Club Dynasty

Sayings You Hate.


Jun 26, 2003
"you learn something new everyday" .... sir, you're 100 years old already what could be so new?
"You understand what I'm saying" ... do you think what you just said was complicated?
"just saying..." ... silence is golden, stop saying.
"do you mind if I ask..." ... I don't mind if you ask, but i mind seeing your face.


New member
Sep 5, 2005
Any statement with the word "synergy" in it. 99.9% of the time, whoever says it is full of shit.


New member
Jul 12, 2003
"Tuna fish". We don't say chicken bird, beef cow or sheep mutton. There's no reason to say tuna fish, unless you're talking to Jessica Simpson, who gets confused if the brand is Chicken of the Sea.


Oct 26, 2002
I was going to say "going forward". Same difference. Both are totally useless in almost every usage, as in "Going forward, we will .....". For fuck sake, we can't go backward in time.
Yeah, seriously. At one meeting, the office ass-kisser was giving a presentation & we counted him saying this useless phrase 10 times in 8 minutes. If we had had alcohol with us, we'd have made it a drinking game.


Aug 24, 2012
Take a downer folks. Spoken language in all languages is filled with meaningless fillers. How it's said carried the meaning and intent. In some sense, it's necessary that they are devoid of any specific meaning.

dr tongue

Oct 28, 2001
For the last little while, i almost hear everyone use this phrase and it drives me nuts hearing it.
Its a stupid phrase that has caught on and you sound like an idiot when you say it.

"It is what it is"

What the fuck does that mean? That is not a justification to making any kind of point or getting any message across. wish people would stop saying it.

Another one is i get in text alot from chix. "just wanted to say hi" Really? You're gonna text me this nonsense when you know i'm busy at work? Fuck off. If you really wanna say hi, you would call me and say it.

What are some of the sayings you hate?
1. Let's take it to the next level.
2. After thanking someone, getting the response "no problem" instead of "you're welcome".
3. Whatever.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Not a phrase but when did "invite" become a noun? Did you get an invite? Cute at first but that's all I ever hear lately.

I wonder if people call up a restaurant to make a reserve.


"The Gatekeeper"
Aug 29, 2006
"You know". No I don't. That's why I'm talking to you. I wish people would listen to themselves.

Also look in the mirror once in a while. Chewing your gum like a cow chews it's food isn't nice.


Behind the camera
Jun 18, 2011
Whatever! I just popped in to say to hi to troops, and look at this shit storm. Yolo!

Look with all due respect, life's too short to worry about this type of nonsense. Just sayin'. As you are aware people come from all walks in life. Don't judge them, you don't know them. You can disagree with them, not that there's any wrong with that, but it is what it is. Some people are swag, don't hate the player, hate the game.

luv2fress, I speak for a lot of ladies on this board, and while I am sure they are so very thankful to you for having the privileged of sucking your cock at the end of the day or the session, it really is no problem. But no, you want your cake and to eat it too. Like Wtf? The bottomline is you are paying. I know TERB expects everybody here to give "120%". So whatever. I am sorry if I offended you but I am entitled to my opinion. Have a good one.

At this point in time I think going forward, it is the exact same everywhere. No offense but again, it is what it is. I guesstimate that it will never change and I could care less. I get sayings like ditto are played out, but seriouslly, don't be hating. Just go take on for the team and pray she doesn't say "dont' cum in my mouth" or "hurry up and cum already!."

Live, laugh, love. That should be the motto for life. I mean What goes around comes around and Karma's bitch. So relax. Like What's up with the hate? Tommorow is a new day. So..... Moving on......You understand what I'm saying. You learn something new everyday so maybe one of these saying with catch on with you. Do you mind if I ask what the big deal is anyway? If you don't like it, good for you. Don't listen right???? You know.....

Let's take it to the next level, shall we?????? If y'all bummeclot bitches don't like it, TFB. At the end of the day, again It is what it is.



internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
Whatever! I just popped in to say to hi to troops, and look at this shit storm. Yolo!

Look with all due respect, life's too short to worry about this type of nonsense. Just sayin'. As you are aware people come from all walks in life. Don't judge them, you don't know them. You can disagree with them, not that there's any wrong with that, but it is what it is. Some people are swag, don't hate the player, hate the game.

luv2fress, I speak for a lot of ladies on this board, and while I am sure they are so very thankful to you for having the privileged of sucking your cock at the end of the day or the session, it really is no problem. But no, you want your cake and to eat it too. Like Wtf? The bottomline is you are paying. I know TERB expects everybody here to give "120%". So whatever. I am sorry if I offended you but I am entitled to my opinion. Have a good one.

At this point in time I think going forward, it is the exact same everywhere. No offense but again, it is what it is. I guesstimate that it will never change and I could care less. I get sayings like ditto are played out, but seriouslly, don't be hating. Just go take on for the team and pray she doesn't say "dont' cum in my mouth" or "hurry up and cum already!."

Live, laugh, love. That should be the motto for life. I mean What goes around comes around and Karma's bitch. So relax. Like What's up with the hate? Tommorow is a new day. So..... Moving on......You understand what I'm saying. You learn something new everyday so maybe one of these saying with catch on with you. Do you mind if I ask what the big deal is anyway? If you don't like it, good for you. Don't listen right???? You know.....

Let's take it to the next level, shall we?????? If y'all bummeclot bitches don't like it, TFB. At the end of the day, again It is what it is.

well played...well fucking played.


Aug 24, 2012
Whatever! I just popped in to say to hi to troops, and look at this shit storm. Yolo!

Look with all due respect, life's too short to worry about this type of nonsense. Just sayin'. As you are aware people come from all walks in life. Don't judge them, you don't know them. You can disagree with them, not that there's any wrong with that, but it is what it is. Some people are swag, don't hate the player, hate the game.

luv2fress, I speak for a lot of ladies on this board, and while I am sure they are so very thankful to you for having the privileged of sucking your cock at the end of the day or the session, it really is no problem. But no, you want your cake and to eat it too. Like Wtf? The bottomline is you are paying. I know TERB expects everybody here to give "120%". So whatever. I am sorry if I offended you but I am entitled to my opinion. Have a good one.

At this point in time I think going forward, it is the exact same everywhere. No offense but again, it is what it is. I guesstimate that it will never change and I could care less. I get sayings like ditto are played out, but seriouslly, don't be hating. Just go take on for the team and pray she doesn't say "dont' cum in my mouth" or "hurry up and cum already!."

Live, laugh, love. That should be the motto for life. I mean What goes around comes around and Karma's bitch. So relax. Like What's up with the hate? Tommorow is a new day. So..... Moving on......You understand what I'm saying. You learn something new everyday so maybe one of these saying with catch on with you. Do you mind if I ask what the big deal is anyway? If you don't like it, good for you. Don't listen right???? You know.....

Let's take it to the next level, shall we?????? If y'all bummeclot bitches don't like it, TFB. At the end of the day, again It is what it is.

Nice! :thumb:


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
"come on over and we will figure it out when you get here"

no i don't want to come over until we have it figured out. the only reason i called you is so we can figure it, then i will come over.


Active member
Mar 10, 2010
Do you want the change back? If I tip you I'll decide how much. Of course I want my f#%€%#g change back.


New member
Sep 6, 2006
Exactly....think outside the's a win hot enough for ya? (No I usually like it a little warmer with more humidity.) you want fries with that? I want to rent it, not buy it. Never mind.
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