Scary Moments for Hobbyists


Well-known member
Sep 23, 2018
We commonly discuss the safety of the SPs here, and rightly so, but I have had some issues in the past. Some scary, some just not very comfortable. For information purposes, and maybe more for some good reading material, maybe we could share some past experiences, and it may help to avoid some in the future.

I can start with a relatively benign one. I used to visit 1 SP somewhat regularly, she felt comfortable to ask for some little gifts, which I enjoyed bringing to her. She also asked me, and probably all other hobbyists to park in an exact parking spot, I was thinking so that she would know I was there. Well, The last time I went, and this was at least a couple of years ago, the item that she always requested, was in the hands of a large AA man, who just slowly walked by my car, immediately after I parked. He gave me a pretty good look over, as he walked by, and then continued along the outside of the Motel, and turned around the corner. So, obviously, I am close to 100% sure that was more than a mere coincidence. I went in and finished quickly and left, never to contact her again. I should have also known before, because she would also sometimes get me to pick up some food for her, and I am pretty sure that she could not have eaten the amount of food that I brought her, weighing in at only about 110 pounds. I hope he enjoyed my gifts lol.

I'll share the machete one later :)
Man, as someone posted, you got bigger balls than me. I would never have continued on in after meeting someone like that outside. Also, I’ve only gone to a motel once and won’t repeat. I agree with those who advise sticking with established providers.

JohnnyFever posted:
“I never drive right up to an appointment. I always park at the closest strip mall, or some place a five minutes walk from where I'm going. You have to assume that any personal information like a plate number can be used to identify you. I don't take my wallet in either, “
  • ditto, Johnny

Anyway, I posted the following in the “Review” section last week. It was not serious but it is worrisome:

I just received a two text solicitation from what I believe to be a provider near Baseline and Merivale. I was shocked to receive these messages - thought this was not Kosher. Since it’s just a suspected provider, I’m not providing further details except for the area mentioned above which might be a place for caution. This I believe was from an encounter in Sep from a LL ad.
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Nov 28, 2017
Reading a thread like this makes me realize how stupid I was when I was first hobbying. I only had one experience where the girl shortchanged me on time and didn't do anything like I asked her to, but I got out of there without having to worry about being robbed or beaten up. Just an educated waste of money.

Although I also really only see established people or MPs, and then if they go indy I'll usually partake. So I already have an established rapport and feel way more trust that way.


Well-known member
Apr 27, 2020
I guess I started this, because 90% of the 411 section is people looking for someone else to provide info. Every new Provider needs someone to take the chance. Again, 90% of the Providers try to deliver what they are offering, but the others are what this thread is all about. I think the greatest appreciation on this site is "to those who go where no man has gone before". So this is a testament to those who take risks for the collective. But, also with knowledge and experience, risk can be minimized, which is also what this thread is about. When I met Mirella, we had an amazing session in a hotel room, but it was completely different when she was meeting at her home. Also though, she was obviously and addict, and that was the unpredictable piece that I didn't know about. The whole "Scary Moment" was so clear, when I saw her hailing a cab outside the Methadone clinic.


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
7 - 8 years ago I walked in at Star Studio as the last dude...8pm..there are 3 ladies and 2 more ladies being interviewed so there's a bunch of ladies at that late...I called in for my appointment and as soon as I got in...maybe a few minutes later there was no doorbell or knock but somehow someone was trying to open the door...the ladies in their lounge room can see two dudes in hoodies trying to get in but can't...they have to call in the cops for it...
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Well-known member
Jan 25, 2016
7 - 8 years ago I walked in at Star Studio as the last dude...8pm..there are 3 ladies and 2 more ladies being interviewed so there's a bunch of ladies at that late...I called in for my appointment and as soon as I got in...maybe a few minutes later there was no doorbell or knock but somehow someone was trying to open the door...the ladies in their lounge room can see two dudes in hoodies trying to get in but can't...they have to call in the cops for it...
Damn, that’s terrifying for you but I really feel for the ladies. Who knows what their intentions were if they got in!


New member
Jan 30, 2019
I'm not a frequent hobbyist and I keep to well-established women so I've never had a scary moment. I do worry, however, that one day I'll be confronted by an angry or annoyed neighbour complaining about the increased (foot and/or car) traffic in their area.


