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Scary Moments for Hobbyists


Dec 9, 2010
i did not see many eacorts in my life and these stories are scarying me now. i did not know all the things that could happen. Thank for the good tips
I have learned that you have to be careful anytime that you are in an unfamiliar environment.

These observations were all from work and not "hobbying".

A few years back I was in Trinidad. My flight arrived after curfew, so I had to get a police permit to travel from the airport to my hotel. As I was checking in at the hotel one of the guests took offence at my skin colour. He threatened me with GBH. I looked to the hotel clerk to call security she did nothing. I avoided direct eye contact with the man, but still was vigilant to any movement. Fortunately, his girlfriend walked him out of the lobby. The next year in Guyana I had a complete security briefing. The week before, a colleague had been killed while running - for his iPod. On the second night there were gunshots. The motel door was a hollow core door and faced the street. I slept in the bathroom with the mattresses between me and the doorway. Not much protection, but it would slow a handgun bullet. The next morning, I found a bullet in the door frame. I left on the next flight out (18 hours later).

A few years earlier I was the victim of an attempted mugging in Beijing in broad daylight. That time, I used my command voice to draw attention to what was happening and "convince" the assailant to leave.

In Latin America, a number of acquaintances were robbed. Pants pocket ripped right off. Watches torn from hands. There, I simply did my best to blend in. No watch, basic cell phone, dress like a local, carry id and cash in a holster under my shirt and walk like someone who is not to be messed with. Carry a mag light, It is good to have light and even the AA ones can be used as a weapon. You do not have to be big, but walk like you are dominant and know how to handle yourself. Never drink and wander about.

If you take a taxi/Uber/Lyft be sure that it is legitimate.

Do not dismiss your suspicions. Malcom Gladwell defines "the adaptive unconscious" as mental processes that work rapidly and automatically from relatively little information. These instincts have been inherited to and can keep you alive.

If a situation does not feel right, walk away.


Well-known member
Aug 28, 2019
Since then I never ever enter any room without seeing the girl first. If I don't like her look, the smell of the place, the cleanliness, I leave, walking backward until iI feel it is safe to turn around. If I decide to go in, the ask the girl to sit on the bed as put something to keep the entry door open while I open a door or two and/or a wardrobe door. And every time I have my hand in my jacket pocket with a small can of mace in it. Yes it's odd to wear a jacket in August...
This is mad creepy. I can't imagine how poor a tone that sets for something that should be a fun, collaborative event. Any provider would be well within the bounds of common sense to ask you to leave after beginning a session in that manner (by casing the joint, while clutching what seems to obviously be a concealed weapon of some kind).

Can't understand why someone wouldn't stick to reputable providers and save themselves the weird, embarrassing routine.


Well-known member
May 3, 2014
i did not see many eacorts in my life and these stories are scarying me now. i did not know all the things that could happen. Thank for the good tips
Stick with agencies and ladies who advertise here and you'll be fine. When you start choosing from LL or other places you run into these troubles. Spend an extra 40 for peace of mind. It's worth it.


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2016
Stick with agencies and ladies who advertise here and you'll be fine. When you start choosing from LL or other places you run into these troubles. Spend an extra 40 for peace of mind. It's worth it.
I have a different opinion on this.

1. There are no agencies in Ottawa for SP’s. At least not based here.

2. Spending more doesn’t guarantee anything in terms of peace of mind.

3. Most of the providers that advertise here, also advertise on LL.

Anybody, regardless of their donation fee is capable of the above scenarios.


Well-known member
Aug 28, 2019
I have a different opinion on this.

1. There are no agencies in Ottawa for SP’s. At least not based here.

2. Spending more doesn’t guarantee anything in terms of peace of mind.

3. Most of the providers that advertise here, also advertise on LL.

Anybody, regardless of their donation fee is capable of the above scenarios.
Providers who charge higher rates (or even just standard rates -- like 300 in our region) often have websites and/or active Twitter presences. These are among the foremost traits that should give you peace of mind. Therefore, if you're willing to spend in that rate bracket, you will easily find peace of mind.

Providers who charge below that rate often do not have websites/active Twitter presences (with some exceptions). Therefore, if you're only willing to spend below that rate bracket, you will be foregoing easily found peace of mind.

