believe are guilty of the crimes of which they are accused, by questioning whether the

Fortunately, most Canadian trial Judges have been chosen* because they have no vested person interest in the outcome of cases tried before them. They are familiar with prosecution and defense tactics, and they are able to filter out the dog and pony show aspects of the legal circus, and consider only the facts and evidence.

* The Legal system is very different in the United States, because Judges are elected, as opposed to being appointed in Canada.


Jul 3, 2020

1. Charles Scott Robinson: 30,000 years

2. Allan Wayne McLaurin: 21,250 years

3. Dudley Wayne Kyzer: 10,000 years

4. James Eagan Holmes: 12 life sentences and 3,318 years without parole

5. Bobbie Joe Long: 28 life sentences, 99 years, and 1 death sentence


Jul 3, 2020
From 1976 to 2011, a "Life Sentence" in Canada for a 'non Dangerous Offender' was essentially a 25 year sentence, with some possibility of parole after 15 years under the Faint Hope Clause.

With the current Supreme Court of Canada ruling, A "Life Sentence" is a minimum sentence of 25 years, with some possibility of parole thereafter.

Minimum life sentences of more than 25 years for some convicts are no longer permitted. There's nothing more to this 'news story' than that.


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
I'm also thinking of the stress it places on the families of the victims. I think Bernardo gets a hearing every two years.
Ya, I know what you mean here, and I think it must be brutal for those families who have to contemplate even the faintest of possibilities that he gets parole.
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