Active member
Jun 23, 2008
Was going to come in here and share some stories ... then I saw the thread ... and ... wow.

Kind of disappointed, I must say. Was hoping for a useful thread with tips/advice, but just stepped into a flame war. Let's all cool this down and relax. Let's keep this forum fun, interesting, and informative.

In any case, I've had several very bad experiences. I've been hobbying for a long, long time and have seen 1000+ providers, so the bad experiences represents a small portion of the total but have nonetheless had an outsized impact on my rules and my outlook.

When I started, the streets were still very popular, though online was just starting to be a thing. I can not emphasize how extremely dangerous and stupid this activity was, both for johns as well as sps. Prowling streets in seedy neighbourhoods at 3am with a wallet full of cash makes you a target for stick up artists. My worst two experiences there: an sp pulling a weapon on me to (rob?) me and me running for my safety, and second, running from the cops after propositioning an undercover agent...
Most of my bad experiences had to do with bargain hunting so I have adopted the following code:

1. Know the going rate and look to pay it.
2. Stay off CL/BP and stick to well reviewed ladies and agencies.
3. When traveling outside of a known hobby locality, just rub one out and take a Lunesta and go to bed. Save your pennies for another day.
4. Take approximately what money you need and a little more to the incall. The rest stays in your hotel safe.
5. Take reasonable precautions to protect your identity. There are sociopaths among us and they may be SPs, agency owners, or fellow hobbyists, you never know who and why someone may try to fuck you.

My scary experience: I was in the Carolinas perusing BP/CL late. I saw an add that was too good to be true. I called and drove over to her hotel to see her. I entered the room as instructed. She was a fake. I sat on the bed facing her on the other queen. I sat for a moment pondering whether or not to just go through with the rip off or to speak up. I spoke up and refused to pay. She got up and said “all right” and walked to the bathroom and made a double knock on the door. When she made that first knock I bolted for the door and raced down the hall for the stairwell. I ran down several flights of stairs.

I went back to my hotel. My heart was pounding and then my cell phone started ringing. I picked up the phone and received the most vile threats imaginable. I hung up. It continued to ring and ring and I wouldn’t answer. Finally, I called the front desk of the hotel she was staying in. I told the manager of the scam in room # 123. I powered down my phone and took a Lunesta and went to sleep.

The point is, I violated every rule above. I no longer have the reflexes to race for the door and the fire escape. I no longer care to take such chances. Leave the hunting to younger men. Be safe.


New member
Dec 15, 2020
Apologies if this doesn't count because it happened outside Canada. A few years back I was working in Dubai and decided to visit an SP off their equivalent of LL.

It was in a residential apartment building, I knocked on the door and it opened.

The moment I stepped in, it shut behind me and I saw this huge black woman smiling very seductively. Which was weird because I thought I was meeting a petite blonde European lady.

I tried to open the door but she blocked me and threatened to raise her voice. Her friend came out of the bathroom and joined her in the blockade. I was extra freaked out because the cops would easily believe them if they said I'd barged into their apartment with corrupt ideas in mind.

Finally, I tried to lower the fee, didn't manage that. So had sex with her (why lose the money completely right?)

It was terrible, I wasn't attracted to her. But I climaxed and left.

Several months later I stepped into a hotel room and instinctively blocked the door with my foot before it could be shut. Struggled for a few seconds (the scam lady's friend rushed out of the toilet for back up) and I pried myself out of the room. Two minutes later as I'm walking outside the hotel she has the balls to text me with an innocent, "What happened, babe? Why didn't you come in?" Because you were the exact opposite of what was advertised, that's why!

Those are the only two really bad ones.


Sep 19, 2019
This is the season of sharing and thank you for that.
You are not alone in this. The first episode of your experience was like a carbon copy of one isolated incident which I have unfortunately experienced right here in Ottawa. The difference is, I negotiated the ransom with the two individuals and got out, walked away with a lesson learned from my TOFTT endeavour.



Active member
Jun 23, 2008
Apologies if this doesn't count because it happened outside Canada. A few years back I was working in Dubai and decided to visit an SP off their equivalent of LL.

It was in a residential apartment building, I knocked on the door and it opened.

The moment I stepped in, it shut behind me and I saw this huge black woman smiling very seductively. Which was weird because I thought I was meeting a petite blonde European lady.