So there is absolutely a correlation between rates and safety/reliability.

This doesn't mean that there aren't lovely, trustworthy providers who don't have websites/Twitter accounts and/or have rates below that bracket. But they generally use the same advertising platform that the scammers use. The scammers use those platforms because that's where clients looking for below-market rates go to search for providers.


Active member
Jun 21, 2018
I don't have any scary situations BUT, when I was new to this, I definitely didn't take any precautions whatsoever. It took me a few tries to learn what questions to ask, that sort of thing, and this board has helped immensely, too.

My very first experience was from Craigslist, early 2018 I think. Was offering massage with ending, price was right, location was right, woman was mature and pictures were tasteful and representative of her age, etc. I felt safe, so I set up an appointment, went to her apartment, was fine with her looks and all that. But, she didn't really offer massage... if you catch my drift. I was not looking for anything beyond that with a HE. She was nice, wanted to please, and being new to this, I didn't want to disappoint or otherwise insult her or anything, but I definitely wasn't feeling it. It was awkward, but she got me off manually, and I was out of there in 15 minutes. She was probably glad I didn't book again as I think she was slightly confused, lol. Lesson learned, or so I thought!

I did it again with my second time, lol. This time a younger girl, early 20's, offered massage, price was in line, location was good for me. Showed up, she was very sweet and genuine, brought me upstairs. No massage table, lol. (I learned after this, my second time, to ask about that!). Continued on anyway, all good, she "massaged" me for a bit, completely nude, on the bed, then straight up deep throated me without warning, lol. She was chubby/curvy, very girl next door looking, was totally genuine and not fake at all. So I went with it. FS this time, I couldn't resist. Only time I've done FS, I'm a massage guy. Never saw her ad again, she must have been in need of some $$. She was in the process of moving in to this place in Bell's Corners (she said so, and it also was quite obvious, lol). I've kind of half-heartedly kept my eye open for her, but it's been almost 3 years now and nothing. I didn't keep her #, deleted everything.

Since then, I've learned to ask more questions, make it clear what I'm looking for, and also use this board as a reference. I've only seen one woman who does massage/HE only, but uses a bed, not a massage table, and I knew going in. She advertises frequently, and I always liked her look, so I decided to go for it. Experience was okay, but I got a lot of un-asked-for personal information (ie. life story) during the session, and it killed the buzz. Not that I don't care about people, it's just you know, keep the conversation light, especially the first meeting.
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Seriously ?
Sep 25, 2015
Lol about the Lysol wipes.
Yes, even though it is technically "too late" for a wipe or soap and HOT water to actually help, we still do it !
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Well-known member
Jan 25, 2016
Providers who charge higher rates (or even just standard rates -- like 300 in our region) often have websites and/or active Twitter presences. These are among the foremost traits that should give you peace of mind. Therefore, if you're willing to spend in that rate bracket, you will easily find peace of mind.

Providers who charge below that rate often do not have websites/active Twitter presences (with some exceptions). Therefore, if you're only willing to spend below that rate bracket, you will be foregoing easily found peace of mind.

So there is absolutely a correlation between rates and safety/reliability.

This doesn't mean that there aren't lovely, trustworthy providers who don't have websites/Twitter accounts and/or have rates below that bracket. But they generally use the same advertising platform that the scammers use. The scammers use those platforms because that's where clients looking for below-market rates go to search for providers.
You make a good point. I hadn’t considered the social media part of it. That definitely lowers the risk of a bad time.

Is the going rate for Ottawa now $300? Damn I’ve been in the COVID-19 closet for too long.


Well-known member
May 3, 2014
I have a different opinion on this.

1. There are no agencies in Ottawa for SP’s. At least not based here.

2. Spending more doesn’t guarantee anything in terms of peace of mind.

3. Most of the providers that advertise here, also advertise on LL.

Anybody, regardless of their donation fee is capable of the above scenarios.
Sorry i was just referring the to GTA. In 6 years i never heard a single story of a bloke getting jumped or scammed. Yes, there are the odd won't deliver, she's disinterested, smells bad, etc etc. But nothing in the league of the LL stories. And I should have said LL only ladies. (Yes some good indys advertise both places).

Agree cash is not a guarantee but many blokes here who go LL it's cuz it's a cash issue. But for a few $$ more they can see an agency lady and get peace of mind you won't deal w a pimp.

Thanks for clarifying.


Well-known member
Aug 28, 2019
You make a good point. I hadn’t considered the social media part of it. That definitely lowers the risk of a bad time.

Is the going rate for Ottawa now $300? Damn I’ve been in the COVID-19 closet for too long.
I guess it's kind of difficult to talk about a standard rate, because there are options at all levels (for example, there are a bunch of posters here who flat out refuse to pay 300+, and they're still finding companions whose rates work for them). But I've noticed that most providers with websites seem to offer 300/1hr as a minimum session length/price.


Jun 5, 2018
This is mad creepy. I can't imagine how poor a tone that sets for something that should be a fun, collaborative event. Any provider would be well within the bounds of common sense to ask you to leave after beginning a session in that manner (by casing the joint, while clutching what seems to obviously be a concealed weapon of some kind).

Can't understand why someone wouldn't stick to reputable providers and save themselves the weird, embarrassing routine.
LOL. I quickly scan the room from the outside looking in. I don't do a thorough inspection! If it's dirty with clothes on the ground, bottles laying around, reeks a disgusting smell I just say ''Sorry, wrong door'' and leave.

Once I'm in, I politely ask the girl to sit on the bed and I tell what I will do and why I will do so. Over 30 years of hobbying and the only times it brought a poor tone was when there was someone behind a door...


Well-known member
Apr 27, 2020
Best defence is reputable provider.
But you all raise the dilemma. The pimps come at cuz you have cash and likely won't go to cops. Buuuuut.... even if you can kick his arse - do you want to, so as to draw attention that may lead to LE? If you can get away like madmaf did, then good onya to blast his nuts up outta his mouth and get out. He's also not gunna call the cops on you for the same reason. Tough situation. Good to do surveillance too if you have the time. A reputable agency used to always use the same hotel near airport and I'd sit in the lobby (I'm usually traveling, so I got a roller bag w me so I blend in). I then try to guess which blokes without luggage heading to the lifts - or getting off the lifts - were visiting a lady lol.
I used to travel a lot as well, it was fun to sit in the lobby and see the ladies check in. They were so obviously the "workers" lol


Well-known member
Apr 27, 2020
LOL. I quickly scan the room from the outside looking in. I don't do a thorough inspection! If it's dirty with clothes on the ground, bottles laying around, reeks a disgusting smell I just say ''Sorry, wrong door'' and leave.

Once I'm in, I politely ask the girl to sit on the bed and I tell what I will do and why I will do so. Over 30 years of hobbying and the only times it brought a poor tone was when there was someone behind a door...
Wise words from a veteran :)
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Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
The lesson I’m learning here is ....avoid Leolist, and use terb to do some research lol.
This is the most valuable lesson. I’ve been lucky to avoid most scary situations with this approach, despite many years of hobbying. If you are going to use LL (in some smaller markets it may be your only option) stick with reviewed SPs, or if you want to toftt, choose someone with at least verified pics, and/or preferably some kind of web presence (website, TERB, Twitter). Avoid shitty hotels (don’t be afraid to say “sorry I’m not a fan of that location” or “too close to home / work, I don’t want my car to be recognized”). Use your spidey senses and bail if you get a bad vibe. You can always go home and jerk off. If you have ANY sense that trafficking is involved, at any point, stop. Even if you’ve already paid. Mostly to be a decent human and not support the scum who are the traffickers/ pimps, but also these are the situations where LE will focus their efforts.


Dec 28, 2011
my scary story is that Police knocked the door while i just finished with an escort in a hotel. i was sacred to death. after checked my ID and asked me some question, they let me go and kept escort in room. I did not know what happened for her finally. But i had not visited any escort for months since then.
Was this in Minto suites?


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2016
I’ve discovered YFL to be an excellent ahgency in this city who should be supported. Beautiful ladies, nice location in Kanata and fair pricing. This thread scares me away from LL for good.
They are not Ottawa based. And they have locations in other places than the west end (which is a bonus by the way). The ladies do look nice but I just wanted to add that incase people think they are an Ottawa based agency. They have rotating touring ladies but thats the extent of it to my knowledge.
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