I tried to open the door but she blocked me and threatened to raise her voice. Her friend came out of the bathroom and joined her in the blockade. I was extra freaked out because the cops would easily believe them if they said I'd barged into their apartment with corrupt ideas in mind.

Finally, I tried to lower the fee, didn't manage that. So had sex with her (why lose the money completely right?)

It was terrible, I wasn't attracted to her. But I climaxed and left.

Several months later I stepped into a hotel room and instinctively blocked the door with my foot before it could be shut. Struggled for a few seconds (the scam lady's friend rushed out of the toilet for back up) and I pried myself out of the room. Two minutes later as I'm walking outside the hotel she has the balls to text me with an innocent, "What happened, babe? Why didn't you come in?" Because you were the exact opposite of what was advertised, that's why!

Those are the only two really bad ones.
I had to laugh. You’re a man after my own heart. Since there was no way of getting out of it you got your rocks off and made the best of a bad situation.

Don’t they review these girls so you can avoid these traps? I don’t know how things work there. There has to be a TERB or something? There is TER and ISG?
Last edited:


New member
Nov 8, 2020
In the end of the day paying the remaining was the right thing. Not worth drama these people don't have much to lose not matter how tough you are.


Jun 5, 2018
My first bad experience was in the late 80s. We were having fun doggy style with the loud music, and never heard the guy approaching me and got sucker punched. Dizzy but still ''there'' enough to realize I was in trouble I rolled off the bed, got in a crouch position and as the guy was coming to me, drove my fist in his junk going upward. Put my jeans, took my shoes and ran off. Ist lesson: at incalls, always have your back on the wall, facing the open areas.

Second bad experience. Early 90s, I entered the room without ensuring the girl was who she advertised to be. Got caught with a closed door, an ugly crackhead and a guy with a gun. Gave her the money, slowly unlocked the door and left. I promised myself I would never get caught short again.

Since then I never ever enter any room without seeing the girl first. If I don't like her look, the smell of the place, the cleanliness, I leave, walking backward until iI feel it is safe to turn around. If I decide to go in, the ask the girl to sit on the bed as put something to keep the entry door open while I open a door or two and/or a wardrobe door. And every time I have my hand in my jacket pocket with a small can of mace in it. Yes it's odd to wear a jacket in August...

And I never park wherever I'm instructed.

And if it's at a motel, I always arrive 30-40 minutes prior to and watch the door to see who comes in and out. If I see what I believe to be a pimp, I'm out.

As I get older, since I have less testosterone, I tend to veer towards MAs with a special menu, even if it costs more.

I've had many more good experiences than bad. It's just that the bad ones could have had a terrible impact on my life expectancy.


Well-known member
Nov 29, 2020
...And if it's at a motel, I always arrive 30-40 minutes prior to and watch the door to see who comes in and out. If I see what I believe to be a pimp, I'm out.
This is genius. Never thought to get their early for reconnaissance.
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Well-known member
Feb 19, 2013
This is genius. Never thought to get their early for reconnaissance.
Always there early. It helps to ensure that you are safe, but also more relaxed going into the session (assuming everything checks out properly).


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2016
Recon is always suggested for a TOFTT at a motel. Hotel, nahhh.

Reputable later with verified reviews...not worth it.

But hotel incall, for sure do recon. Keep your eyes open, note your exists and escape plans. They know you're bringing cash. You're an automatic target. By they I mean pimps, not necessarily the provider (don't want to get banned or some ish).


Well-known member
May 3, 2014
Best defence is reputable provider.
But you all raise the dilemma. The pimps come at cuz you have cash and likely won't go to cops. Buuuuut.... even if you can kick his arse - do you want to, so as to draw attention that may lead to LE? If you can get away like madmaf did, then good onya to blast his nuts up outta his mouth and get out. He's also not gunna call the cops on you for the same reason. Tough situation. Good to do surveillance too if you have the time. A reputable agency used to always use the same hotel near airport and I'd sit in the lobby (I'm usually traveling, so I got a roller bag w me so I blend in). I then try to guess which blokes without luggage heading to the lifts - or getting off the lifts - were visiting a lady lol.


New member
Apr 30, 2020
i did not see many eacorts in my life and these stories are scarying me now. i did not know all the things that could happen. Thank for the good tips
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